Nobles Club III - Kulai Khan

LOL, I just learned something really important

I just realized that you can trade without Alphabet with people who have it... I thought you needed it to initiate any tech trade (and that the reason I'd get some tech trades before was only because some nice friendl came and asked me).

Wow, noobzorz

Oh and Grandad
Spoiler :
You traded HBR to Justinian? Well I guess he'd get it anyway, but I'm always paranoid with giving AIs their UU's tech!
Well, I finally got a chance to play last night (up to turn 138) playing on Epic/Noble. And things started out quite well, although I don't have my screen shots with me (I did take a bunch, and maybe I'll toss some in on the weekend).

Check point 1 - Up to 1975 BC (I didn't realize that I had gone over, but it doesn’t look like I’m the only one :D)

Spoiler :

Teched - Agri-Archery-Mining-BW-AH and finally started HBR (which will take forever)

The reason I took Archery as early as I did was because my worker wasn't finished and by the time that he would be finished I already had a laundry list of things for him to do (most importantly farm the corn, then get the Ellies on line and after that I had one open hill ready to be mined).

My Scout
Huts Popped - I think I got 2 maps and maybe 1 with 35 gold (so nothing exciting).
He had a good look around the local area and he met Wang, Frederick, Victoria, Ragnar (who had founded Hindu), & finally Toku. I actually kept my scout alive and I had to bring him back for some fog busting much later when I was founding my first couple cities.

Built – Worker, Archer x3, Settler (with some chopping), Archer, Worker and started on another Settler (chopped Worker as well).

I had built the Settler early as soon as I saw the horses (I could have grown the city to 6 pop with a defender but remained at 5 to get him out), and I wanted to settle the horses with the Marble, Pigs and Dye (it became a MAJOR priority).

It was a good thing too because I had setup my 3 archers to fog bust a path for my settler and before my settler had arrived Wang had sent up a settler with a warrior and he would have likely settled just below the marble (like he did to a few of you) or go after my horses. So I declared war on him and got a lucky win over his warrior with my archer (he was in a forest, but I was afraid that because my settler was close he would just build on the spot), my odds were exactly 50-50 (3.00-3.00). So that gave me a 2nd worker, with a 3rd worker coming out of the capital shortly. I had another archer that could have attacked the next turn and my other one around 2-3 spaces trying to heal up after fending off some bears (plus another one from the capital was almost done). - PS - Oops, that makes me sound like I was building both an archer and a settler in my capital but I had just finished the archer and I just queued up the worker which I chopped out.

I got that site settled and I sent an archer into Wang’s territory to disrupt his plans (I almost got his worker but I moved beside him, instead of grabbing him, just a dumb move but oh well).

Finally on Turn 79 (1975 BC) – I declare peace with Wang and look towards the future.

My future plans – well I have one settler well on the way in the capital, if I had known the horses where there I may have only built the one city, but now I plan to settle him on top of the copper, not the greatest spot in the world but I need a second production city and I would really like the copper (and hopefully deny Wang).

I also need to get pottery so I can cottage up my horse city (Beshbalik) and I also want to get my barracks and gers up and then prepare for war. The location with the rice, banana and clams is looking like a good GP farm or at least another commerce city, but it’ll have to wait.

Now the parts I’m not sure about……
On turn 29, I had a fire 2 east of my capital that would have cleared a forest. I opted to pay to keep the forest (10gold and I had around 50 but wasn’t in a surplus but not a big negative either), would you have kept the forest? I wanted it for chopping and I already had an open hill that I could mine and keep 4 decent workable tiles before I even had to chop any forest (one hill, the ellies, corn and the sugar on the far island).

As for my 2nd settler, where would you go? I had settled my first one 1NE of the marble (access to both horses and pigs). I wanted another production city and I was aiming for around the copper but not sure where. I had also hurt Wang enough that he didn’t have time to settle the copper yet.

Now I may have missed my golden horse city had I gone on Prince (maybe, maybe not) but I noticed that Wang had moved up on many of you, so that might have made the difference, that and I got a lucky victory over his warrior.

One last note, I didn't switch to Slavery yet. I'll need to do that soon but I hadn't done it yet (normally I almost always switch right away but I wanted to get my Settlers out, so I can start preparing for war.

