No Jeffrey Epstein Thread?

service lightsaber doesn't make you a sith , you know .

edit : And uh , perfect situation to ask . ls it true this Tomris of the Massagetea or whatever is called Lady Origana or similar in Ancient Hellenic stuff ?
rented bodyguard , to be available at all times .
And they were both correct, as it turned out, eh?

No, that's really the case at all. But your attempted baiting is pretty transparent.
No, that's really the case at all. But your attempted baiting is pretty transparent.


First, I think you're missing a 'not' in your reply.

Second... Buddy, relax. Take an over-the-counter chill pill. Perhaps even get a hug, if you're both testing either negative or positive for covid-19. It was not an attempt at baiting, I promise. It was my reflecting that, from the perspective of the Pharisees and Pilate, they actually were correct. In effect, he was a heretic, an apostate, a blasphemer, and a cult-builder - after all, Christianity is now an entirely separate religion from that of the Pharisees's Judaism. And anti-Imperial rebellion, Pilate? Well, getting the emperor to convert to your religion would seem to be hitting your stretch goal, there. Has there ever been a more historically influential instance of "if you can't beat em, join em"?
Guess what happened to the guards who didn't notice Epstein being suicided?


Two guards at a federal jail in New York City where accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein killed himself will avoid jail for falsifying records under a deal with prosecutors.
Tova Noel and Michael Thomas agreed to cooperate with a Justice Department review by providing information about their employment at the Bureau of Prisons, including about the events surrounding Epstein’s death, according to a letter from prosecutors filed Friday in New York federal court.
The guards failed to check on the 66-year-old fund manager for about eight hours, but instead sat at their desks, searching the internet for furniture and motorcycle sales and sports news, according to a 2019 indictment. They were supposed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes, but for two hours they didn’t move, “and appeared to have been asleep,” prosecutors said.
Noel and Thomas were accused of repeatedly signing false certifications claiming they conducted multiple counts of inmates.
Under the agreement, the guards will be subjected to supervised release for six months and will have to complete 100 hours of community service

That's a really nice prosecutor they got. It's good to have arbitrary power to prosecute or not to prosecute, and what sentences to propose huh?
Suicide is too farfetched for me. I'm pretty sure that Epstein's client list would bring down a lot of powerful people.
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