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Next Turn - 340 AD

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Primate Philosopher
Jul 23, 2002
Minnesota, USA
AD 260 – Emissary sent to enraged Vikings. They demand a gift of Philosophy. “We are not intimidated by threats.” Vikings redeclare war. Production in FA changed to Legion.

Other suggested management changes implemented.

Viking horsemen attack phalanx and lose. Settlers join fortified phalanx. Trireme sails off N-NW.

AD 280 – LC, Mord, and TF celebrate WLTKD. RC builds silk caravan.

Polytheism discovered. Monotheism not offered. :( Research begun on The Wheel (toward Invention).

Khorsabad’s island isn’t very big. No action during moves. No IPRB.

AD 300 – WE BUILT COP’S. :goodjob: Marketplace started. Indians switch to KRC.

LC finishes temple. Iron mine online. Trireme started. OP produces settler and starts temple.

Reneaux diplomat lands on buffalo and finds Uppsala. Citizens fed up with Viking rule revolt for 172 gold. Plunder is only 44 gold and the veteran archer garrison (city has a barracks and an iron special, he he :satan: ). A legion was in the build queue.

Emissary sent to the enraged Vikings, who again demand Philosophy – and again refused. They offer a cease fire – accepted. NUF offers a peace treaty – accepted. NUF demands tribute. The Vikings apologize and remove all units from NUF lands!

Decision on River Bridge filler delayed. Settlers prepare to build roads that can connect whether filler is built or not.

The island north of Khorsabad is also not very big. No IPRB.

Emissary sent to the Indians who demand Philosophy (popular, isn’t it?). NUF refuses and they offer a cease fire which is accepted. Then they offer a peace treaty which is accepted. NUF demands tribute, but they dismiss our ‘feeble threats’. We’ll see …

Vikings land east of Roskilde. :mad:

AD 320 – Eboracum finishes temple and celebrates.

Viking unit is a settler. Troops block their movement.

The east island has plenty of food specials!

IPRB: Mord $2, Neuma $4.

AD 340 – RC stops celebrating ?? FA mine finally finishes.

Reneaux salt delivered to Elysium for 40 gold. (Rehomed) Elysium silver delivered to RC for 74 gold revenue.

Many units not moved yet this turn. President MonkE wishes to consult with the cabinet about several possible courses of action.

1) What to do on the east island?
2) What to do with the northern military units.
3) How best to build the road network in the Dellham/Fort Anarchy area?
4) Is it wise to land horsemen or diplomat on Viking continent yet? It looks like a city may be just north of the trireme.

NUF map - North (128k)

NUF map - Southwest (117k)

NUF map - Southeast (117k)

Saved game mr_a340.sav

Edit: Maps changed to links for faster download.
I want to apoligize for my lack of activity here. Recently, my mother was hospitialized for heart problems. I visit here there every day after school. When I get a chance to use the computer, homework, and the CivIII game (where controversy is beginning to rise) take up my time. By the time I have to quit, I've copletely forgotten about Fanatica.

My mother is recovering, and we have been getting home earlier. I sincerely hope I will be a little bit more active here.

Again, sorry,
No problem. We all have stuff going on in our lives where we can't be here all the time. Parts of yours sound a bit more serious than most, but there's no problem with having to cut back every now and again. Maybe you'll start to learn that the Civ 2 is much better than the Civ 3 game .;)
340AD Status of the NUF Monarchy - 389 gold

Amazing, Mr President MonkE! The Udal is preserved, another enemy city subverted, and the Vikings have withdrawn! We now operate the Copernicus Observatory, and our Coal Mine. Many units may still move: The Northern Army, the Trireme off OP and the nearby Settler.

