Nobles' Club XCIV: Stalin of Russia

Prince/Noble. Huts&Events. 500 AD.
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The last two Carthaginian cities were incorporated in 650 BC. The Japanese War commenced in 375 BC and Tokyo (the iron city N of Moscow) fell in 350 BC. Osaka went in 200 BC but the economy could not allow it as a keeper city. Kyoto was affordable in 1AD and the Japanese were eliminated.

Tokyo brought the first Great General and I've started using the first as a warlord to allow for a rapid Heroic Epic.

Moscow has The HE, The Oracle, The Parthenon and The Shwedagon Paya. Carthage (the GPF in-waiting) has The Colossus, The Temple of Artemis with The National Epic in 1T.

The economy is marginal but the Russians hold a lead in soldiers, land and population. Opponents of the "five-century" plan to liberate Portugal appear to be disappearing.
Sorry about the spoiler in the above message but I cannot edited it or delete it.
Sorry about the spoiler in the above message but I cannot edited it or delete it.

EDIT: I test-quoted your post to see - there's a couple of extraneous spoiler tags in there too that are messing up a bit. You can quote my post, copy the text in between the *****, cancel the quote-post, edit your original post and paste the text in. Should fix things.

Prince/Noble. Huts&Events. 500 AD.
Spoiler :
The last two Carthaginian cities were incorporated in 650 BC. The Japanese War commenced in 375 BC and Tokyo (the iron city N of Moscow) fell in 350 BC. Osaka went in 200 BC but the economy could not allow it as a keeper city. Kyoto was affordable in 1AD and the Japanese were eliminated.

Tokyo brought the first Great General and I've started using the first as a warlord to allow for a rapid Heroic Epic.

Moscow has The HE, The Oracle, The Parthenon and The Shwedagon Paya. Carthage (the GPF in-waiting) has The Colossus, The Temple of Artemis with The National Epic in 1T.

The economy is marginal but the Russians hold a lead in soldiers, land and population. Opponents of the "five-century" plan to liberate Portugal appear to be disappearing.

I just wanted to thank Dalamb and other regulars for frequently hosting these practice games as well as the others with Monarch Student and Immortal University.

I tend to play this game in small bouts and seem to come back to it every 1-2 months. When I do come around to playing Civ4 I can always look forward to having a few of these public games to play. I just wanted to thank you guys for all the games. I'm sure I'm not the only lurker hanging around these games that doesn't always post:).

Again, thank you and keep up the good work!

If I have time I'll post my game :).
Played Marathon/Noble - Conquest in 1370AD. Whole game felt way too easy. I loaded the Monarch save as a custom scenario. Realized after I won that it was actually on Noble difficulty even though I loaded the Monarch game :lol:

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Killed China first by choking and then taking him out with axes. Army was still big enough after to go straight to Carthage and take all his cities. After that did some expanding/fix economy/wonder whoring. Tech pace was blistering compared to all other AIs. Won every tech race/important wonders. Took Rifling with Lib and starting building Kossaks. Joao peace vassaled, then attacked Romans (vassal), Justinian (vassal) and finally Cyrus (vassal).
EDIT: I test-quoted your post to see - there's a couple of extraneous spoiler tags in there too that are messing up a bit. You can quote my post, copy the text in between the *****, cancel the quote-post, edit your original post and paste the text in. Should fix things.

Thanks for the solution - I fixed the original post and it looks like it works properly now.
I played emperor and it was a good map, but I played around to much and are now in for a long one :(
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So I got a few citied and then I spammed wonders, too many :(
But the game really played with me this time. So around 1 AD I am prepared to attack Toku and just a few turns before I was too attack he peace vassals to Joao...
So I have no other choice to attack and wait for the wrath of Joao.
So, around 500 AD Toku is gone. At the same time Rome is making a huge mistake losing Ravenna to barbs only for Justinian to take advantage. This means he gets full control of the central continent :(
For me the war continues vs Joao. And then around 900 AD when Joao is down to 3 citites he in turn peace vassals to Hannibal so now he declares war on me :((
I turn my attention to Hannibal as he is stronger and has bigger army. The big problem is my teaching has taken a huge drop from this endelss war. So after some back and forth Hannibal finally breaks around 1500 AD and Joao breaks free. Hannibal becomes my vassal much to the ire of Mehmet as the share 1 island. So now I want to get rid of that pesky Joao to have full control f the continent. And of course that pissant peace vassals to Cyrus this time forcing me into another long war. I finally rout Joao from the continent(he has a few cities scatterered around) and manage to hold Cyrus at bay.
All the meanwhile Justinian kicked Rome's *** easily and Ceasar vassals to him. At 1750 AD the score is very even between me, Justinian and Cyrus, although I am behind a little in tech. I make peace with Cyrus and was hoping for a little peace but just the next turn I get a double DOW from Justinian and Mehmet and I just can't do much. Mehmet is angry cause of Hannibal being on "his island" and Justinian is just ahead in tech compared to the rest. He has assembly line and combustion which I don't. All this means is the I can't get off my continent. The difference between destroyers and ship of the line is just ridicolus and he sinks everything I've got.
I have no friends att all as Rome is Just vassal, Cyrus and Joao hates me for obvious reasons.
So now it is 1800 AD and I must wait until I get combustion so I can get destroyers.
Cause neither Just or Mehmet wants to talk.

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"So now it is 1800 AD and I must wait until I get combustion so I can get destroyers.
Cause neither Just or Mehmet wants to talk."

Prince/Noble. Huts&Events. 1200 AD.