@SimmonL -
Spoiler :
I really like your city placement. I should have settled my horse city 1E and I wouldn't have to place my 2nd settler on top of the copper.

I have question about that starting location. In order to hook up the resource accross the water, am I going to have to build a road all the way around the water (if connected)? Or can I just build a plantation and hook a road up? I'll have to test that out later.
I finished my game today, headed off to read everyone else's reports!
Here's how it ended (full report hasn't been written, it'll be posted sat. night):
Spoiler :
Won by conquest in 1675.
Some highlights:
No one teched past education, I had ~40 turns left on it at 0% tech.
I was bleeding 120~ gpt at 0% science by the end, (That's WITH all cities building wealth) but my units NEVER went on strike due to plunder money
Previous Checkpoints here

1850 Bc - 940 Ad

Spoiler :

Yes, a big round, sorry to have slightly passed the proposed checkpoint drill :mischief:

The Mongol hordes have struck!! The first target were ze Germans, no major trouble here, but still lost more units than I would like to. I only kept Berlin, which doesn't have any wonders. After that Wang was the logical target, he built the GW and founded Hinduism (very late), but it seems the Hordes were a bit careless, as the holy GW city was razed... hmm... small error here. I kept Seoul though.

Meanwhile, the economy is in shambles. I do have alphabet (traded with Justinian for HBR), and had a small peace with Wang to get some religious techs while the hordes where resting. I finished him off, and razed another barb city.

I figured the main costs where the keshiks (besides court-less cities of course), so I should leverage them, right? Vicky has founded a city for gems/cows in the north, I might want to take that, and of course London seems tasty.

oh wait... someone is knocking at the door. Yes? Oh Ragnar! how you doing old fella'? what? You're up to killing, burning and raping? on Victoria? well... I guess I'll join in!

Now, I send my Keshiks with 3CRIII axes to London, heavy cultural defence, and well defended (pointy spikes aïïïïkkkk). Ragnar was coming close to it with a stack of cats, swords and ... charriots. I gambled a bit by letting the bearded man attack first, and ... yes it payed off!! I could attack wounded englishmen with no cultural defence, while Ragnar SOD was left with only one chariot! sucker!!

I took London and kept it, razed another english city, and then took the gems cows city. Vicky was left with only one city, too far away to be interesting, so I sued for peace, and she agreed to give me Currency and CoL. (I was only three turns away form CoL, stupid me!!! I should've taken Monarchy instead).

So here we are. Economy is pretty bad, but with currency and CoL, I should be able to get it somehow back on track.

Here's a shot of the lands:

There's still some room to settle. Iron/jumbos and river/rice/jungle probably. But should I do this? economy is pretty bad...

Furthermore, my big concern is that Toku/Ragnar and Justinian are friendly towards each other. I'm afraid of getting dogpiled if I declare on one of them...

Should I turtle up towards gunpowder units, or should I continue razing and burning like crazy?

Oh, I also plan on spreading buddhism everywhere in case someone has the bad idea of building the AP.
Btw, the Mids are still not built! Do you reckon I might give it a shot?
Previous Checkpoints here

1850 Bc - 940 Ad

Spoiler :

Yes, a big round, sorry to have slightly passed the proposed checkpoint drill :mischief:

The Mongol hordes have struck!! The first target were ze Germans, no major trouble here, but still lost more units than I would like to. I only kept Berlin, which doesn't have any wonders. After that Wang was the logical target, he built the GW and founded Hinduism (very late), but it seems the Hordes were a bit careless, as the holy GW city was razed... hmm... small error here. I kept Seoul though.

Meanwhile, the economy is in shambles. I do have alphabet (traded with Justinian for HBR), and had a small peace with Wang to get some religious techs while the hordes where resting. I finished him off, and razed another barb city.

I figured the main costs where the keshiks (besides court-less cities of course), so I should leverage them, right? Vicky has founded a city for gems/cows in the north, I might want to take that, and of course London seems tasty.

oh wait... someone is knocking at the door. Yes? Oh Ragnar! how you doing old fella'? what? You're up to killing, burning and raping? on Victoria? well... I guess I'll join in!

Now, I send my Keshiks with 3CRIII axes to London, heavy cultural defence, and well defended (pointy spikes aïïïïkkkk). Ragnar was coming close to it with a stack of cats, swords and ... charriots. I gambled a bit by letting the bearded man attack first, and ... yes it payed off!! I could attack wounded englishmen with no cultural defence, while Ragnar SOD was left with only one chariot! sucker!!

