NOTW LVI: The Demon Council [Game Thread]


Spoiler :
4 robbiecon (Snerk, bladescape, Al Sipsclar, Winston Hughes)

3 Al Sipsclar (Sprig, Internet Flea, robbiecon)

[TIMER=9/23/2015 4:00 PM CDT; Day Six Over]tunnel snakes rule[/TIMER]

Spoiler :
4 Al Sipsclar (Sprig, Internet Flea, robbiecon, Snerk)

3 robbiecon (bladescape, Al Sipsclar, Winston Hughes)

[TIMER=9/23/2015 4:00 PM CDT; Day Six Over]tunnel snakes rule[/TIMER]
Final Tally:

4 Al Sipsclar (Sprig, Internet Flea, robbiecon, Snerk)
4 robbiecon (bladescape, Al Sipsclar, Winston Hughes)
End of Day Six

After much heated debate, the Councilors decided to lynch Al Sipsclar, despite the Lord Scribe's protestations that "the pen is mightier than the sword."

Spoiler :
Al Sipsclar, disguised as the Lord Scribe, was a Blood Mage.

The Councilors let out a cheer. "Hip hip! Hooray!"

Spoiler :
The Blood Mages have been eliminated!

The Lord General, Winston Hughes, took this opportunity to give a passionate speech on the need of a stronger military. Measures would need to be taken in order to prevent such a catastrophe ever happening again. Although many of the Councilors were skeptical, the Lord General's sheer force of will convinced them to follow his lead. The new military state began making preparations for war against the Hendarr Republic and their reviled blood magic.

Spoiler :
The Demon Council has been defeated!

Demon Coup victory!
So town had to eliminate Coup before they eliminate Blood-Mages to win?
Not necessarily. Demon Coup's victory was strength-based (once the Blood Mages were out of the picture). Because Winston had 8 strength, more than everyone else combined (even with Al alive), Al's death secured victory. If Arakhor (with 2 strength) was the surviving member instead of Winston, then the game would have continued.
Go, Winston!

Two things - (a) I told you Robbie was a demon and (b) we couldn't have done it without you, Snerk. :D
Gratz to the coup. At least the scum won this one! Also props to Al, who played like a champ for being pretty new to the game. It is hard enough to sub in, let alone make a great mark.

If it wasn't for the pesky coup killing me off I think things would be very different right now. I was well on my way to integrating into the town, had distanced myself quite effectively from both space and Al with targeted busses, had Al performing all the kills, etc. The perception by both of us (even if unspoken) was that Al would get lynched sooner or later and that would leave me fairly high and dry. I just wish we had killed Winston early on like I had proposed, but I was talked down from that idea (not that it was a particularly strong conviction).

All round a great game.

Blood Mage QT for those interested.
Winston was definitely the man of the match in this game. I scanned for demons at night, whilst he did a ritual, which absorbs demons' strength and tried to kill humans. That's what killed you BSmith, not that I noticed that until Zack mentioned it in the Dead QT.

(I'd love to claim competence in this game, but really, I really wasn't.)
I was totally up-front with people in this game, genuinely trying to catch blood mages and that jazz. The only lie I told all game was that I scanned Winston, when in fact I'd scanned Visorslash. Naturally, I didn't need to scan Bladescape, because Winston drained him of 3 strength on two separate occasions, so I already knew that he was a demon. :)
For that matter, I didn't think that we were scum. In fact, Zack had to tell us that in our QT. (See what I meant about feigned competence.)

What's going on in the Blood Mage thread about getting people to kill other people?
What's going on in the Blood Mage thread about getting people to kill other people?
The spell used for kills required blood. They could choose to use the victim's own blood, their own, or someone else's (which they always did). This resulted in -1 strength.
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