Mr. President, I have many questions for our Citizens, beginning:
  • The lack of celebration in REGIA CIVITAS costs us dearly. Perhaps BFL can quickly build a Warrior, to be constructed and arrive in 4 turns. I wish for a quicker way.
  • What is Republic? How is it important to NUF?
  • How will we secure Uppsala?
  • Shall we continue 30% Tax, 70% Max Science?
  • Shall we continue to raise cash? Build Diplomats?
  • Shall our None Settler transform the Special near RC?
  • Shall we switch Dellham to Diplomat in 2, for a Captain of the LC Trireme?
  • Monks Towne: Legion 33/40 in 2. Rather a Caravan? Settler?
  • Shall we quickly build Fruit City? How quickly?
  • Are there more Domestic and Foreign Trade opportunities?
  • We may learn of Monotheism in 8 turns, yet we own 5 Caravans and are building 11 more, so perhaps we can invest in Marco Polo's Embassy.
  • We might consider Count Goldberg's idea to IPRB The Market of Elysium, $48 to complete it in 7 turns rather than 11 turns.
  • Who will Govern Boreum? Dell19?
  • Who will Govern Chryshe? Jayne?
340 AD Status: 1,080,000 people in 24 cities. 389 gold, 30,00,70% One Scientist, 4.Elvii, 4.Celebrations. With changes marked below F5 $35 -14, Sci 107 in 6 turns. F11 Mfg=106 (+9%!), Family Size=4.2
NUF is again #1 Population, Manufacturing, Land Area and Productivity, #3 in Family Size. RC and Elysium are each gaining 3*2 Trade Arrows, a total of 12, which is expected to improve once the RC Celebration resumes; GG and Ren have +1 each. Our strategies are a concern to our foolish enemies, as we continue to plan more cities, and larger cities.

260 AD Status: 1,070,000 people in 23 cities. 332 gold, 30,00,70% One Scientist & 5 Elvii. As downloaded (w Elysium Gems) F5 $32 -11, Sci 86 in 7 turns. F11 Mfg=97, Family Size=4.1 NUF is again #1 Population!, Manufacturing, Land Area and Productivity, #3 in Family Size. Our strategies are confusing our enemies, while we continue to plan even more cities, such as the South West.

Download serf changes:
REGIA CIVITAS: Serfs from Ocean to 2 Roads, growth +1, 7 shields.
Elysium: Serf from Ocean to Road, restores growth +1 shield -4 Science.
Civvium: Rule of 28, IPRB $4, Caravan 30/50 in 3.

Researching Wheel (due in 1-2 turns), known: Alphabet, Astronomy, Bronze, CBurial, CodeLaws, Construction, Currency, HBR - Horse Back Riding, Iron Working, Literacy, Map Making, Masonry, Mathematics, Monarchy, Mysticism, Philosophy, Polytheism Elephants, Pottery, Trade, WarriorCode and Writing.

We own 11 Temples and 2 Libraries, also a Barracks in Uppsala, and are building The MarketPlace of Elysium, the Temple of Octavia's Point, 11.Caravans, 2.Diplomats, The Trireme of Legendary City "SS India", 3.Settlers, and 5.Infantry.

Two new Trade Deliveries were completed. We own 5 Caravans, available near REGIA CIVITAS.

All major central roads are completed. The Reneaux Settler has completed Fort Anarchy's COAL MINE. Aggressive Road Projects are underway CJ - LC, DH - Udal, and all around the Boreum River Bridge Site.

Citizens, I am afraid to again recommend the Boreum Bridge Filler City. On the River Bend, between OP Reneaux and Eboracum, exactly 2 squares E of Reneaux. That site would connect our Boreum cities to our Kingdom, and facilitate both a harvest of caravans and support of our new North Eastern Expedition. The MD Settler is in position to found this city. Btw, I don't give a hoot that it will slightly restrict OP's size 1000 years from now. But, I am tired. Who will champion this city?

We have one city that can build anything:
Bedfont Lakes, which it seems must build Warrior Police for REGIA CIVITAS.
Civvium: IPRB $4, Caravan 30/50 in 3 turns
Gabba Gabba: Caravan 35/50 in 3
Reneaux: Caravan 30/50 in 4
Castle Jayne: Caravan 47/50 in 1
Legendary City: Trireme 14/40 in 4
Monks Towne: Legion 33/40 in 2. Caravan?
Roskilde: Settlers 37/40 in 1
Beast Flats: Diplomat 20/30 in 2
Penguin Flats: Phalanx 12/20 in 3

I may complete a thorough analysis early tomorrow. Please comment on the above questions. We move again late Saturday.

Respectfully submitted, by Your Minister of the Interior.
Hey! I love the fact that when you load the game you get a shot of a horseman walking on water!!! :lol:

edit: The settler on the island east of MD is nearer Antioch than any other city!
AI is great in messing up nice 4special spots....
Anyway in these circumstances I'm against disbanding. We need a stronghold on Viking territory to distract their attention for our continent.

We can build a nice filler east of Uppsala. When we build it on the grassland it has 2 specials in its city radius.
I agree, if we re-locate to the 4-special site we will not be on the coast, and the whale will be wasted, but if we do as above the filler will be on the coast and can take full advantage. I wouldnt call it a filler as such though, its as good as upsalla!