I took London and kept it, razed another english city, and then took the gems cows city. Vicky was left with only one city, too far away to be interesting, so I sued for peace, and she agreed to give me Currency and CoL. (I was only three turns away form CoL, stupid me!!! I should've taken Monarchy instead).

So here we are. Economy is pretty bad, but with currency and CoL, I should be able to get it somehow back on track.

Here's a shot of the lands:

There's still some room to settle. Iron/jumbos and river/rice/jungle probably. But should I do this? economy is pretty bad...

Furthermore, my big concern is that Toku/Ragnar and Justinian are friendly towards each other. I'm afraid of getting dogpiled if I declare on one of them...

Should I turtle up towards gunpowder units, or should I continue razing and burning like crazy?

Oh, I also plan on spreading buddhism everywhere in case someone has the bad idea of building the AP.
Btw, the Mids are still not built! Do you reckon I might give it a shot?

Spoiler :
You call that bad? You have 700 gold and are researching at 50%! I was getting about -40 gpt at 0% in 1010 AD:lol:. I vote you keep up the smackdown...economy can wait:nuke:.
Spoiler :
You call that bad? You have 700 gold and are researching at 50%! I was getting about -40 gpt at 0% in 1010 AD:lol:. I vote you keep up the smackdown...economy can wait:nuke:.

Spoiler :
Sounds like fun!

Most of my money comes from razing cities, so I guess it makes sense to continue this type of economy :crazyeye:

However, I do need cats and elephants before I take on Toku. He will be in his golden Samurai age.... But he's the closest neighbour, and well... I dislike him!
Well done you guys your games all seem to be going really well! We have quite alot of players here now, my heads spinning from reading all these reports :crazyeye:

I've had to ditch my game I'm afraid, I seem to have put myself into a very tough situation :sad:

Spoiler :
Due to my poor start, bad decisions :blush: and wars that went on for way too long I'm way behind in tech, basically I have keshiks, axes, war ellies and cats... everyone else has maces, pikes, xbows and trebs. :(

I might give it another, we'll have to see.

Will definatley keep following your reports tho :)
Hi all, I usually start these games and don't finish them. This one I'm finishing (you can hold me to that).

Noble’s Club III – Kublai Khan – report
Prince – Normal

Checkpoint 3, 1AD
Checkpoint 4, 1000AD
End of game

Initial thoughts:

Weird start. Initial thoughts are to start with Ag, clearly – get mining the hills, and chopping the wood. I’m not an enormous Keshik fan, but we’ll see if there’s a chance to use them here.

Despite the initial corn, the start isn’t flushed with food – the corn won’t be irrigated ever, so there’s only 5 there, and the sugar is only 3 unless improved. I must admit, I’d like to see another food tile – otherwise, it might have to be a quick lighthouse and a scout around for another, better capital location.

One thing the start will be useful for, however, is early wonders, so that might be a good initial thought, to aim for the Oracle.

As for the traits – Aggressive is clearly nice, especially in combination with Ger’d harchers, and Creative is (for me at least) a top-tier trait – both for the early border pops and the cheap libraries.

Anyway, to the game:

Checkpoint 2, 2000BC
Spoiler :

Tech path was Agriculture - AH (popped on turn 3) - Mining - Bronze Working - Pottery - Writing.
Build order was Worker - Warrior x2 - Worker - Worker (yes, I built three workers before my first settler! Wanted the road to the new site (and horses)) - Settler - Granary. Settler x2 will be next.


Hut pops AH! Great news – but no horses visible, which may be crucial. Surely there’s some though…?
3880BC - Wang Kon *and* Frederick right next to us. Thanks rolo ;)
3600BC - Horsies! First priority is clear.

2800BC – I did think about the very early Keshik rush, but decided against it, basically because I was a little nervous of attacking a Protective leader with just the one unit (and an expensive unit at that). The idea of the next 30 turns is going to be to get the economy up and running, probably get ellies and keshiks, and attack with those.


Wang Kon is the founder of Hinduism, which is going to make life a lot more difficult.

