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New AoE units


Dec 30, 2003
I'm now in the position to convert more units from the game Age of Empires II. If someone wants a specific unit, feel free to post it here. I will see, what I can do. The first 'new' unit is already completed. It's the Huscarl (so called in AoE ;)). I will post it later. First I go to make an in game check. Embryodead has upset me with his offsets :crazyeye:.

Here is a preview:

PS: I still need a master pic for the pedia icon of the AoE handgun janissary. I searched the web, but found only pics of a janissary with a conical hat and bow. Strangely I have played AoE exzessiv then. But I could swear, that I've never seen this guy! However, if someone has a image or knows a link, let it me know!
Sorry to go off topic a little. If you are able to convert AOE units, I was just wondering if you have a way to convert Age of Mythology units? I would love to see many of the units converted to Civ units.
Not so simple, I'm afraid. AOE units are stored as bitmaps. AOM units are stored as models.
This looks very good, much better than the AoK units which I don't like. Not sure why it is called Huskarl but that's another story.
thanks Aluminum or taking on this task. Personnally I'd like to see the AoK Viking Bezerk (to serve as an upgrade to the C3C one).

Also if you could extract the building sets for the Mideast imperial and castle age I'll gladly just take the extracted bmp. I guess I'd just need the three different houses, market, towncenter, mine, barracks, seige building (I think thats all I need). I would greatly appreciate it.
Aluminium; nobody seems to care about the janissary units. We definitely need a janissary unit with gunpowder (except for that Cossacks conversion by Steph).

The problem with AOK janissaries are, that they don't have the unique poshu (the long thing they have on their head). I heard that Microsoft decided to change those graphics as they thought the unit looked too similar to a KKK member, which, IMHO, is completely BS...

But still, that doesn't pose that big of a problem.

So, long story short, a janissary conversion would be great.
Originally posted by Mobilize
embryodead: that is an AoK unit. AoK is AoE 2.. I'm amazed how so many have never played AoE, AoE: RoR, AoE2: AoK, and AoE2: TC

That means Aluminium did a good job converting the unit, because it looks tad better.
Oh, and "amazed"? I don't play RTS games because they are crap. I had an unfortunate accident of playing the first AoE and this was enough.
Originally posted by embryodead
ThiNot sure why it is called Huskarl but that's another story.

same here- he looks more in line with an infantryman of the Byzantine Empire in all honesty
that said, great job, but will the other angles just be the image flipped around, or will we get to see that sword arm faceing us when when he walks east?
Originally posted by embryodead

Oh, and "amazed"? I don't play RTS games because they are crap. I had an unfortunate accident of playing the first AoE and this was enough.

Same here.
RTS games IMHO are crap.

However that unit looks very nice for civ3.

More units the better.
I personnally like RTS, and find them fun to play (good thing for you, or you won't have American Conquest or Cossacks converted units for CivIII).
But I don't think they deserve their name. They are not real time (as the battle / economical parts are not scaled timewise), and they are not strategy game (where's the strategy in them :confused: )
Hearts of Iron is a RTS game, and it is absolutely great....!

Anyways, I don't think I have ever played this game, what kind of units is there, is there specific units for every civ? So that they get their own spearman, archer etc?
Hearts of Iron is not so good, the AI is to bad. Beside, even if it is Real Time and Strategy, I don't think it belongs to the RTS computer games genre.

Your question about specific units, is it related to Age of Kings?
Yeah, to any of these games really. Don't know how many it actually are. AoK AoE etc... Do they get their own archer, spearman etc? Or are those generic as in Civ?
Age of Empire didn't really had civ specific units. There were generic units (phalanx, hoplites, swordsman, archer, cavalry, chariot, etc). However, no civ had all the units : only Persia, Egypt and Phenicia had war elephants. Moreover, each civ has some specific bonuses (ex : Persia : bonus to the hit points of elephant).

It's about the same for Age of Kings, except each civ has a specific unit (some have two).

But it's a bit strange to fight Asian civ, and see them with Western looking knight and pikemen.
Originally posted by Steph

But it's a bit strange to fight Asian civ, and see them with Western looking knight and pikemen.

heheh, and it's even worse when I use the mayas and I have pikemen and crossbowpeople(crossbowman and perhaps arbalest...)
The Huscarl is available now. Look here :)

Of course I mean Age of Kings. There are so many age of something games, that I upset it.


Do you have disable PM?


The problem with AOK janissaries are, that they don't have the unique poshu (the long thing they have on their head). I heard that Microsoft decided to change those graphics as they thought the unit looked too similar to a KKK member, which, IMHO, is completely BS...
Well? That's the reason :lol:. I'm going to make an icon with the poshu dressed janessary.

Aluminium; nobody seems to care about the janissary units. We definitely need a janissary unit with gunpowder (except for that Cossacks conversion by Steph).
Do you mean this unit? I modified it too ;).

RTS games aren't crap at all.. and they do take real strategy. You have to build your empire up technologically and you have to devise some plan to attack your enemies, you could attack with a large force but your enemies defenses could overwhelm you and before you know it you hurt them but you're out of power.

RTS means that things happen true to the real world.. a minute is a minute.. and hour an hour. When you play Hearts of Iron, you'll go through a month in less than an hour.. not real time at all.

I was just amazed because so many people have played AoK, especially people who play games like Civ3. Calm down.

BTW, AoE sucked.. the Rise of Rome expansion made the game somewhat better but not a whole lot. AoK is a good game and The Conquerers expansion made it amazing. The two offsprings of AoE2, Age of Mythology and Rise of Nations are both amazing games with awesome graphics are are most definantly not crap.. especially RoN which is pretty similar to Civ3.. and it's expansion is going to make it way better.
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