sorry for your units getting disbanded, not getting the same results like you tho, will do couple of plays
This happened because my gold counter was below zero and VP automatically deletes one unit to make it positive. It happened after few consecutive turns. You see, the odd thing about that mod is that I can't see straight away what gold income i have. Normally I can do some plans how long does it take to amass enough gold for some investment. With that mod I can see GPT+25 but in fact is less than 25 or even negative. That's why I had zero all the time. I don't like it. Moreover those "stagnation", "recesion" and "boom" are changing each turn very chaotically. Is there some guide how to manage that? Does AI know how to use that?

caravans build road even before they finish trade.. odd
I know I will try again today and if you want I can make some screens for you. I tried many times in that game with about 3 caravans. Nothing.

One more note. Two screens. Chill barbarians. (11 turns later with whole my army. 1 lost unit. Finally captured.) (Look at the generals. There are 5 more only up north. I'm serious. That's not funny.)
They are healing for 50 in one turn. How? I attack with 6 units and he's alive. More - in next turn he has full health. :/ Pure hardcore.
My bro tested raging barbs. He didn't survive turn 30.
Additionally I read description of Luigis mod:
Ancient/Classical: Barbarian: No bonuses:
Medieval: Brigand: Ignores Terrain Cost and Withdraws
Renassaince: Pirate: May embark and receives naval bonuses.
Industrial/Modern: Rebel: May embark, can capture enemy units to their side and may move after pillaging.
Postmodern/Future: Terrorist: May embark. May move after pillaging and has increased attack against cities.
...and saw that they have ignore terrain cost from VP from start and they embark from start. Something is wrong.

As I said I recreated bug regarding to caravans. Few screens: (from Amsterdam to Rotterdam right after creating tr) (...and after finishing) (moved caravan to Rotterdam and started tr to Vancouver) (...and again after 2 turns with another tr created to Surrey)

I found bug but cannot recreate it. Right after game start I could add any unit to queue which was looped infinitely. After finishing building it came back to normal. Funny. Did you see smth similar? :]

This hex conquer mod looks awesome. Did you test cultural diffuion from the same author?
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This happened because my gold counter was below zero and VP automatically deletes one unit to make it positive. It happened after few consecutive turns. You see, the odd thing about that mod is that I can't see straight away what gold income i have. Normally I can do some plans how long does it take to amass enough gold for some investment. With that mod I can see GPT+25 but in fact is less than 25 or even negative. That's why I had zero all the time. I don't like it. Moreover those "stagnation", "recesion" and "boom" are changing each turn very chaotically. Is there some guide how to manage that? Does AI know how to use that?

I know I will try again today and if you want I can make some screens for you. I tried many times in that game with about 3 caravans. Nothing.

One more note. Two screens. Chill barbarians. (11 turns later with whole my army. 1 lost unit. Finally captured.) (Look at the generals. There are 5 more only up north. I'm serious. That's not funny.)
They are healing for 50 in one turn. How? I attack with 6 units and he's alive. More - in next turn he has full health. :/ Pure hardcore.
My bro tested raging barbs. He didn't survive turn 30.
Additionally I read description of Luigis mod:
Ancient/Classical: Barbarian: No bonuses:
Medieval: Brigand: Ignores Terrain Cost and Withdraws
Renassaince: Pirate: May embark and receives naval bonuses.
Industrial/Modern: Rebel: May embark, can capture enemy units to their side and may move after pillaging.
Postmodern/Future: Terrorist: May embark. May move after pillaging and has increased attack against cities.
...and saw that they have ignore terrain cost from VP from start and they embark from start. Something is wrong.

As I said I recreated bug regarding to caravans. Few screens: (from Amsterdam to Rotterdam right after creating tr) (...and after finishing) (moved caravan to Rotterdam and started tr to Vancouver) (...and again after 2 turns with another tr created to Surrey)

I found bug but cannot recreate it. Right after game start I could add any unit to queue which was looped infinitely. After finishing building it came back to normal. Funny. Did you see smth similar? :]

This hex conquer mod looks awesome. Did you test cultural diffuion from the same author?
this is the code that inspired me to play cultural diffusion. I modified some code on mods that change border logic.