2000BC – Well, we’ve met everyone, and most leaders are likely to cause some kind of problem from a warmongering perspective. Freddy looks like the softest touch of those that I’ve seen – although I’m reluctant to do a very early rush. Looks like the backbone of this game will have to be broken in the Classical era though, with a Keshik/Ellie/Cat rush.

Not a great start though, I have to admit - I did want to get some kind of economy going before starting a rush though. Maybe that's a mistake - I suck at early rushes. Having seen everyone else's 2000BC checkpoint, there's definitely a big advantage in getting all that land stress-free.

There is one huge plus, however - we have the horsies almost hooked up! Here's the overview:

Well done you guys your games all seem to be going really well! We have quite alot of players here now, my heads spinning from reading all these reports :crazyeye:

I've had to ditch my game I'm afraid, I seem to have put myself into a very tough situation :sad:

Spoiler :
Due to my poor start, bad decisions :blush: and wars that went on for way too long I'm way behind in tech, basically I have keshiks, axes, war ellies and cats... everyone else has maces, pikes, xbows and trebs. :(

I might give it another, we'll have to see.

Will definatley keep following your reports tho :)

Go for the win using only keshiks! It's the mongol way!

Spoiler :
I had to use knights a little at the end :(. I HATE KNIGHTS.
My economy is tanking. Prince=def a step up. But I got HBR and now, Keshiks will roam the land.
Well, game is going quite well. I could have won easily by now by simply running over everyone, but I decided to play it "the long way", and go for a Space Win on Pangaea with a Warmongering Leader, heh.

Checkpoint #1, Pregame thoughts
Checkpoint #2, 1500 BC
CHeckpoint #3, 55 AD

Checkpoint #4, 1000 AD
Spoiler :
Rather than just go run over everyone, I took the 2 cities from Vicky I wanted, and just sat around. My economy was bordering on disaster, but I was actually OK, I had enough workers to chop out Courthouses quickly.

Then I decided to build stuff, heh. It was kind of weird, the AIs were not building ANY Wonders, and seemed to be teching at a snail's pace. I know its a bit slower on Prince, but holy cow, it seemed like they had nothing. I didnt mind, it allowed me to just sit around, and build stuff.

Here are pics of the Wonders list. I seem to have them all somehow . . .

. . . despite still being #1 in Power. I built a few new units, Cats and such, but not a heck of a lot. I think the AIs have just fallen off the map or something!

Justinian just recently got some troops, but they 4 of them have been in and out of wars nearly constantly.

Oh well, here is my current empire. I have started to settle those islands, and I have been building every wonder on the list.

Here are the techs and relations in the year 1000 AD. They all hate me, but I dont care, my border is very secure.

Since then I have built a few more Wonders, including . . .

Heh. Its fun. I am up to 1200 AD or so, and only 1 other wonder has been built other than my pile. Vicky managed to get the ToA. I wasnt going to let them get the AP, thats for sure, it would have cost me the game unless I could spam Buddhism, but now, I control it, its Hindu, and there are very few Hindu cities outside my own. Toku has one, and Ragnar has one, thats it. All my cities have it now, and are getting those extra hammers.

So my new goal is to have every wonder in the game! LOL, crazy with a leader like KK, but what the heck. That means I have to conquer Vickys cap (now York), and she has become a voluntary vassal of Justinian, so I may wait for Rifling. Hard to believe I am this dominating though. I was on the very edge of disaster at the turn from BC to AD. Actually, I am just going to wait for Rifling and run over everyone and finish it off, but I am going to do it SLOWWWLLY, I am having a blast building stuff!

This isnt really a report just sharing a pic of something I thought was kind of funny :) The pic os of a city taken in 1438 in case anyone wants to wait before looking.

Spoiler :
Basically Toku and Rags have been at war since the BC's. Which actually been kind of nice they have pretty much stalemated eachother by warring for like 2000 plus years and pretty much keeping out of my hair :). But Rags seems to be SLOOOWLY gaining an upper hand and THIS screenie may be reason why.

