No Shader NIFs


Dec 28, 2009
airstrip one
There's a lot of amazing unit downloads that, for some reason, don't have shader .nif files. I thought this I could just use the vanilla shaders, but then the modified units simply don't show up. :confused:

Is there a way to resolve this issue?
All Civ5 models were designed as pseudo_GR2 files driven by a number of **xml referencing assets.
The proprietary Bink principles were *altered* by Firaxis to allow their SDK & indirect Nexus control over the whole 3d aspect.

What we don't have yet is the exact format & structure definitions.
Some tried workarounds (example; This) without much success.

In the meantime, modeling (or conversion from Civ4_NIF) for this game somehow stagnates until the SDK works as claimed by devs before or since release.
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