New NESes, ideas, development, etc

Europe, I'd say.
In. please.
Indeed, Skilord, that NES seems interesting.
Goddamit I entertained a similar idea but I thought noone would accept it. Of course I'd start it as a normal NES and have a invasion early game all of a sudden. Of course ragequits would follow.
Eh. I might join if I can find time. Really depends on other things that im involved in.
Goddamit I entertained a similar idea but I thought noone would accept it. Of course I'd start it as a normal NES and have a invasion early game all of a sudden. Of course ragequits would follow.
Remember what happened to ComNES II? :p
is this too complicated?

Spoiler :
Role/Organizational Structure:
Economy: 0/3
Fuel: 0

Species: Are you a human? If not, please elaborate. (Role: Only worry about this if you are not a human. The Rafiki specialized the species of their horde. What role did you serve in the invasion force. You have three options: [Land Troops, Pilots, Command Structure)

What is Role about? As an Alien you are already familiar with a great deal of alien hardware and will be saved R&D costs, but some technology may still require research and development for you. Land troops won’t need to learn how death ray cannons work, but they will need to do a little work before they feel confident at the helm of a small class fighter. Trying to use human technology will also incur some R&D costs although they will not be large.

Organizational Structure: Primarily for Humans. Alien species can put their role here. As a Human your organizational structure will fall into one of two camps, either a Nation State or an Independent Organization. As far as starting territory is concerned there will not be a considerable difference.

As a Nation State you are a surviving group of the chain of command who seeks to reunite a traditionally defined nation. Your reputation will be high, especially among those who seek to regain their nationhood, you will also have access to even the most advanced human technologies and their bunkers from the start, although all of your telecommunications have been destroyed by the assault. There will, however, be problems with corruption. (More on corruption later).

As an Independent Organization you are not accountable to anyone and your reputation lives and dies by your actions. Anonymous, Wal Mart or lulzsec are good examples of independent organizations, as is the Mafia. One such group has hijacked a group of telecommunications satellites that provide all of these groups with unregulated internet and telephone access. Your organization is highly vetted, and the command structure is small and efficient so corruption is less of a problem. You may need to do Research and Development, as well as break into secured bunkers, for some advanced human technology.

Population: The higher your population the larger your economy, also the more corruption you accumulate.

Economy: Everyone’s economy is going to start at 3. If your population is big enough for spontaneous growth then that won’t happen until after the first turn. But spontaneous growth is not the norm. It costs 3 points of economy to expand the economy by one. For players starting in South America it only costs 2 to expand their economy, in the Middle East it costs 4. After an economy has reached 5 the player will have to establish exclusive control over some form of reliable power source. There are still some remaining power plants and wind farms around here somewhere aren’t there? Low Efficiency, MacGuyvered facilities can be built, although they may be less reliable. When your economy has reached 10 you must establish a trading partner in order to expand further. To proceed beyond 15 Economic Points a turn requires a reputation above 20.

Corruption: Corruption is subtracted from your economy. I want to list it separately for the sake of complete upfront records, but I worry it might be confusing (is it subtracted yet? Am I supposed to subtract it? What number is right?). When your population starts growing, and your economy is reaching fruition, it’s something you might have to worry about. But at the start of the game it won’t be too much trouble. Let’s say you decide to play as a colonel and his division claiming the right to reunite Liberia. Nation States receive extra corruption, as do players who start in Africa. On the first turn this double whammy would amount to probably 1 Corruption. That number would grow, yes, and having 1 corruption on the first turn is not the norm, unless your population starts very high.

Reputation: How do people feel about you? Are you well known as a force for peace and justice or are you just out to rape their cattle again? Do people flock to join your group, or do they shoot on sight?

Technologies: (Don’t worry too much here, but for your information) Just because you start with the capability of using a technology does not mean that you have access to those weapons or transports.

All Humans Start with:

Automobiles, Personal Electronics, Firearms,

Advanced Human Technology:
(Nation States start with all of these, Independent Organizations may chose one.)
Jets, Satellites, Heavy Ordinance, Naval Operation, Rocketry

All Aliens Start with:

Laser Armaments, ET Utility Tools, Teleporter Operation, ET Armored Vehicles

Land Troop Aliens also start with:

Heavy Death Ray Ordinance, Plasma Weapons

Pilot Aliens also start with:

ET Fighter Piloting, Large Craft Piloting,

Command Structure Aliens also start with:

Mind Control Ray, Plasma Weapons

Troops/Encampments: Where are your population centers, and how many troops do you have at your disposal? You will start with one Encampment wherever you choose.

Spoiler :
Middle East: Between Iraq and Calcutta there is a great deal of fallout from the Pakistani solution to alien invasion. This will slow down your economy, but also increase your reputation with the people who all need desperately to be rescued.

Africa: Disparate groups who managed to unite against the aliens have resumed fighting each other. Corruption is high but captured alien soldiers make R&D a little easier.

Europe: Europe did not come through this well, their hackers do efficient R&D but their reputations have all been diminished by their embarrassing performance in the war of the worlds.