Hehe whip much Toku? Bad news is his cap have 465 turns to come out of unhappiness but good news is there is like 900 turns left in game still :)

Toku also seems to prefer a "no frills" approach to buildings too. I guess its some kind of zen minimilist japanese thing or something :)

Now I am NOO expert on whipping but I will go out on a limb and give this Kaytie Civ4 tip if it is around 1400 AD and your capitol is population 1 with -16unhappiness from "we cannot forget your cruel opression" you MAY be overwhipping JUST a tad :)



  • tokuscreenie.JPG
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That screen reminds me one SG I played ,PW -02.... We let toku AI to play the first 100 turns of the game and after that we took control. I was the first player to play after Toku and, boy , that civ was a mess! Nothing as extreme as 465 turn of :whipped: rage, but serious weedy stuff... and that kind of ascetic city furniture too ;) I guess that toku is simply "just like that" :lol:

That screen reminds me one SG I played ,PW -02.... We let toku AI to play the first 100 turns of the game and after that we took control. I was the first player to play after Toku and, boy , that civ was a mess! Nothing as extreme as 465 turn of :whipped: rage, but serious weedy stuff... and that kind of ascetic city furniture too ;) I guess that toku is simply "just like that" :lol:

Sounds painful. I need to work on whip judgment. I tend to go extreme over or under using it.
Checkpoints 1 and 2: 4000BC - 2000BC
Checkpoint 4: 1AD - 1000AD
End of game

Checkpoint 3: 2000BC - 1AD
Spoiler :

So, at 2000BC we left off without much of an economy, but with the idea that settlers would be pumped until we had 4 cities - then tech to Construction - then take Fred or Wang out.

So, that was largely what happened. Tech path: Fishing - Iron Working - Horseback Riding - Mathematics - (Masonry/Mysticism/Sailing traded) - (Alphabet traded) - Construction.

Here's the play-by-play. Good news after discovery of Iron Working (if a little close for comfort):

...the good news is this almost definitely confirms Fred as the next target.

Not sure exactly how good an idea this was:

...but it meant I could at least backfill those techs. Plus, I needed Masonry for Construction, and couldn't really be arsed researching it. He had Alphabet, rather than me, and I needed a way of getting it for a fuller picture of the tech situation. Et voila:

...which gives me...

Hmmm. Nobody else has anything apart from useless Polytheism.

A bit later on, a catastrophic event happens. Note the copper tile. It used to be mine. Bloody holy city culture :(

In other news, Wang Kon builds the Oracle - from which he gets...

...Metal Casting.

325BC, and Construction was in, so ellie-wellie and cat production started in earnest. I had lots of Keshiks by this point, so only put the elephant in as an afterthought really - to dislodge troublesomely strong defenders.

...which led somewhat to this stack:

...and this, just a couple of turns before 1AD.

Then...absolute disaster strikes. No screenie, because I saved and quitted in disgust, but right on 1AD Wang Kon declares war. I was already at war with two - Victoria was being eaten alive by Ragnar, so I jumped on the bandwagon for extra :) with him - so a third front to the war is moderately disastrous. Whatever happens, the next checkpoint should be a lot of fun. The good news is that with that stack, I'm much stronger militarily than Korea.

Plans for the future - teching CoL, and Confucianism hasn't gone yet, so that would be a nice bonus. Both health and happiness are a problem at the moment - need those Calendar resources hooked up after this enormous war resolves itself. But for now it's chopping/whipping/building defenders to take on Wang, whilst hopefully ripping through Germany.
Weird year but 1290 report as I'm stopping to decide how I'm going to win it.

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Taken out Korea/Germany already and I fairly easily have the highest power but I need to stop and rebuild a bit and war weariness is a killer at this point.

I accidentally built the pyramids which was kinda funny, started it in the first city i settled after a bit then forgot about it, never chopped it and didn't have stone, sadly I would rather have realized it was completing at the time and got the money for it.

I might just lazy out and settle the remaining land/islands and coast to space.

In 1584 AD I got a domination win :). It took me TOTALLY off guard though I didnt think I was THAT close so I didnt save one tuen before victory just the turn when it was declared hehe.

MY ealier reports are all here -->

And my final report:

Spoiler :
After I took out Vicky I spent a few turns getting my empire all in order and my tech rate started pick up big time. I pushed way ahead the of the last 3 civs especially Rags and Toku. They have been at war pretty much the ENTIRE game like since around 1500 bc or even earlier and it has really been killing their teching.

So anyways while I am tiddying up building commerce and science and what not and my workers are all imporoving tiles. Round this point I tech dvine right education and since noone has education yet I hold off on lib to get some other techs first I tech gunpowder nationalism and mil trad to turn my Knights into curissars.

