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NWolfNES I: The Greenskins, home edition

I must have done it in a dream rather than reality, for I was sure I'd submitted a character!!

Aiken Drumn, a lovable rogue. Early 20's in age. A fine story teller and card player. A confidance trickster and a thief. He is now settling down a bit more and wants to open a mead hall. Will this skill need to be learnt? If so, barter, pinch, buy, borrow, whatever the needed bits and bobs to attempt to make a brew. If successful share with all who helped. The second batch will be shared amongst the leaders.

Hey look I like submitting the same character over and over again! ;)
Update 4.5

Due recent events, you have learned quite a bit about history and surroundings. This update reveals some more locations in the world of Baimora.

Behold: World of Baimora, in the spring of 752.

Spoiler map :

Spoiler Timeline :

Around 0 IT, when The Empire joined several warring nations into one meganation, they discovered land of Baimora - a continent North-East of them, Around 100 IT (Imperial Time), The Empire first found several convict-villages on West coast, followed by settling South and East coasts and other distant isles. Most of these village inhabitants were sent to Baimora, so they would not disturb "The Empire" and its reformations.

Around 100 IT, first human exploration missions made first contacts with many inland tribes. Among those tribes were goblin, troll, gnome, tauren and orcish clans. First meetings were relatively peaceful, if you count out few messengers who were eaten by savage Goblin tribes.

Reason why any these inland tribes did not live near coast is said to be war with mythical race of creatures, known as "Nargs". Nargs are described as a race of mixture of both gigantic fish and serpents. Nargs attacked, killed and ate anyone who dared to near coastal areas. Why these "Nargs" did not attack settlers and boats of the Empire remains a mystery, most probably Nargs just disappeared.

Around 150 IT Northern coast of Baimora was settled by Settlers who escaped from the "plague", plague that never reached the coasts of Baimora. First settlement that was found was village of New Claise. New Claise was made up of settlers mostly from Town of Claise - a major town of The Empire, that was destroyed when Plague reached it. New Claise naturally become North-coast Trade center. As Northern Baimora was suitable for growing Hops, Weed (smoking plants) and had many animals with good quality furs, New Claise prospered. As this Trade center grew rapidly in size, many new farms were built and new hunting huts created. In fact most of New Claise population focused on producing trade goods for The Empire.

180 IT, Town of FarmVille was found when need for food grew too large and New Claise did not want to use fertile areas for food production. So farmVille functioned mostly as farming area - delivering food to New Claise and getting whatever goods they needed in exchange. Hops farming also spread from New Claise to FarmVille and generated steady source of income.

View on FarmVille when it was founded

A decade after FarmVille was founded, local hunters and trappers built a "trade outpost" and nicknamed it "Furtown". Furtown Village gathered all furs and meat from outlying hunting outposts and also owned both salt and Iron mine, so it grew large and provided both FarmVille and New Claise with supplies - that increased profits of trading goods even more.

Furtown also sent out regular trade caravans to trade with inland tribes - many of these caravans were plundered or destroyed but fact that one completed trip could have payed for loss of 5-6 caravans was enough to risk with the lives of the traders.

220 IT, Village of Lumberdon was found West of Furtown - it was mostly religious village and focused around producing lumber and animal husbandry (sheep, cows, rabbits and may more).

In about 290 IT, The Empire funded founding Villages into more inland areas of Baimora

300 IT, The Empire demanded that native tribes would pay "War Tax" to The Empire. Most races refused to pay Taxes and Empire took it as declaration of war.

Most of the Empire inland-villages were razed and destroyed by native tribes and many native races broke into two factions - those who agreed to pay in exchange of Trade Caravans and those who refused to pay.

300 IT, Village of Gormadash jumps into alternate universe in fear of The Enemy and The Sickness that is said to be approaching Baimora. Just before taxmen of The Empire reach to Gor'.

300 IT-350 IT
Anti-Empire Orcs are joined into The Horde and declare war on The Empire. Forming the Horde was greatly helped by Shamans, who all started to speak of The Enemy and The sickness that approach the lands of Baimora. The Empire responds by sending many of it's levies and some trained knights to fight the The Horde and to claim inland as theirs.

300 IT, Tauren refuse to declare war on Empire but also refuse to pay taxes to the Empire but they do not openly attack Empire. They are considered "neutral" by both sides.

350-500 IT,
War rages and neither side is clear winner - Empire manages to keep its coastal settlements by building simple stockades and stone walls around the villages - Orcs defend their inland Settlements against many assaults and both armies suffer equal damage on battlefield.

