Next GoTM?


Jan 13, 2009
If noone minds, Im working on a mod that could maybe be next GoTM? Just a few Q's:

What type of game do people prefer? Space race, Conquest, Score
Which difficulty level? Was going to customize most aspects of the level settings
and What finishing year do people most prefer?

If noone minds, Im working on a mod that could maybe be next GoTM?
That would be great. We could use a new GOTM soon.

What type of game do people prefer? Space race, Conquest, Score
People here have different preferences, so deciding the objective is entirely up to the GOTM starter. It is also possible to let the players choose freely.

Which difficulty level?
King is the preferred difficulty level, but Emperor and maybe Prince is also acceptable for most players here.

What finishing year do people most prefer?
I would be careful about defining a finishing year. We have players on very different skill levels here. What could be a good finishing year for some players could be way too early or way too late for others. Win as early as possible or reach some other goal as early as possible seems safer.

These answers are mostly based on discussions in the thread that started the civ1 GOTM ( This is a long time ago, so the preferences may have changed since then.

good luck on making your GOTM, and thanks for the effort! :)
Im kinda making a Spartans vs Persians game, basically the Persians (Mongols) are huuuuge and you play as the Spartans (Greeks) and the aim is to wipe them out by (havent decided a year yet) Other civs in it will be Romans, Egyptians and Zulus/Babylonians also Maybe Chinese/French/Germans (which all may be renamed too)Im going to try and make some alliances, still looking into who were allied back in the day lol. Some of the units will be different, trying to edit technologies (will be unable to research anything), so each civ has different techs which would make units unique to each civ. Im just not sure on how to edit the graphics yet. Barbarians will also have a few cities and crank out legions lol.

If this sounds horsehockyhouse ill just do something else lol.
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