New world scenario

Where do I buy the New World scenario that several achievements are dedicated to? I believe I've purchased everything offered at the Steam shop, but I only have a couple scenarios available when I try to load one: Mongol and one other.
You can get it here (or in your Steam client).
It's called 'Double Civilization and Scenario Pack: Spain and Inca'.

Although must be said that Spain is included in the expansion.
As far as I can tell with having tried the new scenario, I don't see how a person could obtain the 1000 VP victory condition in 100 turns. Is there really supposed to be a 100 turn limit?

Is this a bug from the Mongol scenario that enforces 100 turns?

Actually, it's not that hard, playing any of the civs in that scenario. So yes, there is supposed to be a 100 turns limit.

I also enjoyed that you got a new map each time, it made the challenge all the more interesting, and realistic.
Does only the human player suffer from the surrey "promotion"? (The one that causes ships to lose a health point every few turns? Or does it never remove the very last hit point?

(I'm wondering how the AI managed to beat me to China without having any city state allies to heal the ship.)
no, even the ai gets scurvy, but I'm assuming they get less of a chance to get it
Polynesia and New World (along with the Ancient World) are the only three fun scenarios that I've played.

If you play on Settler it is quite fun, I tried on Chieftain and Iroquois were hard to conquer.

You are SUPPOSED to conquer the others for the VP, and raze their cities for the Tresaure units, also I recommend spaming three ships to get the China VP. If you play as a homeland nation also spam ships since they get the bonus vps as well, I also recommend trying to get the Wonders which I believe Old World can't build.
did anyone conquer europe in NW scenario?
i'd like to try this :)

I'm not aware of anyone. Note that you'll need Piracy to DOW a civ in Europe (unless your playing a civ on the new world)
I did capture Madrid when playing as France, but oddly, I did not get any VP for doing so :\ so I just stopped
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