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Stalin made contact with Cyrus 800, Julius Caesar 880, Justinian I 1070. Fuelled by a pair of 12T golden ages the Portugese War is going rather well - Joao II is down to four cities. Carthage is working out as a GPF.

Running HR, Bureaucracy, CS, Theocracy the tech lead is solid and Russia remains first in soldiers, land and population. The reality is that at 20.94% of the world's land the notion of a domination victory has been, for some period of time, abandoned. Conquest is at the top of the play-list.

I played this one on empror to a 1824 conquest victory.
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I settled two cites close by and horse archer-rushed Toku when he just send some of his archers away to settle the third city. Why Toku and not Hanni? Because Toku build me the Great Lighthouse :)

After that I settled the long southern peninsular as well as the coast. I also send my leftover horse archers against Hannibal, but I had to stop at 9 citys in order to keep the economy alive. So Hannibal hated me forever and ever now and i build up some defense against his looming counterattack. When it came it was surprisingly puny and i had not trouble taking him over with trebuchets and medieval mix.

With about 30 units left over I turned around to kill of Joao who was becoming somewhat of a tech leader at the moment. While smashing through the defenseless guy I got to Cuirassiers who took one city too.

While building up Galleons I teched to Rifling and upgraded my highly promoted knights and the cuirassier to cossacks. I sailed over to the other continent where Joao had build me a bridgehead. Julius had just discovered the large southern island and was in full expand mode when i hit him. Two cites and one round later he capitulated.

A piece treaty with Justinian forced me to wait for 8 rounds, so i build some more units smashing my economy. I was fighting grenadiers now but spies and frigates got rid of the city defenses and 19 city Justinian was fairly easy to get. It took him 9 taken cites to capitulate though.

Meanwhile Cyrus had settled his entire island (23 cites) and had become quite an opponent, with mass rifles. I tried it with airships, ships of the line, spies and cossacks but ultimately I decided to produce wealth for 15 rounds and research flight. With carriers and mass fighters the rest of the war is a walk in the park. After capping him I have 63,5 % of the land and get a conquest victory.

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Ps: I'd be interesting to see this beaten on Deity. Given the amount of land Cyrus has I imagine this to be quite a challenge.
You might want to put that in a spoiler, m00n ;)

I might give this one a whirl on Emperor/Epic after finishing up my current game.
You might want to put that in a spoiler, m00n ;)

I might give this one a whirl on Emperor/Epic after finishing up my current game.

I could have sworn I put one around the last paragraph too... Apparently not, thx ^^
I, and probably others, would appreciate if you put specials on their appropriate tiles. Deer should only appear on plains and tundra, never grassland.

I appreciate the work that goes into hosting these, and I think this small change would be a significant improvement for many of us who enjoy nobles' club.


UN-typicall maps are extremely welcome
Forested tundra deer isn't that bad a tile, tbh - learned to love it playing Boreal...
Prince/Normal. Huts & Events. 1695 AD. Conquest Victory.
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The Portugese perished in 1340. The Persians could not be the next target as the sea was too wide. The NW peninsula allowed for a galley bridge to Justinian I. The invasion force included a settler and missionary to replace the first conquered city as a healing centre.

A three corps system - attack, healing, replacements - was adopted. Justinian I was burned into vassalage in 1590. A truncated Rome gave it up in 1645. The stunner was that Cyrus threw-in the towel after losing just Persopolis.

@ dalamb. Thank you for another challenging game.
Prince / normal
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Wow - this is where I left of last time I got bored by the game:
Apparently I just conquered the whole initial continent in 1800AD - with 250 turns left in the game.

What i did after retaking control of my old empire?
All I did was consolidated my huge armies of mostly Cossack and attacked Justinian, who gave after three cities captured.
The same process followed for Xerxes and Caesar.

I don't remember much about the initial 250 turns, but from what i can tell from the end-game summary, I took japan first and Carthage and Portuguese last. It was a very aggressive game from the beginning.

Justinian was sending massive naval invasions the whole game and I apparently lost some cities to this.
This looks like a nice start but since Stalin is a dick and a halfwit I have no respect for, I can't play this.
Tried this out on immortal/normal

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Went gwall/mids after making a settler. Toku went idiot mode and settled on the gold, and with BFC copper that meant he had to die. I lost WAY too many guys on his gold hill city.

Then I get to his cap with 5ish protective archers vs 7 axes. No sell so I ran up to his 3rd city and just sat there, watching him send 3-4 archers up there to defend it, intercepting them and killing them. I then simply took both cities (had to burn the gold, don't want a city settled directly on that).

With leftover momentum and Joao not having longbow or xbow yet, I kept right on abusing the AGG trait with some axes + 4 spears, taking all of his cities on the continent. Finished alpha shortly before doing so, then managed to fleece MC + iron working off joao (along with fishing). Multiple AI didn't have MC yet, which I was able to instantly turn around and trade the technology I ripped off from war booty. With 18 cities total after these shenanigans + barb cities, farmed GPP in kyoto, mausoleum-boosted golden ages (including taj with marble + industrious) I was able to roll this easily. I didn't finish it; I had the land/tech/pop/everything lead and was right around industrialism ~1500 AD despite the rush spam. The massed GAs (3 with great people, 1 taj, all 12 turn) and trade abuse + diplo'd everyone to pleased = no effort at all. I could take my pick of how to win since nobody is trying culture and I'm a runaway.

AGG is pretty good below deity, toku/joao just got ABUSED in this game :D.

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