New representation for unit promotions


Nov 1, 2019
I had an idea for civ 6 where, instead, of having a numeric representation to show the number of promotions next to a unit's symbol, you could have a small representation of a sideways promotion tree. The representation would be two rows of symbols representing the promotions taken so far.
While on the map, when the unit is moving around, it's hard to show promotions more distinctly than a simple number. When you've highlighted the unit, the promotions are visible easily. The computer's graphics requirements for Civ6 (and future Civ7) will be powerful enough to render a small 2x3 box with colored/darker boxes for promotions earned. Probably could do that for consoles also.

But I can understand your use case: if I have two or more units who could attack, which unit do I want to attack first, next, and so on? Being able to see something about their promotions *before* I select them would save me some clicks. Even something simple like chevrons > >> >>> could help, without taking up too many pixels. IIRC, Civ3 used stacked dashes for conscript/regular/veteran/elite.
First. I don't agree with '1UPT'. it is very OFF SCALE.
Second. Promotions should be limited to Army or Fleet leaders. and should instead represent commander's focus on units instead of rigid Promo class uses in Civ6 (which IMAO nonsensual. especially when it comes to modding or what to do with obsolete promotions when one unit class changed when upgrading.)
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