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Night of the Werewolves XXII: The Road to Ruin (Game Thread)

Midday, Day 11

The constant cloud cover from the brewing storm gave the diminished squad a much needed reprieve from the heat. But the heat was still on Love as the votes started to pile up on him. Even with his support of himself, he still was the leading vote getter up to this point. The squad was tired from a week and a half of the stress of everything that went on around them. Would they even make it to the extraction point?

Izipo: Love
D'Artagnan59: thomas.berubeg
Love: Love
Tasslehoff: Love

Secret Votes: Love x2

Love: 3
thomas.berubeg: 1

Current Over/Under: NONE

>>Deadline for votes 23 hours from this post<<
Tasslehoff, I think your time has come to finally be executed. I have no idea if you truly are a rogue but at this point, knowing what I do about your motivations, I think you are more suspiscious than anyone else left on the team.

For those not in the know, Tasslehoff "knew the mission would fail and intended to use that for political glory back home". I'm not experienced enough to know whether or not that proves his guilt but to my mind it certaintly calls question on him. This is straight from the mouth of our resident interrogator who questioned him a few nights ago and heard this from him while he was under the influence of the truth drugs.
... That's not truth, CCRunner {OOC: Unless my character info is wrong}

Once our squad leader was killed, I wanted to lead the squad out of this mess for political glory. In addition, I don't want this war to end, as I head a corporation that profits for that war. This has nothing to do with my opinions of the mission. I want the mission to succeed. It's far better for political capital if I am part of a successful mission than if I'm part of a failed one.

Those are my motivations. All of them.
Evening, Day 11

The vote had been tallied and for the second day in a row the man leading the votes at midday was not to be executed. Tasslehoff was led over to another makeshift stake in the ground and tied up tightly. There was no escape for this one. The storm had reformed its intensity throughout the day, and now a menacing wind whipped around the men. Lightning strikes in the distance illuminated a mountain range while the thunderheads prepared to dump its watery content.

Izipo read the sentence to the doomed politician. “You have been found guilty of corruption and treason. Before we commence with the sentence, would you care you address your fellow squad mates?”

“Yes, I would.” He looked up at the seven remaining men, his face illuminated by the flicker of lightning. “It’s true I profit from the war. It’s true I wanted the leadership position for my own glory. But it’s not true I knew this mission would fail. To get on this mission, I had a few political favors cashed so I could see the war up close and personal. I wanted to come back to the people and say, ‘I’ve been there, I know what it’s like.’ How many other political weenies can truthfully say that?

“When Commander Logic went down, I saw an even bigger opening. I knew that if I could take charge of the situation and bring everyone home alive, my credibility would skyrocket. At the time of his death, the mission had already failed. Blame the poor intel, blame the scouting leading up to our entrapment, but there’s no way anyone could have known this mission was going to fail before it even started. Had I known this was going to happen, I would have done everything in my power to stop this mission from even being cleared. There’s nothing patriotic about bringing home our boys in body bags.

“So go ahead and kill me now. I am most likely the culmination of everything a soldier despises – a man who’s profiting over the deaths of thousands who signed up not to help his country but to further his political career. While I may not be the most honest person – ”

“DUH, you’re a politician!” came the response.

“ – I am certainly no Rogue Agent. While I may not be the perfect loyalist, killing me will not get you closer to uncovering who the Rogues are. I know, and Command knows they are the real threat here.”

Izipo spoke up. “That was a lovely speech Tasslehoff. You and I both know it can’t save you – the squad has spoken. Thomas, raise your rifle.”

Both he and thomas.berubeg raised their weapons. “Fire.” After a cacophony of gunfire, Tasslehoff lay slumped over, dead.

The seven remaing men went through Tasslehoff’s belongings. Sure enough, there was nothing linking him as a Rogue Agent. And just for laughs, they checked his leg. No tattoo either. The lone item found in his possession was a Lapel Pin, and it was decided that it would have no use to the squad. It would be placed with the deceased.

Spoiler :
Tasslehoff was a loyalist.

Rain started to fall as the dwindling squad made camp for the night. The wind howled and thunder roared overhead making it extremely difficult to sleep. Despite the distraction, they all were too tired to even notice. Three days left, then it would be over. If they even lasted that long…

Izipo: Love
CCRunner: Tasslehoff
thomas.berubeg: Tasslehoff
D'Artagnan59: Love
Love: Love
Tasslehoff: Love

Secret Votes: Love x2, Tasslehoff

Tasslehoff: 3
Love 2

It is now night! Night people pm me with your orders. Posting is currently closed. This night will last 24 hours.
Morning, Day 12

The position of Platoon Leader was not to be taken lightly. Only the finest soldiers were promoted to lead their own company. Commander Logic had been one of those soldiers. Only under duress was this tradition ever broken, as in the case with Niklas. At that time, the squad had chosen wisely, as Niklas had demonstrated a sharp intelligence and keen sense of awareness to lead the squad. Sure, there had been casualties under his watch, but he and both Commander Logic had known casualties were apart of war and could not be avoided. When Niklas went down, the squad had chosen Izipo as his replacement. Seeing as Izipo had been good at giving orders after Niklas&#8217; demise, they had all figured he&#8217;d do well. Too bad they didn&#8217;t realize what they had gotten themselves into.

It would appear the Rogues had done everyone a favor, even though none of them knew it yet. When the day&#8217;s role call was missing its leader, a handful of men &#8211; almost half the squad now &#8211; went to check on their supposed leader. He was in his tent of course, dead from a gruesome display of bullet wounds. Starting from the kneecaps, the killer had worked his way up the legs, into his torso, and finished it all with a single shot to the temple. Judging by the way the body lay, this was no ordinary kill.

The men examined the body closely for any hints as to why such a brutal murder. It didn&#8217;t take them long to uncover the truth about their leader. Smiling back at them lay the Mark, its toothy grin seemingly laughing at them all. Also found were a number of other tattoos and piercings, seemingly decorative to the naked eye but each one holding a special significance.

