NESLife attempt #3

What do you think i'v been doing the last hour?

Finished evolution charts with names of players and extincted up to the last update.

I would like it if people would from now on write their species name like this:

Species_name -player_name

Would make copy pasting so much easier. Also try writing what are you evolving from currently in your stat, much easier to know where to put ya :p

Colors are by era. For now.


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It is great - tempted to keep "stealing" other peoples creatures to branch things more.. too many continuous lines!
What do you think i'v been doing the last hour?

Finished evolution charts with names of players and extincted up to the last update.

I would like it if people would from now on write their species name like this:

Species_name -player_name

Would make copy pasting so much easier. Also try writing what are you evolving from currently in your stat, much easier to know where to put ya :p

Colors are by era. For now.

One issue: You left out my next creature, Dibbler-Extreme. It's on the post right after the last update.
Finner SkeloSpike: Erez87
Evolved from: SkeloSpike
Genes (2): Spike x1, Skeleton x1, Plankton Eating x1, Swimming x1
Description: The SkeloSpike's skeleton evolved further allowing a new organ to evolve. In the back of the creature a fin was evolved from the growing skin together with the strong skeleton. This allowed the fin to be stronger and harder and allowed this group of SkeloSpikes to begin moving around in search for plankton. Later, after a Muscular design begun to appear in the animal the swimming became much more fast and efficient and now the Finner SkeloSpike is a fast and powerful swimmer who swims the oceans in search of Plankton while making sure predators don't eat it thanks to a spike system going out of his body thanks to a strong skeleton system.

Name: Urchin Finner
Evolved from: Finner SkeloSpike
Gene added (max 2): Slime Eating x1, Acid-resistance (mainly Urchin acid) x1
Description (optional): The first Finners swam across the sea feeding on plankton. It was only a matter of time until the small Photo-synthesizers would not be enough for itself. A Finners group begun to change and adapt. They begun to adapt their table manners. While plankton was still on the menu Slimes, mainly the growing amounts of the Urchin swarm but any other as well, begun to be tasted. Many finners died in this try out. Yet few survived and their ability to resist acids was rewarded by their survival. Now they feed upon the swarms of Slimes, any slimes and plankton when found. And they got a special taste for the Sea Urchin. Their ability to resist especially it's acid made it their favorite meal of the day. Some even collect the acid into themselves and become also acidic beside their spikiness. Their color also begun to match the Urchin's allowing them to hide in it from predators.
Splime I didn't do anything from this new turn.

And abbadon I agree. Evolution ain't straight lines, but more like a bush in reality. This tree goes far but not spread enough. I plan to make the Finners into fish like creatures that will adapt into many environments and change into several specie groups. It will be hard with only 1 evolution per turn as my older creatures may die of being obsolete while I try to develop a new line :p
Splime I didn't do anything from this new turn.

Oh. In that case, Dibbler-Ice isn't colored in correctly. It was in the last generation. That confused me for a bit.
Oh. I knew I have mistakes. Hard to keep up with this :p

I'll fix that, and I ask to look for more :)
I know, my poor dibblenip banch dying off since i missed an update :(

Oh well, i profess now to choose a different creature every turn in order to spiral off more branches!
I still need info of Cazone and Calzone Evolved. Is the second evolution of the first? I assume that not, in which case are they different families that died out?

Niklas there was a Cazone and a Calzone evolved.
Were they related?

You seem to have gathered that they were mine. The spelling mistake was mine, not dafts.
Slithery: North King
Evolved from: Wavy
Genes (9): Plankton Eating x3, Swimming x2, Vibration Sense x1, Eyes x1, Pressure Resistance x1, Cold Resistance x1
Description: Much like the Wavy, these have added another innovation: baleen, a sort of hair-like substance in the mouth that strains out plankton and makes feeding even easier. In addition, the last area of the Earth's waters that remained without them--the colder waters--could now inhabited, due to more fat insulating their bodies. Thus, they were a viable creature to dwell in any environment.

-Remove cold resistance
-Add one new gene Skeleton x1
-Add one gene Cephalization x1

Cephalion: The Farow
Evolved from: Slithery
Genes (9): Plankton Eating x3, Swimming x2, Vibration Sense x1, Eyes x1, Pressure Resistance x1, Cephalization x1, Skeleton x1
Description: The warmer waters were full of fierce competition. It required a larger and more efficient nervous system to deal with the constant threats. The nervous tissue centralized in the head which lead to the creation of a skull to protect it. The creature is slowly evolving stronger limbs using an expanding skeletal system to move much faster.

