[NEWCIV] New-old idea: 40 regional civs for Pit's UEM.


Nov 18, 2019
Since I see that it's beyond tedious and pointless to waste time on the Mega Pack, I have a much better idea.
How about making literally just 40 regional civs that would encompass the entire Earth globe?
This, by the way, would HIGHLY benefit from some (comparably minor) reworking of the native_cultures.
Or MUCH BETTER YET, actually making both correspond to each other - that is, switching to a new pattern:

Level One: Continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, N. America, S. America, Australia, Fiction Land).
{No Middle East on LVL 1, and no Antarctica because it has no countries - but could be joined to Fiction.}

Level Two: Regions (Middle East, Sahara, Great Lakes, Polynesia, etc.)
{I'm now literally looking up regions on Wikipedia, and it seems the number is more or less fitting the idea.}

Level Three: Cultures/Countries (England, Russia, USA, you name it.)
{This refers to CULTURES, not CIVS. The roster of CIVS is on LVL 2. I suggest making it precisely 40 civs.}

So it means that you play a REGION, which also means that you have dibs on all that region's CULTURES (but can adopt foreign REGIONS and CULTURES like before).
The difference here is that there will be THREE LEVELS of splitting up the entire map - and that the ENTIRE map is gonna be covered by this roster.
This could be a modmod, in case people still want to play on RANDOM maps, of course.
It's just MY "obsession" with UEM, lol, that makes me go for any way to play it BETTER and DEEPER.

So,what do you say about THIS?
First, how's the IDEA itself?
Second, are there anyone "bored" enough to do at least SOME work on it?
Third, is this THAT MUCH of a nuisance for overhauling the Cultures?
I really wouldn't want to have a controversy based simply on the fact it takes too much work to adjust in-game stuff to this change of LEVELS.
Though given how the very recent change was ALREADY of that type - I do have high hopes.

On the other hand, I see a lot of inconsistency between continents in this context on Wiki.
As in, it's almost impossible to make a valid LIST of regions in any consistent sense there.
So annoying, dammit.
Still, I see this solution as a good idea nonetheless, just harder to implement than what I expected and hoped.
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Fixing that civ megapack mod would first require standarizing location of files within individual civ defines, and then use of regex.

Your idea also is pretty close to what TB planned.

I guess this happen if you develop entire game in all eras at once.

Games like Thrive or Ancient Cities start at beginning of time and then build forward in time stage by stage.
Fixing that civ megapack mod would first require standarizing location of files within individual civ defines, and then use of regex.

Your idea also is pretty close to what TB planned.

I guess this happen if you develop entire game in all eras at once.

Games like Thrive or Ancient Cities start at beginning of time and then build forward in time stage by stage.
The idea of generic civs is years-old, as far as I recall.
My current idea is not to make Continental civs (which means a very small number of them), but to make exactly 40 Regional ones to cover the ENTIRE Earth MAP.
As in, make a literal "Play the World" scenario, so to speak.
This would make it much more immersive than merely playing "normal" civs that DON'T cover the entire Earth map (due to the civ limit).
But if we go for regions, we CAN cover the entire Earth - and also your starting location choice would influence your cultural game play much more than it does now.
And when eventually you (aka the modders team) add "cultural promotions" to UNITS - this will add another level of immersion and battle specifics.
In fact, you could even REDUCE a certain number of less visually diverse units (if applicable, dunno) - and instead make them diverse through Cultural Promotions alone.
Or something in-between, I really dunno.
But it'd be MUCH more immersive to have units with attached PERSONAL culture and religion (and maybe language) - and actually have "interactions" based on THAT.
Like, a form of a much deeper [Surround and Destroy], named something like [Speak Your Ally's Language] or whatnot, lol.
This would include events like [First Contact] that would apply to UNITS as well (loool).
And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.
ALL just through promotions alone, yup.
Given how you ALREADY have Settlers use Native Cultures...
I really have high hopes for this to be a not-so-far-off future.
Hopefully. :scan:
I honestly will miss all the leaders in the Mega Pack..it gets boring facing off against the same leaders constantly imo.
I'm still unconvinced that the "met rivals" list is limited to 40 civs.
So far I haven't had a chance to test it, being busy wiping out the entire Old World.
(I'm almost done there. Only England is left, and France came back as partisans... with Tanks, since I'm already building Sea Tunnels, loool.)
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