From the time of their youth, the young would train and fight one another for the attention of the Council, who in this military-like society made all-important decisions. It was considered a great honor to be recognized by the Council for any noteworthy action. As a reward for one who impressed the Council members, the youth would be branded with tattoos signifying what qualities the Council believed they possessed. There seemingly was a tattoo for everything in this warrior society, from quick thinking, to agile, master of deception and guile, you name it, they had it. Typically when one accumulated enough tattoos and had thoroughly impressed the Council, they could be selected as the True One, someone who was born to lead the military of the nation to great things.

If one were selected as the True One, he would then be branded with a special tattoo signifying his status. In Izipo&#8217;s case, it was indeed a large skull with fire erupting from its sockets, found covering the entirety of his back. As with all tradition, he would then imprint this same Mark on his most devout followers, obedient to any command he gives, no matter how dangerous. Once Command had invaded his small country and after going underground to bait them, he had set up a daring mission for him and a few of his followers to infiltrate the ranks of the mission sent to kill him and instead eliminate them. The only thing he hadn&#8217;t planned for was the mini civil war going on inside Command&#8217;s ranks, and would instead end up in the crossfire.

Spoiler :
Izipo was the True One, otherwise known by Command as the Insurgent Leader!

Even with Izipo out of the way, the squad still had to focus on making it out of there as fast as possible. Once the insurgents learned of their leader&#8217;s death, there could be no doubt of the retribution that was going to come their way if they stuck around any longer. They had three days left, and even with only a handful of men remaining they needed a new leader, hopefully this time not an Insurgent.

It is now day!
Midday post in 24 hours, night post in 48.

Accusations in Bold
Votes for Platoon Leader in Bold Blue
Votes for the M16 Rifle in Bold Olive

Number of Players Remaining: 6
Current Over/Under: 0

You may now post!
I knew it! Anyway D'Artagnan has proved to be a good leader to me. Most of all, I trust him. Thomas.Berubeg, you are a killer. Either way, you should be punished for your crime.
Well, that's it. This morning, some things I've suspected were confirmed. The first was that Frozen In Ice wasn't the insurgent leader, as he would have had us believe, and that their true leader was still among us - but with Izipo gone, I think we're in the clear there.

Secondly, we know that the insurgents and the rogues weren't working together.

And thirdly, I've deduced something on my own. Before I tell you all about it, you should all know something about me. I've been doing some investigation of my own since this crisis started, putting my past experiences as an interrogator to use. I've visited most of you on one night or another, drugged you up, and asked some questions to try and find the enemies among us. I'm the one that caught the insurgent Frozen In Ice.

Since then, I've been looking for insurgents and rogues... but I've never been sure that the rogues would talk under the influence. This suspicion was heightened when Izipo caught merciary (further proof that the rogues and insurgents were never working together). From what merciary said, the rogues believe themselves to be doing the "right thing," so they wouldn't feel guilty at all about their murders. So, I don't think my ability is at all useful for catching rogues - I'm only going public with this now because I think the rogues have known it all along. They've probably infiltrated the small group I've gathered around myself long ago, hoping to use me to catch more insurgents for them. But assuming that there are two more rogues out there, at least one of those I've interrogated must be a rogue.

Methos, unlike me, had the training and the equipment to keep an eye on people during the night - with the rogues leaving their tents to kill us every night, it was only a matter of time before he'd catch them. But I'm sure that he was not cautious enough - I know that he spoke of his ability to people who he hadn't yet checked. He may have been our greatest hope against the rogues, but now he's dead. thomas.berubeg killed him. I think that our cook is a rogue.

As for the rifle, give it to me. I'll be able to use it well enough, and I frankly don't trust anyone in particular enough to give it to him.
Everyone. I shall be leader of this platoon.

And Thomas, you shall die for killing my best friend, one that I will never get back.
thomas, I'm sorry but you have to go. Killing our prophet is just to bad to let go unpunished however late your punishment might be.
Midday, Day 12

After the death of Izipo, there was no rejoicing, no pats on the back or anything of that sort. Life went on as usual for the remaining six, with D’Artagnan59 receiving the most support as the newest platoon leader while the votes piled up against thomas.berubeg once again. With only a handful of days remaining, the end was in sight. In fact, it would come sooner than they expected.

D’Artagnan had been assigned to this mission as a specialist of sorts. While publicly he had revealed himself as an assassin, truth was he was obligated to kill whomever Command deemed necessary. After the botched mission and the ensuing demise of the Insurgent Leader at the hands of the Rogues, his sole objective now lay in taking out one of the Rogues responsible for this whole mess. The death of his friend Methos had jarred him greatly, and even though the Rogues had done him a favor in taking out Izipo, he still had unfinished business.

With thomas.berubeg being revealed as the murderer of Methos, he could focus his energies in having the cook taken out. “What loyalist would kill one of their own?” he thought. Thomas had to be the Rogue they were looking for, and the thought of him killing Methos in cold blood enraged him to a boil.

"METHOS, I SHALL AVENGE YOU!!!" he shouted to the sky.

Just then, a pair of bright red lights flashed to the sky over the southern horizon, as if answering his call. The rest of the squad noticed this as well, and they all stopped their march if only for a moment to deduce exactly what it was. The pair of lights disappeared into the cloud cover for a brief moment, but the trace of the light could be seen forcing its way through the storm. They seemed to arch northward, destined to pass overhead and vanish without much incident. Truth be told, things happened much differently.

The pair of red lights now made a 180-degree turn in the sky and headed straight down towards the ground. A few hundred feet of the ground their course changed once again, leveling out at tree top height – if trees existed in a desert that is. The pair of emblazoned red lights seemed to appear headed directly for the squad and if they kept their current course, would pass precariously close right overhead.

