New pitboss

I have tried this but Win7 does not like saving the edited file. Is this because I am using the 64bit rather than 32bit version?

Any help much appreciated.

Launch the notepad by right clicking and choosing "run as administrator", then paste the lines and then save. Voila.
I am afraid ReallyEvilMuffin needs to replay his turn, as I had a small accident at home involving someone turning off the wrong computer. :(

Please could you email me the CivStats login details again. I never bothered to save them and I've logged myself out now.

Silly soul I know but I am an old man and forgetful of these things.

Ta, FF
It seems it depends on individual settings for the forum, as I barely have 11 pages in this threat at all.
Human Predator!

I was on holiday and did not play for a few turns, but the final result would have been the same. I might have resisted 1 or 2 more turns, but my fate was sealed!

Early stupid mistakes and a nearby warmonger predator... and this is the result!

Have a good game, guys! :)
Hm, who exactly was the attacker anyway? I do hope he or she isn't near me.
Yes, you are a threat already in this game. :p

LOL, I see what you mean hahah. Excuse my Engrish.

Hm, who exactly was the attacker anyway? I do hope he or she isn't near me.
You can see a lot of events for this game in the Civstats utility at

Few basic examples:

- Someone increases score with 2 points mid-turn while being logged can means he just planted new city.
- Increasing score on turn roll with 2-3 points can means he grew a small city with 1 pop.
- Icreasing score on turn roll with say 16 points can means he researched a tech.
- Increasing with 18 points suggests both events - researching a tech and growing 1 pop.
- Someone dropping score mid-turn while being online can means he is whipping population. 2 point for a 1-pop whip and 5-6 points for 2-pop whip.
- Someone dropping in score mid-turn without being even logged in and someone being logged in at the moment and increasing score after can suggest that the first player lost a city to the second one. The second player losing points before he log out can means he razed the city he just conquered.

And so on. :)
Ancient techs give 6 points,
Classical - 12,
Medieval - 18,
Renaissance 24
and so on.

The main factor that brings unclearness between turns is score for territory because they are added with 20 turns delay.
I pause game for methinkso. Please unpause, make your turn and PAUSE again. I will make finish turn in the evening.
:) I think we can make one more pitboss running along with this one using the moment when we are up to speed on playing pitboss and as a chance to use the lessons and ideas learnt in this one. Plus we had like 4-5 players who wanted to join in this one, but was a bit late. Hopefully players from this one will sign in the new pitboss too and play parallel in both. For example, right as of now, I am in 5 pitbosses, so I am rarely out of civ to play :)

Any likes for the idea?
I'm trying to cut time spent on civ so probably not going to join but I could be a teammate if anyone wants one.
Someone asked for the password for the new Civstats page, and it is "cfcpb2014" without the quotes. :)
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