1. changing list
ui economic
cultural capital
resources ( Have you ever seen a mod that combines every resources together into one button? this makes top panel less congested)
smaller icon
ui overlays
[making ui more minimalist with better info, soon]
optimizing game and less mod cluster.
bug fix
merging promotions mod together and fix typo
more typo fix
I remember there was mod that put resources into the left window choosed among other windows with units, cities, reserch... But i dont know any mod which changed top bar unfortunately.

Add to most recent to do list my version (for VP) of trade opportunities pls. Its really helpful and will fit your ui update plan. :)

Do you have any idea whats going on with caravan make roads mod? Why it doesnt work? Btw, i read its poorly balanced with civ5 f.e. when you send tr to your neighbour usually you dont connect with him with road because when he declare war on you its not convinient, but here it would be automatic. Whats your opinion?
I remember there was mod that put resources into the left window choosed among other windows with units, cities, reserch... But i dont know any mod which changed top bar unfortunately.

Add to most recent to do list my version (for VP) of trade opportunities pls. Its really helpful and will fit your ui update plan. :)

Do you have any idea whats going on with caravan make roads mod? Why it doesnt work? Btw, i read its poorly balanced with civ5 f.e. when you send tr to your neighbour usually you dont connect with him with road because when he declare war on you its not convinient, but here it would be automatic. Whats your opinion?
There is no such events. but i will consider it seriously. I think it is like the convenient start problem, sometimes codes change back to default and erases my change.. troublesome. fortunately, i coded maximum natural wonder in cbo myself. next update
Hi! I'm back again.
I tried nmh13 and the changes i see are: the new policy system (with the things like slavery, marxsism), the nerf of the xp (thank you) and some promotions less (wich i think it's better because before there was too many of them), and now we have to put the cache by ourself (and i don't know if it's by that but i see a huge improvement with the last nmh12 about the CTD and desyncs).
The only thing I didn't like was that every time you start a game it takes a lot like 5 minutes but the problem it's that every time I get a ctd i have to wait the 5 minutes more than normal so it's like 8 minutes because it takes 3 minutes to open plus the 5 minutes joining the game so if you could reduce the time it takes to charge i would appreciate it
I played 70 turns and I got 3 desyncs and 1 CTD.
Thanks for the updates!
Hi! I'm back again.
I tried nmh13 and the changes i see are: the new policy system (with the things like slavery, marxsism), the nerf of the xp (thank you) and some promotions less (wich i think it's better because before there was too many of them), and now we have to put the cache by ourself (and i don't know if it's by that but i see a huge improvement with the last nmh12 about the CTD and desyncs).
The only thing I didn't like was that every time you start a game it takes a lot like 5 minutes but the problem it's that every time I get a ctd i have to wait the 5 minutes more than normal so it's like 8 minutes because it takes 3 minutes to open plus the 5 minutes joining the game so if you could reduce the time it takes to charge i would appreciate it
I played 70 turns and I got 3 desyncs and 1 CTD.
Thanks for the updates!
i'll keep that in mind Don, going to make the modpack better and faster!
Thank you!!!
Update 2:
Yesteday we play from turn 60 to 115
We got 3 CTD from the 60-80 (don't know why)
And 2 desyncs
You want me to keep you informed? Like this or is not useful
Silly question, what does the mod that says unit pathfinder by blackcobra or something like that make? Because i don't find it very useful, it just marks the path of the unit, why would i want to know that :lol:
Edit 1:
I forget that now the desyncs take a lot more time to charge
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Thank you!!!
Update 2:
Yesteday we play from turn 60 to 115
We got 3 CTD from the 60-80 (don't know why)
And 2 desyncs
You want me to keep you informed? Like this or is not useful
Silly question, what does the mod that says unit pathfinder by blackcobra or something like that make? Because i don't find it very useful, it just marks the path of the unit, why would i want to know that :lol:
Edit 1:
I forget that now the desyncs take a lot more time to charge
It's useful don't worry! i'll fix that up if possible, but i prefer leaving it as the modder intended too. I'm playing the newest(not released version) very fast performance!
I tried to make a modpack once and one of the mods wanted was extra victory conditions, it would be really fun to win by faith or gold, maybe nik can include it in nmh 13.1.
I remember that it was compatible with VP but like you said it needs balance because it's pretty easy to win by gold
I've already tested out extra victory condition for 2 weeks now. I'm implementing it in honor of economics mod.