Five minutes earlier, Aboard Command Naval Vessel Impending Retribution.

“Sir, coordinates have been received from Lone Wolf. Waiting on your order.”

Captain Charles Whitower calmly walked over the private’s station. A former navy pilot, after his early retirement from flying due to his diminishing eye sight, he had quickly rose through the ranks of the navy to earn the command of the Impending Retribution. The ship was a new breed of warship, capable of precision missile strikes or through its air wing, able to ferry in ground troops to a hot zone. Thirteen days earlier, a lone C-130 had catapulted off of its deck carrying a load of troops on a top-secret mission. A day after that, he had sent a pair of Apaches from the 463rd Rotary Wing as support and when they didn’t return, he had known something was amiss. Protocol dictated on these missions that no radio contact from the ship to the imperiled squad could be made, lest they had been captured and now the enemy was listening in. When the ship had been pinged five minutes earlier on the distress frequency, Whitower knew it was one of his pilots trying to contact the ship.

“Give me a visual of the coordinates.”

As if reading the Captain’s mind, the private instantly called up a satellite image of the position. Six men appeared on screen, five appearing normal while one flashed.

“What the hell happened? There had been fifty men sent on that C-130. Now only six?” The question went unanswered.

“Sir, Lone Wolf has painted a confirmed Insurgent. Has requested authorization for Operation Nightfall.”

Whitower tried his best to hide his angst. Operation Nightfall was a last-ditch mission used only when no other options were available. In a nutshell, Operation Nightfall consisted of a pair of surface-to-surface missiles obliterating whatever the target was. In case of his pilots being captured by enemy forces with no hope for rescue, the pilot could in effect sacrifice himself to eliminate his captors. It was the old military mantra of killing one to save a hundred. Now, his pilot had requested the doctrine be used on an insurgent among a handful of what presumably were the remnants of the squad. This was not a decision to be made lightly.

“What other confirmation do we have supporting his claim?”

“Sir, Lone Wolf has also mentioned the presence of traitorous elements on the squad. Says during the night the squad had been slowly killing itself in a barbaric attempt to oust the offenders. Says the Rogues are still at large.”

Now this was new. It was the sort of thing that should go upstairs to the higher ups. Surveying the terrain once more, he found he had little time to deliberate. The men would soon be in the depths of a valley were the missiles could not be used. He poured over what intelligence he had but still thirsted for more. If his pilot was correct, and there was little to prove otherwise, the rescue mission scheduled whenever an emergency beacon was activated at the extraction point could possibly be bringing these Rogue elements aboard ship. Problem was, he had no idea of finding out who they were once aboard. As captain of the vessel, his duty first and foremost was the safety and security of his vessel. Under no circumstances could he risk compromising the integrity of his ship. “Kill one to save a hundred,” he reminded himself. With that, he gave the command: “Fire when ready.”

With that, a pair of Thunderfall surface-to-surface missiles launched from the mini silos that protruded out from the ship’s superstructure. As the red trail of the missiles disappeared into the clouds, Whitower hoped he had made the right call. Either way, he’d have to live with the consequences.

D’Artagnan looked at the incoming missiles and was unable to move. Frozen by a combination of horror and confusion, he stood there like a deer in the headlights. The rest of the squad was as transfixed as him with the sole exception of Love. He had managed to find some cover behind the nearest object, which in this case was a rock just large enough to provide protection for his slender frame. As the missiles got closer, others found it in themselves to scramble in all directions, but it was too little too late.

The pair of warheads arched downward at D’Artagnan. During his final seconds of life he had managed a futile scream while ducking. The impact of the warheads and the ensuing explosion knocked everyone to the ground if they weren’t there already. Shrapnel flew in all directions with some peppering Love’s rock with lethal shards of molten metal. When the fireball had diminished and the resulting carnage had ended, the survivors slowly emerged to check on themselves and everyone else.

Thomas.berubeg had been hit in the leg and torso badly. CCRunner, who himself was miraculously unscathed, ran over to him to try and patch up the suspected Rogue. Thomas was beyond help; blood poured from the severed artery in his leg and he slowly went into shock. His last words that only CCRunner could hear were “It wasn’t me. I swear, it wasn’t me.” With that, his eyes transfixed themselves on the sky, which now was beginning to unleash a torrent of rain and wind. CCRunner carefully laid the deceased back on the ground and ran over to Love, who had been circling aimlessly around the crater that had now taken the place of D’Artagnan.

“I got him. He’s dead. I got him.”

“What are you talking about?” CCRunner wasn’t sure if Love was in a state of shock, telling a very scary truth, or a little of both.

“D’Artagnan wanted to kill people at night. Wanted thomas.berubeg tied up so he could kill him while another could kill Tasslehoff. He was the last rogue. It’s over. We’ve won.”

“I called in that airstrike. I knew D’Artagnan had to be the last one. He had to be. Who kills people at night and is a loyalist? No one, that’s who.”

Chandrasekhar approached the two. “So it’s over and I hear we’ve taken out all of the Rogues? Love could barely contain himself. “Yes, it’s over! I saved – ”


Love’s head exploded as a round hit home. CCRunner recoiled in horror as Love dropped dead, but Chandrasekhar stood there, calm as he’s always been.

“Guess he was wrong about getting all of the Rogues, eh CC?”

CCRunner turned pale white. He looked at Chandrasekhar as if seeing him for the first time. “You. Y..y..YOU! No…no… you didn’t… can’t… no…”

A small grin spread across the Chaplain’s face. Yes, CCRunner. The answer you’re looking for is ‘yes.’ Do you have any idea why we’re here? And no, I don’t mean from a philosophical standpoint as to why our souls are on this planet. I mean, do you know why we’re here fighting this war? Do you have any clue at all?”

CCRunner stood there in total stunned silence. His eyes stared blankly ahead at Chandrasekhar.

