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Not that civ again.


Jan 24, 2006
After playing several single player games (with random leaders of course), every game I play I tend to get Mali.

Not that civ again :mad: for me is Mali, which enemy civ is your "Not that civ again"?
The Aztecs.

My last three games, i've started either beside or near Monty... and it ALWAYS comes to blows. :mad:
Hey! There's an idea for the next patch:

An "Anyone But!" choice for the AI's when selecting a Custom game. :)
sliganian said:
Hey! There's an idea for the next patch:

An "Anyone But!" choice for the AI's when selecting a Custom game. :)

I'd love to see something like this not only for the AI's but also for other map and optional settings. For example the ability to choose a 'random' map from among 3 or 5 choices. This could be done with checkboxes to select available options in the starting screen instead of the dropdowns.

Frankly I think the dropdowns are a pretty bad and very limiting user interface. I don't know if it's within reach for the community to modify the launch page, though, so I'll just have to wait and hope :(

"Oh great, Little Miss 'Always gets Buddhism' is going to be making conversion demands all game again."
Hey, it's all random after all, but the arabs like to stick around in my games.

And Mali too

Haven't met Monty's flying jaguar circus yet :lol:
I play against Egypt. IN EVERY GAME.

Maybe playing certain difficulties gives a greater chance that a random civ will be a given civ in that game.
a stupid, arrogant little man, by the name of Hunya Capac. every 10 turns or so, its "care to have open borders with us?". And when i say no its war...ugh, very annoying
I seem to remember a similar line of threads back during Civ3 Conquests. ;)
The Zulu. Oh wait...

I get Saladin in a lot of my games, but he never seems to be much of a problem.

Montezuma also seems to show up quite often.
I have played a grand total of five games, and Montezuma has shown up in every one. He hasn't been much of a problem though.

It's Isabella who pisses me off. OK, OK, you're upset that I'm not Buddhist, but could you PLEASE not turn it into a federal case?
Izzy. Becaus she never has the same religion and she will hold onto her religion preventing anyone else from getting it. You must then rely upon natural spread which only occurs if you are next to her. That naturally means she has a short stroll to attack you though. She always has theocracy so you cannot convert her. Its as if she wants a jihad.
Isabella is in EVERY SINGLE GAME I play, and I don't think anybody can stand her religious nuttyness.
In a current multiplayer game, it surprised me to no end, but Isabella NEVER got a religion on her own. AI Montezuma got Buddhism, Catherine(Human) got Judaism, AI Huayna Capac got Hinduism and Islam. I got Christianity. Don't know who got Confuc and Tao, but she didnt. Since she and I share a continent I sent my Christian Missionary to her, it spread to the other Human in the game, and now we have a very powerful bloc. The Other Human just decided to crush Tokugawa and by himself is the most powerful civ at the moment.
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