Asia: Everyone who starts in Asia north of the Himalayas will not have their statistics changed by environment. Asia’s still in alright shape, although much of the political leadership and population centers are dead in craters and rogue aliens are still wandering much of the land.

N. America: Reduced fuel collection, increased reputation. Everyone knows that you helped stop the invasion, but they have already looted most of the gasoline and it will be difficult to get around, especially in those big cars.

S. America: Reduced R&D, Increased Economies. South America lost its share of cities, but few aliens landed there or were shot down in South America. On the other hand it is also one of the more intact parts of the map so the economies are ready to boom.

Australia: Increased fuel collection, Reduced R&D. Australia lost most of its Universities in the war, but there are large stockpiles of fuel to compensate for how far in the middle of nowhere Australia is.

Militia cost 1 Economic Point. Poorly Disciplined troops prone to retreat, good for prolonged guerilla combat since retreating never costs any fuel for them. Drawn to Independent Organizations. Can only use basic technologies of their species. (The ones given to all aliens or to all humans depending)

Soldiers cost 2 Economic Points. Can be trained to use any technology you have done the Research and Development for. Better discipline and training.

Horses cost 1 Economic Point. 1 Team of Horses can carry three other units to increase their range. 2 Teams of Horses will cost 1 upkeep.

Every 6 Units (other than horses) will cost 1 Economic Point in upkeep.

Armament available will primarily determine what your troops do, not the specific type of soldier. Most of your armaments will be looted, although you will start with some. If you want to see what sort of armaments there are going to be look at the technology.

Encampments: Encampments do not have to be continuous, in fact for many organizations, such as formal military nation states, and internet based independent organizations they probably won't be. But your encampments are where your population resides and where you construct buildings.

Farm: Level 1-8, adds population. Each upgrade costs 2 Economic Points.
Fuel Depot: Required to store more than 5 Fuel. Costs 2 Economic Points.
Low Efficiency Plant: If you cannot locate a working power plant, a Low Efficiency plant can be constructed for 7 Economic points. A source of electricity is required to produce more than 5 Economic Points a turn. Low Efficiency Plants may require maintenance to prevent them from breaking down, but the amount invested in maintenance is up to the player.
Factory: If you produce more than 7 Economic Points a turn you may buy Factories for 4 Economic Points, they add 2 Economic Points a Turn.
Laboratory: Adds 1 Research and Development point towards the goal every turn whenever Research and Development is available. Costs 6 Economic Points.
Courthouse: Removes 1 Corruption. Costs 4 Economic Points.

Every 4 Buildings costs 1 Economic Point in upkeep.
Map for NESdim - Mihi Est Imperare Orbi Universo (yes I named it after the EUIII mod). It's not accurate, I annexed most vassals, such as the French, Venetian... I also drastically reduced the number of German and Italian states by engulfing the small states into bigger ones.
Spoiler :
To answer your question DAS it really depends on what you mean by asking if Russia is European or Asian. I'd say culturally it's European without a doubt... But in terms of geography its actually Asian because that's where most of Russia's land is.
I was under the impression that the majority of its population is in European Russia, however.
Idea for Evil Genius NES (if Neverwonagame3 doesn't take up on it):

Name / Player (Quite clear)
Origin (Clear, too, depending on your archetypes it might give you an advantage or disadvantage on your Origin Region
Money: Stored in Lair / Stored in Bank / Produced (Money stored in Lair is immediately accessible, Money stored in Bank takes a turn to be accessible but provides interests, Produced is the money you get from your fronts
Minions: Current / Max (Depending on how many Minions you have, certain things may be out of scope)
Minion Loyalty: out of 100 (The lower it is, the higher the chance your minion/s will betray you, either by stealing from you or by calling the different Intelligence Agencies
Heat: out of 100 (there are six different agencies, on per continent (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America), and there is a counter for each agency: heat shows the level of attraction you are getting from them, the higher it is the better agents they will send at you)
Fear: out of 100 (same as for Heat, but instead shows how much the normal population fears you, the higher it is the bigger the chance things may work and at 100 you can try to take over a part of the continent)
Fronts: (all the business you have)
Working On: (anything you are researching)

Looks awesome thus far.

Out of curiosity, how would lead henchmen factor in to the equation (right-hand men, bodyguards, etc)? Will they be made at the discretion of the player for story telling purposes, or do you want to add a stat for that?
Likewise. Loaded question: does Russia go under Europe or Asia? :p

answered already but i would say:
Culture: more european
landmass: more asain
population: more european
religion: more european
administration: european
... i wouldn`t know anything but landmass where there is more asain than european
Basically I place it more in Europe myself...mainly like vruchten described above.
Which is all well and good, but for the purposes of that game, since it's a fresh start and everyone only starts with one small encampment, if you started a Russian nation state or group, say, in Siberia or Vladivostok I'd count it as Asian with regards to statistical bonuses.

Probably the people who live in this society are more occidental than oriental, granted, but those bonuses have more to do with the geography around you than they do with the racial and cultural basis of your population.
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