“No? Well, let me enlighten you. You see, Command started this whole war to fill its coffers. The men responsible for starting the conflict also control the corporations that have lined up to extract all of the resources out of this country and sell them at super-inflated costs. Not only that, but Command’s got its hands in every defense contractor whipping up all sorts of goodies, including the pair of Thunderfall missiles that obliterated D’Artagnan. Every missile they make, Command and its money obtained from taxpayers buys and the men running these corporations get rich from the war. It’s a never-ending machine that feeds itself. Only way to destroy it is to drive the cost of running the missions required to keep the war running through the roof as to eliminate their profit margin. Once the war for these corporate moguls runs in the red long enough, they’ll be forced to stop or go out of business.”

CCRunner finally found his bearings. “You don’t honestly think that a failed mission here is going to make a difference to those people? There’s no way you alone can end the war this way. What you’re doing is treason! You expect me to support what you’re doing? Think of the damage you’ve done! All of the men you’ve murdered! Yeah, I hate the fact that the companies are turning huge profits at our expense, but your plan is absurd! If you think I’m going to support you and your insane treasonous plan, you’re terribly wrong.”

“Well, it obviously isn’t just me. There are more of us in other squads and military branches that believe in our cause. Take my friend merciary. He knew what we knew, and you all had the audacity to kill him. Isn’t that treason too? I mean, there was no way you could have known he was one of us at the time. You’re just as guilty of treason as us; only difference we have a cause, whereas you have just your selfish desire to stay alive. Well, I think I’ve said enough now. I’ll give you one more chance. Care to help put an end to this thing?”

“Never. I’ll never join you and your treasonous cause.”

“Alright, that’s okay. Say, you were pretty good at healing everyone just so you know. Just out of curiosity, how good are you at healing severe spinal injuries?”

Before CCRunner could answer, Chandrasekhar had quickly grabbed his head and twisted it violently. Without a sound, CCRunner collapsed to the ground, lifeless like the desert itself. Nahkarma emerged from the cliff he had positioned himself on during the events, with a large sniper rifle slung over his shoulder. The two hovered over CCRunner’s body and congratulated themselves for a mission well done.

“Nice work Nahkarma. Knew I could count on you until the end. Command will be forced to cut back missions now. We’ll tell them the insurgents are stronger than we anticipated. There’s no way their greedy minds will continue the war.”

“Maybe. If not though, we’re going to have more work to do,” answered the sniper.

Chandrasekhar smiled. “Indeed. Indeed we will.”

The two trekked the next two days with breakneck speed. With no loyalists to slow them down, the two made great time to the extraction point. Once they activated the rescue beacon, the helicopter arrived shortly after to take the two back to ship. Before they boarded, two Marine guards greeted them bearing .50 caliber machine guns not unlike “Big Tom.” Before they were let aboard, the two had a few questions for the men.

“Who are you?” bellowed one of the guards over the blades of the helicopter.

“Chaplain Chandrasekhar, and this is the sniper Nahkarma. We’re all that’s left.”

“Where’s the rest of your squad?”

“Killed. Ambushes by insurgents after our botched mission knocked down our numbers by the day.”

“Alright, few more questions before we let you aboard. What’s the name of the military base you started this mission on?”

“We weren’t on a land base. We shipped out on a missile cruiser.”

“Alright, what’s the name of the ship?” He looked at Nahkarma now.

“Impending Retribution.”

“Alright. You can board now. There’s going to be an extensive debriefing for you two. Command’s got a lot of question they need answered. Try to get some rest before we land. I can’t promise you two anything else before then.”

Chandrasekhar looked at Nahkarma. He gave him a small grin. The real fun was about to begin.

Let me be the first to congratulate the Chandrasekhar, Nahkarma, and merciary on a Rogue Victory!

I would like to thank everyone who participated in my game and I hope you all enjoyed playing it as much as I had fun hosting it. I would also like to thank those of you who sent me player updates as the game went on. While I couldn’t acknowledge what you had sent me, I can definitely say your stories/plots/whatever kept this extremely entertaining for me.

Now for the winners!

For obtaining their Victory Condition, accomplishing their goal and surviving: Chandrasekhar and Nahkarma.

:trophy:For obtaining their Victory Condition and accomplishing their goal: merciary
:trophy2nd:For accomplishing their goal and surviving: CCRunner.
:trophy3rd:For accomplishing their goal: Izipo and Stuck in Pi.
:trophy2:For surviving: Love and thomas.berubeg.

Starting PM’s will be posted shortly.

Posting is open for all!

{{Disclaimer: This game is in no way shape or form a reflection of my political views regarding the current overseas conflicts. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for those serving my country overseas, and hope they all come home safely}}
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See spoilers:

CCRunner/Battlefield Surgeon
Spoiler :
Player: CCRunner
Character: Battlefield Surgeon

A world-renowned surgeon, Command selected you for this mission so you could bring back everyone in one piece. If only those you were fighting would be so cooperative. Armed with your Medic Kit you can heal people with a variety of life-threatening injuries, making you quite the important person in this squad

Ability – Heal Injured at rate of one/night
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 1
Item – Medic Kit (if in hands other then your own, allows for one person to be healed should other character not have a healing ability)
Goal – Heal 5 injured people
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: ZPV
Character: Peacekeeper

Despite Command’s misgivings, the United League of Nations forced your way into their mission to make sure all of the soldiers behaved according to rules put forth in the Geneva Convention. Therefore, any seemingly barbaric tendencies displayed by your fellow soldiers must be subtly reprimanded. With your wire cutters, you can unite anyone you think is wrongly accused and has been mistreated.

