Neo Nes VII : Blut Und Ehre

OH!!!!thanks for the tip...
lol i was allready thinking of a privateer fleet as soon as i read half what u said :). I think that nations should start a virtual blank slate in terms of diplo.
enlightment age is 1600 and 1700... also 1800 a bit (naoleon age is in enlighment age)
your talking about exploration and sailing age, about the mercantlism age... about beginning of gunpowder age?
Sgt.Hellfish said:
lol i was allready thinking of a privateer fleet as soon as i read half what u said :). I think that nations should start a virtual blank slate in terms of diplo.

cant really do that, it will basicly continue what is right now, plus there are things that cant be diplo defaulted, for example the relations between the vatican and london will be ice cold. while they will be warm and happy between the vatican and madrid (do i make any sense?)

yes there will be gunpowder, pirates, privateers, an gradual discovery of new lands.

but dont get too ahead, i might reconsider some things. also i said the ages would be age of exploration, and then the age of enligthment. (the turn events are not following history word by word, is a nes :p)
i never liked the pope anyway ;) old git in gown stealing from europe in the guise of religion pff
can´t wait :D. could we get a small preview?
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