I use a GE to hurry spiral for more gold per turn so I can have nest egg to upgrade my Kights as ASAP. After spiral is done in my new cap I set on working Taj. Soon Mil Trad gets done and I upgrade Knights.

Once all knights are upgraded and I build a cpl more I group em all together with some maces and trebs and cats and go after Toku. RIGHT before I DoW on Toku a gp pops in one of my cities. now I DO have a cpl of holy cities needing shrines BUT Taj is almost done and I also have MoM so with visoions of nice long 48 turn golden age I burn the GP for a GA. And then go after Toku. I take him out pretty easy and good thing too Rags JUST got zerkers so Toku wasnt long for this game anyways so if he is gonna fall it better he falls to me and NOT rags hehe :). After the first city is taken I split my stack. My currisars go off on their own while the wounded currisars and one movement units heal. The curriosars against longbows and swords and maces do pretty good on their own. Even v. protective longbows with 60% culture defense I dont lose to many since even the ones that lose usually retreat since I have been giving MOST of my mounted units flanking1 and 2 right out of the box. So by splitting stacks and sending two movement units out on their own I manage to get Toku done in lke 6 turns or so :).

After that its like bfore I wait for tokus old cities to come out of revolt and send workers to tidy up around them. At this point still nobody has education so I hold back on Lib still and go for Repalcement parts and the rifling to turn my curs into caves and maces into rifles and then have em go play with Rags zerkers :).

After I get rifling I then go after economics and us efree merchant to go do a misison in Justinians cap for 5100 gold. I use that gold plus gold I been saving from GA econmy to mass upgrade all my maces to rifles and curisassus and eles to cavalry. I get together two stacks one mostly rifles and what trebs I have left and another of all cav and dow on Rags.

I take two of Rags cities (well REALLY they were more like old Toku cities that Rags took from him) the turn I Dow on him and then when our little war is ONLY 1 turn old Ragnor the big bad warmonger is too afraid to fight a girl by himslef--the big sissy goes and vassalizes to Justinian which of course means Justinian DoWs on me.

Luckily I had two good size garrions in the two cities closest to Justinian. Noy cuz I was too worried bout him DoW on me (although I WAS keeping eye on city where he was using as rally point for his troops) but also mainly because they were geting pressed by his culture and a city with big garrisons less likely to flip so I made sure those cities had a good number of troops to avoid flippage hehe.

AT this point I have JUST finished chemistry. I STARTED to work on steel since I figured cannons would be handy BUT very next turn one of justinians caravlas that I guess was off exploring around swoops in and sinks a gally so I switch to lib which only needs 4 turns with plan to pick Astronmy so I can have frigates protect my fishing boats and maybe harrass Justinian.

And I get lucky break right when I do that a GP pops and it turns out Great Prohets can bulb liberalism hehe. SO he bulbs from 4 turns to 1 so very next turn I have frgates and galleons already to protect my coasts.

At this point Justinian has good size stack going fater one of my cites close to his border but good ONLY in size. Cataphracts MAY be all that usually but against fortified rifleman then not so hot hehe.

I decide to go after Justinan first now that he is in the war. For two reasons A) his cities are closer and his culture is pressing a cpl of my cities and B) to teach the little jerk next time Im in middle of war he should JUST mind his own beeswax hehe.

So I keep my cav only stack to guard the north in case rags decides to make a move up that way and send my stack of cavs and rifles to take the first of Justinans cities right by my borders. I also take care of that stack he had harrassing my city.

I also decide to tech democracy. Now I know I know the SMART move would have been steel for cannons but everybody knows Im NOT a smart player. Rags ticked me off by being a sissy and vassalizing to Justinian and Justinian ticked me off by sticking his nose in our war and accepting Rags vassalation so I wanted to just give em a lil more grief by getting democracy and switching to emancipation before my GA ended JUST to make their cities even unhappier hehe.

Now while I was waiting for my units that took that one city of Justinians and that killed off his invading stack something wierd happened. I hit end and then all of sudden as next turn starts I won domination hehe.

I didnt even think I was THAT close. Now I have been over POP % neceeasry for LONGEST time and right after last of Tokus cities came out of revolt I was at like 58% land and needed 64% for domonation so I figured I still need to take a few more cities.

But I figured this is what happened.

