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NOTW XXXIX: Impending Retribution Game Thread

I'm only a lowly Seaman whose big gun isn't working, these discussions are way over my head. Methos should be captain and take the items to distribute as he see's fit. I also have an irrational and irresistible urge to Vote: Winston Hughes .
was caught up in other (football) forums due to january transfer deadline day. :p

when I get back from class i'll read through the thread.
"Fine, let's give Autolycus the masterkey, then. I hope he can be trusted with it...
I agree with our soon-to-be captain that openly calling out about your skills ar repairs might be a poor plan of action, since we know there are people capable of killing on the ship, and people who want it to remain unintact."

"I'd like a private discussion with you, Commander Methos, when you've got the time. Hopefully today, before sunset."
At hearing the commander's, soon to be Captain's, words, the Apprentice Frozen couldn't help raise his eyebrows. Finally some info that seems to be of definite use.

Commander Methos, did you ask how your source knew this?
While I am at it, Autolycus and Duke stand out to me. I am not sure that getting people to cry out 'hey I can repair stuff' is the wisest of moves. I fear you may be painting targets on their forehead.

That depends on two things, hon.
1. Can the saboteurs kill anyone who gets in their way? Experience (that is, the last game) says maybe they can't. (One faction in that game had limited kill opportunities, though it didn't stop them from killing me.) Of course, maybe they can, too.
2. Do the saboteurs need the rest of the repair team as cover for their own actions? For this one -- oh yes, yes they DO. Methos' information makes this as plain as the nose on your face, if it ain't a thought even before that. The repairs need a dose o' sunshine, hon, risk or no risk.
That depends on two things, hon.
1. Can the saboteurs kill anyone who gets in their way? Experience (that is, the last game) says maybe they can't. (One faction in that game had limited kill opportunities, though it didn't stop them from killing me.) Of course, maybe they can, too.
2. Do the saboteurs need the rest of the repair team as cover for their own actions? For this one -- oh yes, yes they DO. Methos' information makes this as plain as the nose on your face, if it ain't a thought even before that. The repairs need a dose o' sunshine, hon, risk or no risk.

QFT. And I originally named NO names. Of course, others did, but I have been entirely truthful. Besides, if we know where the master key is at least, we can send units to protect it. Surely this ship has a marine component? Allthough, let me bold this. DO NOT SHOW YOURSELVES if you have a protect ability. Protect whoever has the key/whoever is fixing the equipment tonight, but dont be public about it.

So the order of stuff to fix so far:
1. Pumps
2. Electronics Section (Starting with Aegis)
3. Navigation Bridge
4. Helicopter

Stuff we need to protect, in order of importance
1. Nukes
2. The Command Bridge
3. Life Support

Captain/Commander/LC, do you want me to take charge of repairs sir?
Ain't the engine half broke, too? It might wait a day if that's how things shake out, but ought to be on there somewhere.

I do believe I support the Pizza man in the war of the pirates -- at least for now. I have a soft spot for old perverts, long as they keep their hands to themselves -- so maybe landlubber wants to spend a night coolin' his heels in the brig.
Methos for captain, and I'll abstain on the revolver as I don't much like either top choice.
That depends on two things, hon.
1. Can the saboteurs kill anyone who gets in their way? Experience (that is, the last game) says maybe they can't. (One faction in that game had limited kill opportunities, though it didn't stop them from killing me.) Of course, maybe they can, too.

Apprentice Frozen suddenly was come over by a fit of uncontrolable coughing.

Pardon me, something most have gotten stuck in my throat. Or maybe all this pent up stress has weakened my immune system and left me with a cold. It's hard to tell with these things.:p
Would those who would like access to the Pump Room tonight if I get the key please contact me with why they should be given access. I will be letting one person in with me if I get the key, since regulations (BL) prohibit greater access and I will tell at least three others who is coming with me.
(And I was bulletproof and everything! Too bad for me you used a bomb. :cry: )
((GM Note: Deadline for votes is in five minutes. You may still discuss things, but no more votes. Also the Night update may be a touch late - I have to go shovel myself out)).
Edit: Wrong Game
Why's that?
"I'd like a private discussion with you, Commander Methos, when you've got the time. Hopefully today, before sunset."[/I]

Sorry, been dealing with a blizzard, but I'm online now. For those who don't have my IM contact info, just check my user profile.

Commander Methos, did you ask how your source knew this?


2. Do the saboteurs need the rest of the repair team as cover for their own actions?

This was my thought too.
"I'm don't quite know who really meant to start the assumption that repairing the Electrical compartment will get other systems back online, but that idea was perpuated and I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Losing electrical power entirely would obviously be bad but I think repairing systems like the Aegis or Sonar and GPS Navigation will require repairmen to access those areas individually."

We also shouldn't be jumping at any random volunteers though and be more careful to restrict access to these areas overall due to saboteurs or rogues.
"How would you go about restricting it, Petty Officer?"
End Midday Phase One, Start Night Phase One

Journal Entry Number Three. 20:00 shipboard time.

Our first day was fairly active as just about every sailor aboard came forth with some reason or another to do something. The first order of business was naming Captain Whitower's successor, and almost half of the ship selected Methos as the new leader. Being a former Commander, I'm sure he'll do just fine.

With Methos entrenched as the Captain for the better part of the day, many sailors thought it wise to send the Revolver his way as well. After all, Whitower had it, so why not give it to his successor?

The most heated discussion of the day came from what to do about the ship's damaged systems and who should be given access to every critical system aboard. Autolycus made a pretty strong case to get the Master Key, stating he would publicly name the compartment he was going to open at night and he'd be taking someone with him. Alas it was not to be, as Renata just barely beat out Autolycus for possession of the Master Key. The crew had bounced back and forth on the merits of repairing either the ship's Apache or its internal systems, and it seems at least publicly the compartments would get a good look at tonight. Whether this happens or not remains to be seen.

Finally, the crew had to pick on a sailor to either execute or imprison. Since the votes were fairly scattered across almost a third of the crew, Nictel ended up on the short end of the stick. He was led down to the Brig where he'd be imprisoned for the night.

We all then made our way to bed for the night, each individually hoping we'd wake up in the morning. If last night's mayhem was any indicator though, collectively we were certain of one thing:

Some of us weren't going to make it.


Final Results:


Nictel: 5 (3 players, 2 secret votes)
landlubber: 4 (3 players, 1 secret vote)
Winston Hughes: 3 (2 players, 1 secret vote)
choxorn: 2
CCRunner: 1
TheLastOne36: 1
Renata: 1
civplayah: 1
AskThePizzaGuy: 1
Tahkisis: 1
johnhughthom: 1
Darth Caesar: 1

Captain Vote:

Methos: 18
AskThePizzaGuy: 6
Duke Blackstone: 2
Diamondeye: 2
God Emperor: 2
Renata: 1
Nictel: 1
TheForestAuro: 1

Master Key Vote:

Renata: 8 (7 players, 1 secret vote)
Autolycus: 7
Methos: 7
classical_hero: 2
Tahkisis: 2
Duke Blackstone: 1

Whitower's Revolver Vote:

Methos: 12
Diamondeye: 9 (8 players, 1 secret vote)
Secura: 1
Darth Caesar: 1
Renata: 1
Love: 1

It is now Night Phase One! Remember the subject heading I asked everyone to use!

It's now Night. Posting is Closed; DO NOT POST.
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