Ability – Can untie bound people (Note, character untied will not know who untied them, just that they have been freed).
Conversion – possible
Strength – 1
Item – Wire Cutters
Goal – Untie 3 people
Victory Condition – Loyalist

J-man/Platoon Sergeant
Spoiler :
Player: J-man
Character: Platoon Sergeant

You are the second-in-command for this mission, and you feel if you perform well enough you can finally get that promotion you so desire and in your mind, deserve. You’ve been passed over enough and is now willing to take whatever steps necessary to secure your command of the squad. With the turmoil that's going on, it’s time to make your move.

Ability – None
Conversion – Possible
Strength – 2
Item – Gold Star
Goal – Either be named Platoon Leader, or ‘remove’ anyone else who becomes leader and have yourself elected.
Victory Condition - Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: Ekolite
Character: Private

You always wanted to see action, and have finally gotten your chance. Except doing the Commander’s paperwork wasn’t exactly what you had in mind. Battle Reports, Company Readiness Reports, and all other manner of ‘boring’ responsibilities were handed to you. Except for one item you have in your possession: the Roster Manifest. You were ordered to burn it for the confidential information it possessed, but something inside you knew better. You suspect among your squad is a few impostors, and perhaps even the Insurgent Leader himself.

Ability – Once per night, can view the manifest to see who was part of the original mission or not. (You can pm me this question: Was ‘player’ apart of the nighttime drop? You will receive a yes or no answer).
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 1
Item – Roster Manifest
Goal – Find out who the Insurgent Leader is and have him killed.
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Charles Li/Radio Operator
Spoiler :
Player: Charles Li
Character: Radio Operator

You are the vital link to Command, able to radio them for air-support, intelligence, or anything else you are ordered to by your superiors. Your Radio could perhaps be the most important piece of gear the squad has and it’s your responsibility to take care of it. But with all of the turmoil that’s gone on, you feel you need to take things into your own hands to get to the bottom of this.

Ability – Once per night, can radio Command a yes/no question for intel. Requires a Radio. (You can pm me once per night with one of the following questions: Was ‘player’ apart of the original mission? What is coming in the next day’s shipment? Is ‘player’ a suspected Rogue Agent?)
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 1
Item – Radio (Required for ability)
Goal – Prevent radio from being damaged or stolen.
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Methos/Night Watchman
Spoiler :
Player: Methos
Character: Night Watchman

You’ve been assigned the graveyard shift on this mission, responsible for the safety of the squad during the night. However, with all hell breaking loose inside your own ranks, the perimeter security is the least of your concerns. Armed with your Night Vision Goggles, you plan on keeping an eye on your own squad’s actions, at least for the night. And to top it off, the Reconnaissance Scout is always boasting about his own eagle-eye abilities, claiming he doesn’t rely on his field gear to be useful. You’d like to see if he saw his own death coming, if you catch my drift…

Ability – Once per night, can pick one character to keep an eye on and watch their actions.
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 2
Item – Night Vision Goggles (required for ability)
Goal – Get the Reconnaissance Scout killed
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Niklas/Weapon Specialist/Counter-Intelligence Officer
Spoiler :
Player: Niklas
Character: Weapon Specialist/Counter-Intelligence Officer

Enlisted as the team’s weapon specialist, your job is to handle the various specialized weapons utilized by the squad. But that’s just a cover. Command assigned you to keep an eye on the squad to check for any rogue behavior. And you are absolutely certain something is amiss, since there’s no way all of what’s happened has occurred by chance and coincidence alone. You’ll have to somehow get in cahoots with whoever is causing the mayhem, identify the rest of their cohorts-in-crime, and see that their mischief is put to an end.

Ability – None
Conversion – Special, Will always have a loyalist victory condition.
Strength – 1
Item – Sunglasses
Goal – Infiltrate rogue ranks, and identify all conspirators.
Victory Condition - Loyalist

Note: To accomplish your goal you will have to somehow be recruited into the Rogue cause. Once this has happened, you have to pm me (the GM) the names of all of the living Rogue Agents. After I read the PM, I will send you a ‘yes, you are correct’ message, or a ‘no, you are incorrect’ message. An incorrect pm will result in your cover being blown, and thus all of the Rogue Agents will receive a PM detailing your double-agent status. A correct pm will not result in them being notified of your involvement in uncovering them, and you can do what you want with this info as you wish (just no pm forwarding, obviously).

Spoiler :
Player: Love
Character: Pilot

You were assigned to the 463rd Rotary Wing, and on this fateful day had been ordered to provide aerial infantry support over a suspected Insurgent hideout. Before you could release your payload of anti-personnel rockets and machine gun fire, one of those insurgents managed a lucky RPG shot against your helicopter. After skillfully crash-landing the bird, you managed to make it out alive to join up with the ground forces you had been supporting. As you march on back to the squad’s extraction point, you can’t help but have the feeling that the man responsible for bringing you down is among the men you walk with now, blending in and ready to cause more trouble. And you want revenge…

Ability – Can call in a pinpoint air strike on a single victim (yea, it’s that precise). However, a radio is needed for this to happen…
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 1
Item – Heavy leather flight jacket (prevents injury from shrapnel)
Goal – Acquire a radio, then call in an air strike on an insurgent
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: thomas.berubeg
Character: Cook

An army marches on its stomach, and no one knows and understands that better than you. Able to take K-rations and turn them into four-star restaurant delicacies, the men hold you in high regard, with some even willing to give up their lives for you so you can continue doing what you do best. Despite this outpouring of support from your squad mates, you really hate this job in this ‘chicken’ outfit and would much rather be in combat. One thing keeps you going, however: finding out who recruited you and giving them a fatal case of indigestion…

Ability – Can poison 1 person, however doing so will leave evidence behind (This is a daytime ability, where at any point during the day you can pm me a target you would like to poison. Any and all votes that character casts will count, as their death will occur after all votes have been tallied. Their death will occur in the night write-up scene).
Conversion – Possible
Strength – 1
Item – Ladle
Goal – Kill the man responsible for recruiting you into this war
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: Icekommander
Character: Recruiter

A decorated war-hero from the war ten years prior, Command thought it would be best to utilize your heroism to recruit new soldiers into the fold. Once this conflict started however, you managed to convince Command that they needed you in a more ‘active’ role than just at the local war bond rally. While serving the squad in a more advisory role, you notice a handful of soldiers that you personally recruited. You’d never forgive yourself if you had to send them home in box.

