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check this post conveniently located about half a screen this way ^^^^ (previous page)

seems to be a common question these days ;)

I wonder why so many people are interested in mobilisation all of a sudden :)
Originally posted by ivory
Yes, I believe it 's the most popular. At some places you can read how many users each style has. For me it depends mostly on the weather outside. :)
You can see this on the menu in the Edit Options part of your profile where you select your own style. Turnip Green, for instance, has 237 users as of this post's writing, which puts it next to last in usage, but we'll catch those Pale Whiters soon ;) I wonder if it would be more popular if it had a better name....

EDIT: The menu with the totals is also on the main forum index page, and my ringing endorsement has made someone leave Turnip Green :lol:

Originally posted by Inter32
What does mobilization do? I never see the difference
Read through this: Civilization III: War Academy, Fundamentals of Mobilization Revealed by Catt. That should be plenty descriptive.
about goody huts:
I once remember cromagnon asking about the 50 gold (instead of 25) gift from a hut. I was thinking it was dependent on traits/tech level (e.g. have currency), but I'm not 100% sure. Atm, I'm pretty much stuck to the theory that you gain 50 gold when you left the ancient era. Can anyone clear that up?
Originally posted by pdescobar
You can see this on the menu in the Edit Options part of your profile where you select your own style. Turnip Green, for instance, has 237 users as of this post's writing, which puts it next to last in usage, but we'll catch those Pale Whiters soon ;) I wonder if it would be more popular if it had a better name....

EDIT: The menu with the totals is also on the main forum index page, and my ringing endorsement has made someone leave Turnip Green :lol:

Every so often, I get tired of the style. So I find the one that has the least number of users, and pick that. Anti-Social? Me? Nah! Never! :lol:

I missed the bit on the mobilization exploit. . . .and I'm too lazy to run it down myself. (Hint hint) So I wonder (hint hint hint) if anyone knows anything about it(major hint hint here) or am I going to have to get off mfla and find it myself?
Originally posted by Turner_727
I missed the bit on the mobilization exploit. . . .and I'm too lazy to run it down myself. (Hint hint) So I wonder (hint hint hint) if anyone knows anything about it(major hint hint here) or am I going to have to get off mfla and find it myself?
Since it is an exploit, I don't see a need for you to know. ;) And if you are too lazy to look it up yourself, I see even less need to tell you.:p
Originally posted by tao
Since it is an exploit, I don't see a need for you to know. ;) And if you are too lazy to look it up yourself, I see even less need to tell you.:p

Too bad your lofty and high-faultin' morals aren't shared with everyone else! ;) j/k. . . .

Seriously, I did do a search, but as with the power of the search function, if you don't aim it in the general direction, you won't get a hit.

Just personal opinion: This is less an exploit and more a cheat. Luckily it's not one that can be widely used. I wouldn't shed a tear seeing it fixed with the next patch. Nor do I intend to use it.

One of the things Civ3 has taught me is not to cheat. . . damn firaxis and their morals! Imagine, creating a game with no cheats! ;) (J/k firaxis, you know i love this game.)

Thanks to the 'anonymous' (we both know who you are) person to show me where to aim. . . .
Originally posted by Turner_727
Thanks to the 'anonymous' (we both know who you are) person to show me where to aim. . . .
It wasn't me! :p

FWIW, such a scary cheat is correctly kept off these pages as much as possible, since there is no way to stop it or easily detect it.
Originally posted by Raijer

It will really help out if you give us a bit more information. For example, are you using PC or Mac?

PC, thanks for the technical support tip. Anyway I reinstalled the game and am unsure if I will try for the patch again. Is it worth it?

You really should try again, the patch delivers not just bug fixes but important balancing changes.
Originally posted by Alki

PC, thanks for the technical support tip. Anyway I reinstalled the game and am unsure if I will try for the patch again. Is it worth it?
It's worth it. :)
May depend on your current version, but if you go 1.07 -> 1.29 there's a lot of changes/fixes. See the readme file that comes along w/ the patch for details.
Why does the AI ask for stupid one-side trade deals, like they give me World Map and they want me to give them World Map, a tech and some gold?

How much does not accepting the deal, then offering them something in exchange for world map affect, if any, your reputation or the AI's opinion of you?

Does it really think I'll give my techs away for his terrortiry map, that I just traded with them on the previous turn....stupid AI
Originally posted by AlanH
There's a comprehensive reference for the civ3 vanilla game here. It's a 17 page PDF produced by Julian Egelstaff summarizing most of the game features, and it includes a tech tree annotated with the abilities that each tech enables. I've printed it off and keep it around when I'm playing.

Is there a PTW updated version of this?

Originally posted by weedmonster

How much does not accepting the deal, then offering them something in exchange for world map affect, if any, your reputation or the AI's opinion of you?

Rejecting a deal and then offering a revised deal won't affect the AI's opinion of you or your reputation. You can reject any ridiculously unbalanced trades without fear of being hated.
I am playing as an expansionist civ and my scouts have gotten about 10 techs from huts. But since the AI civs have no money, no techs that I need, and no trade routes yet, what can I do to further my position? I am considering building roads to make trades, but it is a large map so this will take quite a while.
i get this message resynch, something about a message, wtf is that and how can i change my game so i wont have to be bothered by it again?

:confused: Anyone ever get a "CULT" error after using Gramphos' utility?
Vincenzo -- I wouldnt bother making trade routes at the moment. You should focus your workers on improving the neccessary terrain around your cities, and connecting all of them.
Secondly, you should talk to all of the AI's every turn to see if they have researched any new techs, got a reasonalbe amount of money, or have any workers in their capital's. If they have Workers, then trade for them all. This will cripple their empire, and strengthen yours at the same time.
It may seem like a large price to pay, but its worth it :)

Corso, you would have to explain/rephrase your question better. I dont really understand what you're talking about :p

GeneralLee, sorry i dont use any utilities...

And welcome to CfC to ye both :)
Originally posted by MadScot
Yes, if you fulfill the terms of your "alliance to destroy the Germans" and they get destroyed, so ending the alliance, it will be your "fault" and you will be blamed for breaking the alliance. :crazyeye:
I don't know what they were smoking when they decided that made sense, but it must have been good **** :)
Not only that, but if the other guys destroy the Germans, so ending the alliance, YOU will be blamed :crazyeye: -- I think. Just like if you're trading with a Civ and someone else wipes them out, thus preventing you from fulfilling your obligation to provide the Civ with a few more turns of luxuries (or whatever). Yo' fault.

That seems to be Firaxis's insurance policy that we won't take advantage of the AI in any deals: Yo' fault insurance :lol:
I am trying to use the editor to allow 10 civs on a standard map. I go to the World Sizes tab in Rules, select Standard map, and change number of civs to 10. I created a custom map and I have 10 starting positions on it.
But when I start the game and load the scenario, it only shows 8 civs. When I started the game anyway to see what happens, it only has 8 civs.
What am I missing?
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