Cephalization is just the centralizing of nervous tissue at one end of the head. I sort of combined it with intelligence because usually the more cephalized an animal is the smarter it is. Hopefully, it is not too far out.

Edit: Name coming soon.
Name: Braciola
Evolved from: plankton
Gene added (max 3+1 Bonus) Giant Size +1, Tendrils +1, Cold Waters +1, Deep Water +1
Description (optional): The Braciola (plural Braciole) is among the more recent discovered creatures, mainly due to the lack of any fossils at all. The main source of evidence for this creature comes not from fossils, as said, but rather a few preserved specimens encased in ice under the Ross Ice shelf, brought to the surface after the ice shelf collapsed, releasing the intact specimens. The creatures, measuring in at an average of thirty feet in length and several hundred kilograms in weight, are thought to have stuck to the ocean floors, barely rising out of the zone to snag some unfortuante creature sensed by the tendrils. A main difference in determining the difference between a Braciola and a Tenthydra (other than size and weight) lies in the fact that the Braciola has a much narrow mantle, and longer tendrils.

The exact ancestor of the Braciola is unknown, but many point to the obvious dopplegangers as previous ancestors.

OOC: Yeah, I know- ripoff. Oh well, I'm aiming more for a Colossal Squid than any giant.
@~Darkening~, apologies for that spelling mistake.

@erez, very impressive! that chart looks great :D.

I may have a go at making my own tree at some point. I still haven't got around to doing a list of genes and stuff either :(. Anyway, i might be able to update again tommorrow night, either that or the night after.
@~Darkening~, apologies for that spelling mistake.

Points out again that the spelling mistake was mine (I origionally put it as Cazone, instead of Calzone. I assume you merely copied it.)
Woah Dark... how?

From plankton to several hundred kg in weight an 30ft long in one evolution?!!?!!?.

Something your describing is many, many evolutions from a planction surly!


I am against the idea we are discovering larger creatures that already exhist out there.. the entire point is to evolve from the begining surly.

Whats the next largest thing currently anyway for comparrision?
Woah Dark... how?

From plankton to several hundred kg in weight an 30ft long in one evolution?!!?!!?.

Something your describing is many, many evolutions from a planction surly!


I am against the idea we are discovering larger creatures that already exhist out there.. the entire point is to evolve from the begining surly.

Whats the next largest thing currently anyway for comparrision?
Gotta agree with Abaddon completely. If there was no life but plankton previously, how did that thing come to be? If you want something that large, I guess it would be Size x30 or something, Size x1 won't (shouldn't!) buy you much.
First off, I implied that it wasn't a first evolution. I said that there were 'ancestors', but none remianed due to the soft flesh. Daft can accept it if he wants. Secondly, I might have done a little with the weight and length, but I was basing it off the largest creature. Thirdly, shwo me where ANY other species has been required to have "Large size X whatever". What- there are none?! Are you joking me? So yeah, I even covered myself by placing a basic gene there. So, please, come again and try another day. I covered all the whining, and if Daft doesn't like it, all he has to do is ask and I'll change it.

I'd like to point out that no other creautures were forced to show growth in 'size' over time- some jumped form small blobs/splimes into large creatures- did they have to have a size stat? And I did imply that a serious drawback of the size would be a much lower population.
Evolved from: Dripper
Added Genes: Social Behavior x1, Complex Stomach +1
Genes: Cold Resistance x1, Claws x1, Complex Stomach x1, Crawling
Removed Genes: Sponge Eating x1, Slime eating x1
Description: As the species settles down, freed from competition for food sources, it developes other things. Doodlers work together to take care of their young, and have begun to develop their stomachs further. Disuse of their slime and sponge eating traits have slowly bred it out of the population, the simpler evolutions that are without them surviving better in the cold waters.

If it turns out that taking away either Sponge eating or slime eating removes my ability to eat the seaweed things, than keep it.
Jim Morrison: j_eps
Evolved from: Jim2
Genes (4):, Plankton Eating x1, Swimming x1, Poison x2, Piercing Spikes x1
Description: Jim Morrison is an extremely poisonous creature, more poisonous than Jim2, and poisonous enough to be harmful to those with Complex Stomachs. Swallowing one could result in death for both creatures.

Evolution Template:
Name: Jim Carrey
Evolved from: Jim Morrison
Gene added (max 2): Flesh Eating x1, Pressure Resistance x1
Gene removed (optional, max 2):
Description (optional):
@darkening: Well, your reasoning implies that there are large creatures already. Where? All I see are lots of small creatures that you'd need microscopes to watch. Who ever said anything about being large?
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