Ability – None
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 2
Items – None
Goal – Prevent thomas.berubeg and Charles Li from being executed
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: Bigfoot3814
Character: Navigator

You are the man with the map. Originally tasked with getting the squad to the target, your job now is to get the remaining troops back to the extraction point. With the map of the escape route in your possession, this task should be relatively simple. However, due to the sensitive nature of the location of the extraction point, keeping this in your possession is of utmost importance.

Ability – None
Conversion – Possible
Strength – 1
Item – Map of escape route
Goal – Prevent the map from being stolen.
Victory Condition – Loyalist

Stuck in Pi/Demolitions Expert
Spoiler :
Player: Stuck in Pi
Character: Demolitions Expert

When in comes to blowing things up, you’re the man. When it comes to defusing bombs however, you’d rather just set the thing off anyway and be done with it. Fortunately for you, your instincts have served you well and while defusing bombs you’ve managed not to lose a limb… yet. Your gut feeling also plays a role in how you perceive people and their intentions. That being said, once you think, no, decide who’s going to be on your bad side, there’s no way for them to make it back to your good side. Once on your bad side, forever on your bad side, and make them pay the price…

Ability – Can plant and set off explosives in a character’s tent at night to kill them. Requires (1) hand-held explosive (Note: the explosion may injure some ‘innocent’ bystanders as well).
Conversion – Impossible
Strength – 1
Items – Flak Jacket (prevents injury from shrapnel) and (1)Hand-Held Explosive (1 use, required for ability)
Goal – Every player you accuse must end up dead by game’s end.
Victory Condition – Loyalist
Lightfang/Reconnaissance Scout
Spoiler :
Player: Lightfang
Character: Reconnaissance Scout

Charged with scouting ahead of the main squad, your job is to look for any problems and warn your fellow soldiers of the dangers. This is especially true in this climate, where insurgents threaten to ambush your team at any moment. Fortunately for them, you can radio an unmanned spy plane to scout ahead and find potential trouble spots before they blossom into full-blown nightmares. Only trouble is you don&#8217;t know when if or when they will happen and Command will only allow you to do this once, lest the increased air activity over your squad&#8217;s position lure even more insurgents to the area.

Ability &#8211; Can summon in a spy plane to scout out the road ahead for any dangers. Requires Radio, and can only be used once. (Note: To use, pm me during the night before you wish to use this. If any ambushes happen, they'll occur at midday and Command would need some time to get the plane ready).
Conversion &#8211; Possible
Strength &#8211; 1
Items &#8211; Radio
Goal &#8211; Successfully find and prevent an ambush
Victory Condition - Loyalist

rhawn/Supply Officer
Spoiler :
Player: rhawn
Character: Supply Officer

Responsible for keeping the team stocked with ammunition, bandages, more explosives, or whatever else you think could come in handy, you in steady contact with Command. Now with the squad retreating and supplies running low, your job has become more crucial than ever. However, there is a slight selfish streak in you, and you&#8217;d like to see a bunch of these items end up in your possession.

Ability &#8211; Can summon command for material reinforcements (night action &#8211; pm me if you want Command to send a shipment of equipment in. This will arrive during the next day&#8217;s midday post. You will not know what is in the crate and its contents will be up for vote).
Conversion &#8211; Possible
Strength &#8211; 1
Item &#8211; None
Goal &#8211; Acquire 3 items, either through shipments or from other players.
Victory Condition - Loyalist

Spoiler :

Player: Tasslehoff
Character: Politician

It&#8217;s election year and your opponents love to mock you for your so called &#8220;foreign policy experience,&#8221; which consists solely being able to see another country from your home. When the war started, you had a few political favors cashed so you could get a first-hand look at combat itself. Now with a vacancy in the squad leader position, you feel it would be a great boost to your campaign if you were the one to lead the soldiers out of this dire situation and be able to bring everyone home. While certainly not the most well traveled career politician, you possess a skill that has come in quite handy during your meteoric rise to the national spotlight. Able to twist the words of others and make them think whatever you want, you can change the way people think.

Ability &#8211; Can change the victory condition of a player. Can do this twice in the game (Be warned, some players are more susceptible to this than others. Also, you will not know if your conversion attempt has been successful or not. To use this ability, pm me at night the person you wish to flip-flop).
Conversion &#8211; Impossible (no flip-flopping yourself)
Strength &#8211; 1
Item &#8211; Lapel Pin
Goal &#8211; Be named Platoon Leader
Victory Condition &#8211; Loyalist

Spoiler for extra role play info, sent later:
Spoiler :
To: Tasslehoff
From: Command
Subject: Situation Update
Classified/Eyes Only

First, Command would like to thank you for your continued support during our campaign. Your patriotism to the cause has not gone unnoticed and your actions for your country have inspired millions.

We are aware of elements in your squad that threaten to derail our progress. These rogue forces as they have come to be known clearly to do not have our interests at hand. While we cannot be sure of who is responsible for these traitorous actions, we are certain you can help bring a swift end to the unnecessary violence.

As a token of our appreciate for your efforts, we have set up a dummy corporation under an alias that will collect income from government contracts handed out during this war. You can use this money however you see fit. Think of this as a 'campaign contribution' given as a result of your dedication.

Command would like to reiterate that we stand by the squad in its time of need. Support for your troops will arrive shortly, so long as these rogue elements are ousted. Thank you, and best of luck in your endeavor.