:( sorry to hear about your mum Octavian, hope she gets better soon.
Hear hear! I hope your mum recovers soon Octavian but remember that although Civ games are the best ever made for any games system anywhere, er, ever (!), they are no substitute for the important things in real life. I really appreciate your letting us know so we can plan to cover for your two deputy roles, but don't feel obliged to us at all. Go and care for your mother and don't worry about us until she is better! :goodjob:

Another interesting set of turns! Great that we have got Copernicus working for us and we have massed ranks of caravans awaiting the discovery of Monotheism. Which idiots voted for non-direct tech choices in the poll before the game then? (Er, definitely me for one :blush:) :D
I too notice that the AI has done us again for the 4-specials, and on the island with the settler we can't get the four special sites. :cry: Still, I think that a filler city next to Uppsala will help a lot if we can handle the unhappiness and have no qualms about using both the other two specials with one there. :)
Thank you Jayne, for serving as Governor of Chryshe.

It had never crossed my mind to relocate Uppsala, so I 'm glad to hear not everyone is in favor of relocating. Looks like a Great Minor City there, on Pure Green w Whale & peat! needed ASAP?

Regarding the new Island (Wheat Island?) Looks like a flock of fillers. Forget the SW Fish, that's taken by MD's future neighbor. So 3 Fillers, on the S E and N corners. My .02

If you all want to relocate Khorsabad, we could try, I suppose.
How about putting one on the tundra to get 3 specials (forget mord's neighbour), the tundra will not be a problem as all 3 are food specials. Then grab the remaining two fishies with 2 fillers.
> one decent city, two decent fillers.
Poll ideas:

Shall we continue 30% Tax, 70% Max Science?
Shall we spend all we earn? (Or No, continue to raise cash)

Bedfont Lakes: Warrior in 2 turns for REGIA CIVITAS Celebration!
Civvium: Elephant in 2 turns for REGIA CIVITAS Celebration!
Civvium: Legion in 2 turns for REGIA CIVITAS Celebration!
Little Nemo: Phx in 1 turn for REGIA CIVITAS Celebration!
  LN is the quickest solution, but will it lead to chaos in LN?

Mike's: we need 3 more Caravans for Mike's: RC Civ GG and CJ.
Mike's: if we can't research Mono, maybe build Marco NOW.
Maybe CJ build Dye Caravan, rehome Elysium, deliver to Dehli?

Diplomats? Build one as a guard for Aonia
Diplomats? Build one as a guard for Elysium and Castle Jayne
Diplomats? Build another for our Viking Expedition
Diplomats? Build one for the NE Island Search Party
Switch Dellham to Diplomat in 2, for a Captain of the LC Trireme?

None Settler: Finish the Road it is on.
None Settler: No Road. Transform the Special near RC.
None Settler: No Road. Transform the Special near Elysium.

Maybe IPRB Market of Elysium, $48, save 4 turns of 11
Republic: We can have a Great Army, as well as fast Science.
Republic: This will surely kill our Army and War plans. See my post

This would be a nutty poll as it is, so all comments are welcome.
In addition to GaryNemo's sugestions I think the workers in Little Nemo should be switched to work the roaded grassland.

Well, I don't have much else to say. Nemo covered most of it and I'm still new to this game (this is the first save file I have downloaded). Everything looks good, I'd say this game is already won unless the AI suddenly develops a strategy ;)

Elysium looks like a really nice SSC city. I would recommend building a courthouse there before the marketplace.

And the triremes I think should go on a few exploration missions away from the main continent.
Is there any way to get all specials without overlapping other cities' radius? I'd like to have one city NE NE NE of MD, one south on wheat island and one north on wheat island:)
I think the city NE NE NE of MD is a good one, overdue. This will be a fine, low corruption city, with Fish Forest Green and Ocean.
Rout's Tundra idea has merit, but I prefer the MD NE NE NE city on the mainland.

One way to found it right now is to waste 3 OP production by switching from Temple to Settler. OP is a Settler Generator.

How about 3 Cities on Wheat Island, one per Fish? With the huge investment in Elysium, it is only generating a third of our Science. The many small cities are the key to our success.
Wheat island: how about roading the wheat, then founding a city N, E, or S of the wheat? Also, should the warrior on the trireme be dropped off?

The trireme could go back and ferry the MD caravan to RC.
Would three cities on one island be very efficient? Would it be better to build two cities on the island, one in the north west corner and one in the south east to maximise the useage of specials?
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