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Nobles' Club: what map options to use by default?

Which of the following best matches how you think Nobles' Club maps should be set up?

  • Huts/events on (as now).

    Votes: 22 25.9%
  • No huts ever, events off.

    Votes: 27 31.8%
  • No huts ever, events off, and discourage people from turning events back on.

    Votes: 23 27.1%
  • Huts on, events off.

    Votes: 8 9.4%
  • No huts ever, events on by default.

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Game speed should be up to the player, the same as difficulty settings are.

The issue with huts and events is that they are random: even if you like them, you can't learn anything about how to play the game from seeing someone get a free golden age, or having their starting warrior killed when they pop barbs.

Game speed, on the other hand, isn't random. People who like to play epic speed games can learn something from watching other people play epic speed games (they can probably learn something from watching normal speed games too, for that matter).
If you want a level playing field then go do the Game of the Month. The games in S&T are mostly about doing it in whatever way rocks your boat. Play the game the way you like it and report on your results. If it inspires other people to follow your lead, then that's cool. If they continue to do their own thing, then that's fine too.

I really don't understand why people claim that, in order to compare games, they have to be on the same speed, without huts or events. On the contrary, comparing games is all about seeing how different choices lead to different outcomes. What's more, these differences pale in comparison to other possibilities, finding a silver mine for example.

Not to mention that people play these games at all different speeds from Noble to Immortal (and sometimes Deity). Then you might get Daggered. Getting Daggered early pretty much ends your game on Immortal and above. At minimum, it sets you back many many turns.

So play your game at whatever level you like with whatever settings you like. Do it your way. Tell your story. Hear the stories of other people. That's all. Have fun.

And don't listen to the nannies who insist on telling you what the right way to play the game is.

@dalamb Why don't you include a wb of the original huts-included file in the zip file? Since you play it yourself, it can't be difficult to do. And it would satisfy those who, like you, want to play with huts.

Edit: xpost with Capellan and dalamb
NC is one of most (if not most) popular series here. Significant factor in it's popularity is no restrictions/guidelines. Leave it as it is IMO. There always will be volunteers to provide us with no huts saves.

@Nicol.Bolas If you got DoWed on deity before turn 40 it's instant gg. Nothing can be done, just a matter of luck.
I waffled over whether to include the original huts-included WB save in the .zip. With 3/4 favouring nobody getting to have huts, it seemed like making it really hard to get was the consensus. But I could easily waffle back the other way and put it in.

It would be great if you included those saves with huts. I don't mind playing without them but I like them. :)
Glad to know it helped. I'm probably going to do something similar with Churchill.
Can't help you with the video software problem.

I do have a request regarding the Churchill game. If it doesn't bend your plans for the game out of shape, can you demonstrate a Rifle "rush"? (In this case "rush" means getting Rifles before the AI has proper anti-gunpowder defense.) Churchill and Redcoats are well suited for it (as Toku with AGG/PRO). There are no threads on rifle rushes in the forum that I could find (at least for Civ IV, I found one for Civ III).
Can't help you with the video software problem.

Xfire to record and VirtualDub to compress seems to work nicely.

As far your request goes ... I'll play the map and see what happens. I don't want to commit to any pre-planned gambits because the situation might not be good for them.

That said, I generally tech for rifling sooner rather than later. Especially with Protective leaders. So if there is scope on the map for a rifle 'rush', it's probably going to happen :)
Xfire to record and VirtualDub to compress seems to work nicely.

As far your request goes ... I'll play the map and see what happens. I don't want to commit to any pre-planned gambits because the situation might not be good for them.

That said, I generally tech for rifling sooner rather than later. Especially with Protective leaders. So if there is scope on the map for a rifle 'rush', it's probably going to happen :)

when we will see some result of everything working properly? :)
when we will see some result of everything working properly? :)

Sometime after dalamb posts the map I guess :)

Today’s the day for joyous tears
As postcounts climb from the early years;
One by one, score by score,
How many make more and more?

With this post here, number fifty-two,
(And 256 made by you)
We reached a marker unforeseen
When CFC was just a dream:
My edit made in bright vermillion
Salutes you and post ten million!
Ten thousand thousands posts we’ve hosted,
But you’re the one being toasted;
The honor’s yours Capellan chap
“Sometime after dalamb posts the map…”
regarding huts and WB save file, although many (myself included) feel huts/events should be off, for general ease I'd say its ok the way it has been done. Any player is entitled to play whatever settings, but both on/off options are readily available as it stands (by custom scenario or 1 minute altering a text file). but I think the standard should be set (or encouraged to be) as the poll suggests.
This will give the best comparisons, but if one prefers to play with huts/events on, they are more than welcome.

thats my take anyway :)
Sometime after dalamb posts the map I guess :)

Today’s the day for joyous tears
As postcounts climb from the early years;
One by one, score by score,
How many make more and more?

With this post here, number fifty-two,
(And 256 made by you)
We reached a marker unforeseen
When CFC was just a dream:
My edit made in bright vermillion
Salutes you and post ten million!
Ten thousand thousands posts we’ve hosted,
But you’re the one being toasted;
The honor’s yours Capellan chap
“Sometime after dalamb posts the map…”

:clap: Congrats on your epic reply. :lol:
Capellan--Congrats!! :beer:
We have beer in the moderator lounge if you can find your way there.
o.O TEN MILLION! :band:
As far your request goes ... I'll play the map and see what happens. I don't want to commit to any pre-planned gambits because the situation might not be good for them.

That said, I generally tech for rifling sooner rather than later. Especially with Protective leaders. So if there is scope on the map for a rifle 'rush', it's probably going to happen :)
Fair enough, thanks. Congratulations on having post 10 million!

(I wonder how many years that took? Also, how quickly did it accelerate?)
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