Mods I deleted are all the buildings mod, all the promotions mod, RED modpack, Diary mod, Info addict mod, improved city view mod, all audio files and text files from nmh13.

I added mods that makes the units and improvement files smaller and reduces lag and CTD. Plus all the mods in nmh13 and some newest edition added are trade opportunities mods, extra victory condition mods, latest EE+CBO+RER mod, enhanced demographics, local general mod, farm replacement mod(fixed a dreadful bug), latest flag promotions, Capture+, Hex and Conquer mod, Caravan build roads, A lot of other Whowards mods, emigration, river and coast gives gold mod, building upgrade mod, Barbarian evolved, Leugi's barbarian mod, Fortress border mod, faster aircraft animation, faster border expansion. trading post turns into town, unit path viewer, wonder race and more!

Everything works fine. A common fact, developers tend to see his creation perfect, so please help me out when it releases! Any suggestion, critics and opinion anyone?
I've already tested out extra victory condition for 2 weeks now. I'm implementing it in honor of economics mod.


Mods I deleted are all the buildings mod, all the promotions mod, RED modpack, Diary mod, Info addict mod, improved city view mod, all audio files and text files from nmh13.

I added mods that makes the units and improvement files smaller and reduces lag and CTD. Plus all the mods in nmh13 and some newest edition added are trade opportunities mods, extra victory condition mods, latest EE+CBO+RER mod, enhanced demographics, local general mod, farm replacement mod(fixed a dreadful bug), latest flag promotions, Capture+, Hex and Conquer mod, Caravan build roads, A lot of other Whowards mods, emigration, river and coast gives gold mod, building upgrade mod, Barbarian evolved, Leugi's barbarian mod, Fortress border mod, faster aircraft animation, faster border expansion. trading post turns into town, unit path viewer, wonder race and more!

Everything works fine. A common fact, developers tend to see his creation perfect, so please help me out when it releases! Any suggestion, critics and opinion anyone?
Few questions and suggestions right now:
1.Did you change something in economics mod after my last response or leave it as it was?
2.Info addict is must have. If not in the current version then in next. It's big help while playing multiplayer when every civ has war with someone and you need to track this and all the defensive pacts.
3.I didn't know about the RER mod. Now i read that it changes spanish unit and few things, and also mention that it's not compatible with VP. Do you have some special patch for it or modified it by yourself?
4.I'm glad you put whoward's UI mods.
5.Did you leave city states evolve?
6.I understand you want to merge all the building mods, right? I'm playing now a long game and things like steel mill and the rest when I have global monopoly on iron is marvelous.
7.Check useful oil mod next time. With Info addict and buildings pack would be nice update.
8.Can you put some beta version as soon as possible? Today I have plenty of time to test something in single, maybe even in multi. I'm on GMT+2.
1.Did you change something in economics mod after my last response or leave it as it was?
I didn't change anything, resources that are hidden behind Economics UI could be seen in resource list dropdown menu.
2.Info addict is must have. If not in the current version then in next. It's big help while playing multiplayer when every civ has war with someone and you need to track this and all the defensive pacts.
I'll take that into consideration but I should remind you that most information you want is available at leader's list, diplomacy screen, and enhanced demographics.
3.I didn't know about the RER mod. Now i read that it changes spanish unit and few things, and also mention that it's not compatible with VP. Do you have some special patch for it or modified it by yourself?
Yes, but i suffered a CTD on turn 200 a few times now, fixing it or deleting EE from nmh13.1(I'll think of something)
5.Did you leave city states evolve?
Still there, unchange
6.I understand you want to merge all the building mods, right? I'm playing now a long game and things like steel mill and the rest when I have global monopoly on iron is marvelous.
That is strategic buildings mod, I want to remove buildings mods for now. and merging things that are essential for me.
8.Can you put some beta version as soon as possible? Today I have plenty of time to test something in single, maybe even in multi. I'm on GMT+2.
I'm using my old toshiba laptop to reply this, and the answer is no. I'm sorry and would certainly release a new one before 10 october 2017.
I remember that it was compatible with VP but like you said it needs balance because it's pretty easy to win by gold
Yes, but accomplishing the mission 400+ gpt and 20000 gold in bank is not an easy feat. On King, no AI is reaching the objective at all! Finally, I changed the codes from unit path viewer to nmh modpack, ok i guess?
Ok few questions:
1-Only to know, why did you took out the RED Modpack, I think it was really good.
2-I don't like too much the caravans build roads and the building upgrade mod because in caravans build roads if you put a trade route with another civ it will make roads? If the answer is yes I don't find it very useful and how fast do they build the roads?
In building upgrade imagine you have walls and you can build a castle, you have to forcefully pay for the caste or you can also build it in the normal way, if not i find it unfair because if you don't have a good economy you can't have better buildings.
Ok few questions:
1-Only to know, why did you took out the RED Modpack, I think it was really good.
This topic was mentioned before in this post I believe. RED is working well but is also really heavy for the game to run and may cause sync problems etc. Taking it out and testing maybe help for overall performance of the game and make ctd and desyncs less often. Before I also was against removing it, but if it work, then I'm in :p.