A) I was running mercantlism and had sistine so that mean free specialist with extra culture boost in the captured cities so tokus old cities got their firt pop pretty fast.

B) and this is what probably really put me over. Rem like I said Justinian culture was pressing on two of the cities I took form Vicky BIGtime. so not only did I have big garrisons in them I was building theaters temples monastaries libraries even castles any building that could make culture I had em built there. Now they wrent do MUCH to push back justinians culture but I think between that and having big garrissons it helped to make sure they didnt go into revolt. But after I took out that city that was doing most of the pressing on them all of sudden boom almost like a culture bomb the borders around popped bigtime. So I think that plus all of the cities I had captured earlier popping pretty quick is what put me over.

So that wa smy game I ended up with final score of 97036 my fourth highest score ever hehe :)

I even got to try two things I have NEVER done before. First I moved my capitol to new city because sheesh I HATED starting site. But it was like a trap site was sucky but it was ALL hills so moving settler round trying to find better would have taken waaay too much time so I bit bullet and just settled in place. ANd when I had a city in better location I had it build a place and it worked out very nice :)

It worked out for empire since better capitol placement REALLY made big difference in economy but it also worked out nice for starting city. It may have been sucky capitol but all those hills plus heroic epic, maui statues and two settled GGs it made an EXCELLENT millitary pump :)

Second. I used spies in a war to take down defenses. Usually I just use siege but I was behind in tech against Vicky and she had engineering AND guilds at that point and I didnt and cats on castles take FOREVER so I figured best move would be use spies to take down defense and then suicide my cats so my outdated units could handle her better ones and it worked out pretty good hehe.

Well anywways that was my game and I will attatch save in case anyone want to peek :)



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Previous checkpoints:

Checkpoint #1, Pregame thoughts
Checkpoint #2, 1500 BC
Checkpoint #3, 55 AD
Checkpoint #4, 1000 AD

Now for the final Checkpoint, Victory!!

Spoiler :
In the end, I got bored and just decided to roll over everyone with my standard Drafted Rifles, Cannons and Cavalry. Vassalized Toku. Wiped VIcky off the map the minute she broke her Vassal agreement with Justinian (heh, DOWed that very turn). Took 1 Byzantine city to give me the 64% land needed. Not much else to report, other than the fact that I got every Wonder in the game up to that point except 1 (Ragnar built the Parthenon), I think. A couple got conquered, ToA, Chicken Itza, but I built most myself. I had so much land that once I turned my economy around, it was all over but the Fat lady part. She finally sang in the early 1700's, helped by a 30 turn Golden Age which I just pumped out troops and romped:

Here is the list of Wonders I built:
Great Wall
Hanging Gardens
Agnor Wat
Great Library
Sistine Chapel
Notre Dame
Spiral Minaret
Apostolic Palace
Mausoleum of Maussollos
Shwedagon Paya
Statue of Zeus
University of Sankore
Taj Mahal

I captured:
Great Lighthouse
Temple of Artemis
Chicken Itza

I think I need to move up a level or two, heh, I was totally in control of this game from the moment I settled my 2nd city (and eventual capitol, I moved it) on the Horses. I had a few turns where my economy almost fell apart, but I knew I could pull it off. All in all, a very very enjoyable game on a strong map that taught me quite a bit about the whole concept of "Warmongering and Your Economy". Hats off to Rolo once again, he certainly has a sharp eye. Do you regenerate starts for these (and the LHCs, I guess) and try to choose ones with strong lessons to be learned purposely? If you do, your genius at it. Both of the recent NC games had VERY powerful lessons. Ramesses was "what to do with TOO MUCH land!" and KK was "If your going to war, be prepared to suffer economically for a WHILE".


Spoiler :
I forgot to ask, are we OK to play these at levels above Prince? I want to start playing at Monarch, but if the saves arent really set up to accommodate levels above Prince, thats fine, I will just keep that in mind. If its too much work to create the games for all levels, no worries at all, just keep em at Noble-Prince, I really do not want to put you out any more than we already do, heh.
Congrats to all those who have been winning!

Maybe you (i.e. the noble's club) should play the next round with a civ that doesn't have an early UU or UB, say America or Germany. You could play as Lincoln or Fred, get some specialist economy practice. You will have your UUs available near the end if you don't manage to get a quick win too...
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