New Python RFC Like Style Game?

Louis the XIV

Sun King
Jun 23, 2020
Court of Versailles
I had an idea and am curious if it will work, I'm going to test it out as soon as I get to my PC but before I do I was just wanted to ask if something like this would actually be possible.
So my idea is to make a variable called Turn which = 0.
And under the def onTurnEnd function I put Turn += 1, so every time the player ends the turn the variable Turn gets +1 added to it.
So here is the main idea, I make a statement which is if Turn == 10 or whatever I want then lets say CIVILIZATION_FRANCE gets 1 settler and a warrior at coordinates x and y.
The only problem would be where should I put the if Turn == 10 statement. Maybe under def onBeginTurn?
Well tell me your thoughts about this idea!
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