2-I don't like too much the caravans build roads [...] because in caravans build roads if you put a trade route with another civ it will make roads? If the answer is yes I don't find it very useful and how fast do they build the roads?[...]
I have the same feeling, but for now I couldn't test it because it didn't work for me. If I test it in new version then I will obviously share my opinion.

@daniel25 What are your first impressions about Economics mod?

Yes, but accomplishing the mission 400+ gpt and 20000 gold in bank is not an easy feat. On King, no AI is reaching the objective at all!
You're welcome! :p
In current game we (me - Iroquis; brother - Byzantine) were devastated mostly economically by William (The Netherlands). He amassed 40k gold with almost 3,5k GPT.
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@daniel25 What are your first impressions about Economics mod

Well I don't know, I find it with a good potential if you learn how to use it.
I have a few questions of it:
What are the tax for? If I turn them to the minimum my situation gets better (like from stagnation to boom) but what is the positive thing about it...
Also it changes a lot like in one turn you are in boom and in the next one you are in a depression so you can't guide by that.
I don't understand the issue debt part :lol:
nmh13.1, too many mods scrapped, but better speed and overall gameplay/far stable than any nmh series. Merge more files to Global-UP. What mods do yang want to see in nmh13.2? Please check for multiplayer play, I would love the feedback! No cache this time, only download this: nmh13.1 extract and place files to DLC folder and Play!

Enhanced Demographic
RED( Implementing it back if I found a fix on a filthy glitch)
More promotions
All buildings mod

UI mods
Smaller improvement files
Farm replacement

more, which i i can't really remember. Also modified some files. Advice: Don't look up Global-UP files, really messy. but easter egg worthy. [not so important]
1-Only to know, why did you took out the RED Modpack, I think it was really good.
A really good mod, but for performance and some glitch. I simply scrapped it. On nmh13.2 or nmh14(new vp) possibly?
2-I don't like too much the caravans build roads and the building upgrade mod because in caravans build roads if you put a trade route with another civ it will make roads? If the answer is yes I don't find it very useful and how fast do they build the roads?
The answer is yes, it boosts gold for trade route and an advantage for better wars. It is also an instant process. What if I make roads gives gold per tile, would that be lovely?
In current game we (me - Iroquis; brother - Byzantine) were devastated mostly economically by William (The Netherlands). He amassed 40k gold with almost 3,5k GPT.
Wonderful, now it costs 40k, 500*20 gpt and needs every luxury resource in-game to win. Simple! only on nmh13.2(not released)
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