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Chem, bio, and radio weapons could balance things out. Until they're used as an attack (like Hiroshima and Nagasaki) should nations began to think about banning them.

It would be even better if nukes and company worked as deterrents in game, that way, banning them would become a problem.
Thanks, I just get so annoyed when I have 50 or so nukes and the 3rd world AI nation declares on me and the best weapon he has is a single prized ICBM at best (which he uses in a couple of turns.)
Unless of course the military options could be used diplomatically.

Don't attack me or else I'll EMP your cities, rendering it without electric objects=pwned
Basically, it's a bomb with some wires around it that when it blows up (say in the sky) it perma disables electronic devices. I think it fries batteries too. Not a huge explosion, but it sends out an electromagnetic wave (EMP Wave) which does the real damage.
Yes, except that we don't really use nukes for the EMP effect. Almost eliminates the purpose of the EMP since the fireball and shockwave would have destroyed the city first.
Yes, except that we don't really use nukes for the EMP effect. Almost eliminates the purpose of the EMP since the fireball and shockwave would have destroyed the city first.

No, nukes are detonated in the ionosphere to cut communications. The higher, the larger area will be affected. Yes, I know EMP means ElectroMagnetic Pulse.
A pinch or EMP bomb device should only be added as a distant future tech, not something on a par with nuclear weapons, seeing as scientists current think a large scale blackout pinch is impossible, but scientists have been wrong before so I am willing to admit something might be possible. But seeing as Civilisation isn't known for its imaginative distant future techs I don't think it should be included.
I see that we are getting off topic. What "nuke features" do you wanted to add?
I see that we are getting off topic. What "nuke features" do you wanted to add?

Hi ,

:hmm: radiation sickness and events like cancer in this city , cause unhappy people , minus 5 GPT for 25 turns in this city due to increased healthcare , etc , ...

Have a nice day :)
I like the idea of making the Manhattan Project a national wonder. I would like to see the ability to scrub the fallout taken away. Make an ICBM destroy any city it hits and all surrounding tiles (4x4, 6x6 or 8x8 depending on size of nuke) become irradiated and permanently unworkable.

Tactical nukes on cities should reduce the population, destroy all city defenses and damage units as well as adding a permanent amount of sickness to the city. Tactical nukes used on tile improvements or land tiles with military units should cause that tile to become irradiated and permanently unworkable.

This will make having nukes a tactical deterrent, more like the way it is in real life since using a nuke will have permanent side effects. You wouldn't be able to nuke your enemy and move in to claim the territory anymore since it would be useless. You would also be less likely to use a nuke on another civ with nukes knowing they will probably retaliate.

The way it is now, nukes really have no side effects (except global warming). You can nuke your enemy all you want, move in and take over the cities, scrub the fallout and everything is back to normal in a few turns.
I like the idea of making the Manhattan Project a national wonder. I would like to see the ability to scrub the fallout taken away. Make an ICBM destroy any city it hits and all surrounding tiles (4x4, 6x6 or 8x8 depending on size of nuke) become irradiated and permanently unworkable.

Tactical nukes on cities should reduce the population, destroy all city defenses and damage units as well as adding a permanent amount of sickness to the city. Tactical nukes used on tile improvements or land tiles with military units should cause that tile to become irradiated and permanently unworkable.

This will make having nukes a tactical deterrent, more like the way it is in real life since using a nuke will have permanent side effects. You wouldn't be able to nuke your enemy and move in to claim the territory anymore since it would be useless. You would also be less likely to use a nuke on another civ with nukes knowing they will probably retaliate.

The way it is now, nukes really have no side effects (except global warming). You can nuke your enemy all you want, move in and take over the cities, scrub the fallout and everything is back to normal in a few turns.

I'm confused. You call for tiles to be become irradiated and permanently unworkable yet I think that scrubbing would clean up the damage. Also I don't think a nuke would completely destroy a city. If you have watched 24 season 6. You will see how a suitcase nuke was set off in the city. If a city is to be destroyed then if should depend on the size.

Spies need suitcase nukes. They are a real life thing so they should be carried by spies.

And I don't think that nukes can cause different sizes of damage. If they can then then they need to kinds. Hydrogen and Atomic. There would be four kinds. Hydrogen ICBMs and Hydrogen Tacticals. Atomic ICBMs and Atomic Tacticals. The Hydrogens would require more :hammers: but would cause more destruction.

:nuke: Have a Nuclear Day :nuke:
I'm confused. You call for tiles to be become irradiated and permanently unworkable yet I think that scrubbing would clean up the damage.

That's why I said remove the ability to scrub the fallout. The fallout would be permanent and the tiles unworkable.

Also I don't think a nuke would completely destroy a city. If you have watched 24 season 6. You will see how a suitcase nuke was set off in the city. If a city is to be destroyed then if should depend on the size.

You're referencing a TV show to how a nuke would effect a city? :rolleyes: Nobody knows what a modern nuclear ICBM would do to a city, it may not level it, but it would be uninhabitable afterwards. A tactical nuke or suitcase bomb wouldn't do as much physical damage, but the radioactive contamination would probably cause the city to be evacuated permanently.

There are no real world examples of a nuclear attack on a city, thankfully, and hopefully there never will. The closest thing to compare would be the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. It wasn't an ICBM, tactical nuke or suitcase bomb and there was no explosion to level buildings (except for the steam explosion that blew the reactor building's roof off), but the radioactive contamination caused the evacuation of around 2,000 cities, towns and villages in the Ukraine and Belarus. The cities are still deserted and the land can not be farmed. There are still restrictions on the production, transportation and consumption of food contaminated by Chernobyl fallout, even in places as far away as the UK, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sweden and Finland.

My point is that I think nukes in the game should have permanent side effects, like they would in reality, to make them a last resort weapon. Perhaps when you use an ICBM on a city, some of the population is killed and the rest is distributed to nearby cities as permanent :yuck: (i.e. surviving evacuees), and permanent :yuck: spreads to all cities on the same continent the nuke was used on, in addition to the surrounding tiles being permanently radioactive and unusable. You definitely wouldn't nuke your neighbor knowing some of the fallout might spread throughout your cities.

Perhaps when you deploy a tactical/suitcase nuke in a city, you can choose to target military units, city defenses or buildings, but the side effects would be permanent :yuck: in the city for the radioactive fallout within the city and permanent :yuck: would also spread to nearby cities.

And I don't think that nukes can cause different sizes of damage. If they can then then they need to kinds. Hydrogen and Atomic. There would be four kinds. Hydrogen ICBMs and Hydrogen Tacticals. Atomic ICBMs and Atomic Tacticals. The Hydrogens would require more :hammers: but would cause more destruction.

I was just referring to the different size nukes such as the tactical nuke and ICBM, and since you brought it up a suitcase nuke. I do like your idea of a suitcase nuke as an espionage weapon. It could do the same damage as a tactical nuke, but if the origin of the civ who deployed it is revealed, then there would be huge diplomatic penalties (maybe every civ declaring war on you).
That's why I said remove the ability to scrub the fallout. The fallout would be permanent and the tiles unworkable.

"The way it is now, nukes really have no side effects (except global warming). You can nuke your enemy all you want, move in and take over the cities, scrub the fallout and everything is back to normal in a few turns."

You say that that the ability to scrub should be removed but in this quote from your other post you call for scrubbing fall out. So what is it, Scrub or not Scrub?
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