I too missed the hall of fame. I feel that all those small things that made Civ really Civ are left out in VI. I also want to see what military units were killed. I also want more adjustment about the games I play (exclude city states). I like statistics but they are gone.
Wish I had seen this before making the mistake of buying this game.
I wish I could mod to create a hall of fame within Civ. The scoring doesn't seem that satisfying to me. I have gone for 2500 before and it was far from the best game I played. It was just a week long domination victory on epic where I improved my conquered cities.

I want to see a more robust scoring system that rewards better for wonders, subtracts points per turn, calculates scoring based on GPT, SPT, or CPT.

I also want victories by leader, the score and number of turns to be accessible. Some type of database so you can set goals for a game and victory conditon ideas for games.

It's just wholly unsatisfying to play a game and it's gone but I would imagine with an SDK this is a very easy thing to design and implement. We could do a better job than Firaxis and let them focus on the core game.
I quickly played a short game after patched to see if the game is eventually playable. I still don't see hof if I didn't miss it, and there's still no map regeneration, no memory of the player's last game preference so all the difficulty level and map size needed reclicking, no fixing of last build bug ..... The so called AI has modestly improved and that's about it. This is a very disappointing patch imho. Some easily fixable and actually basic issues are left untouched. I don't even care about the Australian gimmick anymore.
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