New to VP, a few questions...


Apr 25, 2015
Hello All
I just downloaded Vox Populi and am giving it a try. It looks like the game Civ 5 should have been. I started a game on low difficulty (2) just to get the feel of the mechanics. Playing as Morocco/Marathon. Some questions I have:

1. On turn 65 I get a notice that Brazil's culture is dominant. They have 1338 tourism against all civs. What happened? We're still in the ancient era. Yet they did not win (yet). This leads into my next question...

2. Are there any changes to victory conditions that I need to know about? I have been reading the wiki and this forum and although there is a lot of info, I can't seem to find my answer.

Any other advice for a new VP player would also be welcome. I have played Civ IV and V for a long time, mostly casual and recently bought VI but wow ! a glorified board game. I was underwelmed with it. I am hoping that VP might scratch that Civ itch for me. Otherwise, it's back to Civ IV for me. Anyway, thanks in advance.
Cultural Victory:
1. Be Influential or above to all other surviving civs
2. Have 2+ tier 3 tenets
3. Be Content to your ideology
If satisfying all 3 conditions, you can build the Citizen Earth Protocol (costs 6000 production IIRC). Finishing that project makes you win CV.
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