Renata/Machine Gunner
Spoiler :
Player: Renata
Character: Machine Gunner

Being the big man on board gives you some pretty big responsibilities as well. Armed with your .50 Caliber Machine Gun, you can set up choke points and mow the enemy down before they can get a shot off. You absolutely love your job; there&#8217;s nothing more satisfying than the crackle of air-cooled machine gun fire. In fact, you even sleep with your gun, lest anyone try to take this bad-boy away from you. With it constantly spooled up and ready to fire, anyone who enters your tent at night is going to be in for a nasty surprise.

Ability &#8211; Cannot be killed at night
Conversion &#8211; Impossible
Strength &#8211; 3
Items &#8211; .50 Caliber Machine Gun (needed for ability and gives +1 accusation power)
Goal &#8211; Kill a Rogue at Night
Victory Condition - Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: D&#8217;Artagnan59
Character: Assassin

A master of guile and deception, you can quietly and ruthlessly silence anyone you choose. However, you are a man of morals, and can&#8217;t just kill people without reason. You figure if a soldier just missed the execution squad by a handful of votes, they must be guilty and you might as well finish the job the rest of your team started. Only problem is with such a small number of people around, you feel you can get away with this only once, so you better make it count.

Ability &#8211; Can assassinate a bound character. One time only (Night Action: PM me a bound person you wish to kill).
Conversion &#8211; Impossible
Strength - 2
Item &#8211; Fishing Wire
Goal &#8211; Eliminate a Rogue Agent or Insurgent through assassination.
Victory Condition &#8211; Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: sirtommygunn
Character: Soldier

Every squad needs its grunts, and you happen to be one of them. Often the first to go into battle and the first to die, you resent the fact that the rest of your fellow squad mates take you for granted. Especially that Private who&#8217;s always in his tent, pouring over maps, reports, and doing other non-life threatening tasks. Find out who he is and have him eliminated.

Ability &#8211; None
Conversion &#8211; Possible
Strength &#8211; 2
Item &#8211; Rifle (gives +1 accusation power)
Goal &#8211; Eliminate the Private
Victory Condition &#8211; Loyalist

Spoiler :
Player: Chandrasekhar
Character: Chaplain

Every man deserves to have his last rites, and your job is to see their soul delivered to the Better Place. Aside from that task, fellow soldiers often come to you for guidance, for support, and advice. Unfortunately for them, you take advantage of their openness and can force confidential information out of them. By injecting them with a special serum, you can coax their roles out of them, providing you with more intelligence for your cause.

Ability &#8211; Confession: Can drug a character once per night to find out what their role is. Leaves no evidence behind that you specifically drugged him/her, but character will know they have been drugged.
Conversion &#8211; Possible
Strength &#8211; 1
Item &#8211; Vials of truth serum.
Victory Condition &#8211; Rogue Victory

Spoiler :
Player: merciary
Character: Medic

As an aide to the Battlefield Surgeon, you tend to the less threatening injuries your team endures in battle. With your Medic Kit, any variety of wounds can be patched up to get the soldier back on the front-line. You don&#8217;t particularly care for the way Command has gone about the war, but you also don&#8217;t like how they&#8217;ve been profiting from it either. While you don&#8217;t like the new methods your squad is proposing to rout out you and your fellow Rogue Agents, you also don&#8217;t want to end up on the wrong end of a gun either. You understand it&#8217;s kill or be killed, but that doesn&#8217;t mean you can&#8217;t show your compassionate side as well.

Ability &#8211; Can heal an injured person so long as you have bandages or a medic kit available.
Conversion &#8211; Possible
Strength &#8211; 1
Item &#8211; Medic Kit (1 use, can heal injured person back to full health)
Goal &#8211; Heal an innocent back to full health
Victory Condition &#8211; Rogue Victory

Spoiler :
Player: Nahkarma
Character: Sniper

A noted crack-shot with the sniper rifle, Command brought you aboard to eliminate targets of importance and interest. Unbeknownst to them, you thought you&#8217;d eliminate Command&#8217;s handpicked squad instead. With already one Platoon Leader&#8217;s death to your credit, you&#8217;d like to add another to your rising score of Command&#8217;s most talented and respected leaders. You figure if you and the rest of the Rogue Agents can eliminate Command&#8217;s best minds, Command will have no choice to break off their war when their profits suddenly start turning into deficits, courtesy of the rising cost of the war.

Ability &#8211; None
Conversion &#8211; Impossible
Strength &#8211; 2
Item &#8211; Sniper Rifle (gives +1 accusation power)
Goal &#8211; At some point, personally kill whoever the current Platoon Leader is.
Victory Condition &#8211; Rogue Victory

Izipo/Insurgent Leader
Spoiler :
Player: Izipo
Character: Insurgent Leader

Long before the war even started, you knew the price on your head was so large that even the United League of Nations would start a war just to remove you. Now that Command and their seemingly infinite number of resources has decided to throw its weight against you in the name of profits, you&#8217;ve wisely decided to go underground to minimize your casualties and raise theirs in a prolonged guerrilla war. At the urging of your advisors, you&#8217;ve now started your most audacious plan yet &#8211; infiltrate the squad sent to kill and have it wiped out by your own hand. With a few of your fellow Insurgents disguised as well, you feel you can deal Command a decisive and crippling blow to their power in the region. Because you are still well respected among your fellow insurgents, you can have them set up an ambush on the road ahead. The first one is free, after that you would need a map of the escape route to accomplish a second. It&#8217;s possible you could get a third ambush put into place, but accomplishing that would require a bit of luck&#8230;

Ability &#8211; Can set up ambushes on route to extraction point. 1 use (Note: To use, pm me during the night before you wish to set up an ambush. You can injure a maximum of five (5) characters per ambush.
Conversion &#8211; Impossible
Strength &#8211; 0
Item &#8211; None
Goal &#8211; Avoid Capture and set up at least two ambushes.
Victory Condition &#8211; Insurgent Victory

Frozen in Ice/Local Militia
Spoiler :
Player: Frozen in Ice
Character: Local Militia

Respected among your peers for crafting simple yet extremely deadly explosives, you&#8217;ve been selected by the Insurgent Leader to accompany him on the most daring of missions. Tasked by him to cause mayhem inside Command&#8217;s own ranks, your hand-held explosive is bound to come in handy.

Ability &#8211; Can set off an explosion during the day. Requires (1) Hand-Held Explosive (Note: to accomplish you will need to pick a target to place the bomb. This character will definitely be injured, perhaps killed, and at most 2 others can be injured). Also at night, you can steal an item from a player. However, you must name the item you wish to steal, and you can only do this once (Example: I wish to steal the "thing" from "player a").
Conversion &#8211; Impossible
Strength &#8211; 0
Item &#8211; (1) Hand-held Explosive
Goal &#8211; Avoid capture or execution
Victory Condition &#8211; Insurgent Victory

reverend oats/Local Guide
Spoiler :
Player: reverend oats
Character: Local Guide

With your vast knowledge of the local terrain, Command assigned you as an interpreter and scout. Unknown to Command, you have other ideas in mind. During the battle and subsequent retreat, you suspect a number of your brothers have infiltrated the ranks of the squad and are planning to cause a significant amount of mayhem. You&#8217;ve managed to smuggle with you a small hand-held explosive. While you aren&#8217;t sure of how to &#8216;safely&#8217; set it off, you are certain that if you made contact their would be someone their to show you or do it for you.

Ability &#8211; At night, can sneak into a character&#8217;s tent to see if they carry the &#8216;Mark&#8217; &#8211; a small tattoo on the inside of their left ankle. If they have the mark, they are most certainly one of your fellow Insurgents.
Conversion &#8211; Impossible
Strength &#8211; 0
Item &#8211; (1) Hand-held Explosive
Goal &#8211; Make contact with fellow insurgents
Victory Condition &#8211; Insurgent Victory

Starting Rogue PM:
Spoiler :
Congratulations, you are the Rogue Agents. Since the start of the war you&#8217;ve been aware Command only entered this area for profit and not to capture the Insurgent Leader. Armed with intelligence from deep inside the Command Hierarchy stating this truth, you&#8217;ve banded together to cause as much mayhem as possible to convince Command that it&#8217;s costing them more to keep the war going. No matter how insignificant your victories may be to the big picture, you hope to cause enough unrest through mounting casualties and failed missions that the civilians back home will grow tired of the unending conflict.

Once per night you can do one of two things as a team. You can either plant evidence in a character&#8217;s tent showing them the true nature of the war or you can just kill them outright.

To plant evidence, have one of your ranks pm me the character you wish to deliver evidence to. I will then send them a pm to this character showing this evidence, and they will then have to pm me back whether they wish to join you or not. If they say yes, I will pm all living Rogue Agents of his/her intention to defect. It will then be up to you to welcome them into the fold. If not, you will be notified of that as well. The only penalty to this is not having a night kill. The character in question will not know who planted the evidence (Note: Some characters are more susceptible to conversion than others).

To kill a character, the procedure is much more simple. Just have one of your ranks pm me the character you wish to kill. Whoever sends the pm will be the character to carry out the mission. Note, while this character is doing the killing they forfeit their chance to use any special night ability they may have.

Spoiler for conversion mechanic operation:
Spoiler :
Nahkarma said:
A question about game mechanics. I was wondering how conversion game mechanics would work. As we do not have to reveal who we are to them since they might reject, how does it work if we don't want them to know who we are? In the case of Niklas we may have wanted to turn him (didn't really think about it before) but not let him know who we are. Since his goal was what it was and we knew it. If we don't show ourselves to them, can they kill individually? Or are they completely powerless but no longer innocent until we contact them?

To answer the kill part of your question, if they were to defect they have no say in the kills until you have revealed yourselves to them. So, if you were to convert someone and not reveal yourselves to them, there still would only be one Rogue kill that night - they wouldn't get a 'separate' kill along with yours. They'd receive the evidence pm immediately after the morning post is up and they would have until that day's midday post to decide what their intention is. If I do not hear back from them before said post, the attempt would fail. If I did hear back from them and it was a 'yes,' they'd have a Rogue victory condition. If I got a 'yes' or 'no' response, I would send you the pm confirming either after the midday post is up. If they did convert, it would then be up to you to identify yourselves to your new recruit. So that is in detail how the mechanics work and how you all remain anonymous throughout the process.

Starting Insurgent PM:
Spoiler :
Congratulations, you are the Insurgents. Your goal is to have at any one point in the game more than 75% of the remaining squad injured. You figure with this many casualties, you can then eliminate any remaining healthy troops before then moving onto the injured troops. You have a number of weapons at your disposal to accomplish this:

Ambushes: The Insurgent Leader can call in Ambushes during the night. During the night, he can slip away from the camp to alert his fellow insurgents along the escape route to set up an ambush. This ambush will occur during the next day&#8217;s midday post, and can injure a maximum of five (5) players. Who gets injured will be random, as you don&#8217;t particularly care who gets injured.

Bomb Explosions: The Local Militia can fashion together crude explosives to set off just before nightfall. This will occur during the night post, after votes have been tallied. There is a maximum of three (3) players that can be injured from an explosion. Also, each explosion will require a Hand-Held Explosive to accomplish.

Other Events: There will undoubtedly be other disasters to befall the squad during its march to the extraction point. While not caused by your hands, it certainly would be welcome nevertheless. The more troops injured, the less you have to injure.
Congratulations, Rogues! In particular, Chandrasekhar, for doing a fabulous job with a very, very difficult role.

Congratulations also to Izipo: you were so close.

As for the rest of us loyalists, err ... well, there's always next time, eh?
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