450 IT, Empire calls all Shamans and magic-users of Empire-Friendly clans and kills them, saying that they will attract "The Enemy". Horde claims that Empire enslaved Empire-Friendly clans, many more Empire-friendly Clans join with The Horde, including The Bloodoak clan but not including the Whisperwind clan, whose Shamans saw this option and erased memory of the children of Whisperwind Clan. Whisperwind adults agree not to teach their children about history and form a commune of sorts where teachings of history and talking with outside clans or races is forbidden.

550 IT, human Necromancer, known as "Knossos" rises up hundreds of skeletons, ghouls and zombies during past 200 years. His lair found by The Empire North-Coast army and attacked. Knossos defeats paladins, magicans and leviymen, after suffering serious losses to his ranks. He uses most of his life energy (same energy gods use to feed on) to rise up as many fallen as possible. Fallen Empire specialists retain their knowledge but their souls are imprisoned and minds poisoned by Knossos.


Paladins and knights become Dark Riders, Mages become Liches or Necromancers while commoners become Ghouls or Wraiths.

555 IT, many Gnoll and Goblin Tribes pledge their loyalty to Knossos
560 IT, Knossos uses part of his undead forces and attacks Tauren - in hopes of getting many more followers. (OOC: Undead cows anyone?)
560 IT, Knossos attacks and razes Lumberdon and outlying farms and Hunter outposts of New Claise with leftover of his force.

565 IT, Instead of marching his forces (undead+gnolls+goblins) against New Claise and secure North Coast Knossos sends his forces to destroy settlements of all races, including orcish, villages around Northern Baimora.

580 IT, Tauren defeat Knossos forces but refuse to aid Orcish Villages and none of the orcish refugees are seen again. Tauren claim that they provided supplies for the refugees and refugees left to find The Horde. Blooad oak clan claims that Tauren probably killed refugees in hopes of Gaining Northern Baimora to themselves.

585 IT, Most orcish villages on North Coast (around Village of Gor' location) are destroyed and sizable army marches towards The horde. The Horde rallies many young warriors from the North Coasts and meets Undead head on. By 595 Undead force is stopped before reaching Villages of Whisperwind and Blooadoak clan.

A tauren warrior smashing remnants of leaderless Knossos forces

650 IT, Sightings of Undead become rare. New farms and hunting outposts are built outside of the New Claise.

650-750 IT, Everyone lack Resources to re-settle the North Coast - fighting with undead has taken most strength from outlying tribes. The battle between The Horde and The Empire goes into state of an unofficial "Ceasfire" as orcs have lost many brothers to Empire and many more to The Undead. In comparision to the Empire, orcs now have roughly half of the Army that Empire posses.

The Empire, upon learning this, pulls out its main forces from Baimora and leaves only garrions and local levies to defend coastal settlements.

750 IT, Gor re-enters the Realm and Becomes lone colony of orcs, surrounded by almost no villages or settlements (as most Northern Baimora was destroyed and most races have been unable to resettle these areas).

NB! Your information is at least 10 years old if not older as that's the last time when Whisperwind got Trade Caravans and News from FarmVille

New Claise - The unofficial capital of the North coast, focuses on producing hops, Weed (smoking plant) and furs. Had rebuilt outlying farms and villages.
FarmVille - Focuses on producing food for New Claise and grows hops.
Furtown Village - Main trade center for North Baimora empire-friendly races, focuses on fur production and trading with North-Baimora races. Also ask tax from Empire-Friendly races.
Lumberdon - Village that produced wood and grew many animals. It also had small amounts of religious people and magic-users. Was destroyed by Lich Knossos 560 IT. Was production place of Undead fleet.

Before war of the Undead, New Claise and surrounding areas had about 1000 men defending with 200-300 men ready to attack any threats. It is not know how much war with the undead weakened the garrisons and how many men were killed. It is safe to assume that current garrisons are roughly 200-300 men + levies.

New Claise and it's surrounding areas (including Farmville and Furtown) were(or are?) cut off from The Empire due rather large undead fleet, that continued to operate under command of Undead Warlock (called Admiral), even after Knossos was killed. If fleet has not been destroyed then New Claise has been unable to contact The Empire for ~165 years.

The Horde

Formed in 300-350 IT to fight against The Empire. Suffered many casualties in wars against Empire and Undead. Is unable to make large offensive moves against The Empire.

The Hord fighting with The Empire

Blooadoak clan
Bloodoak Clan is part of the The Horde and fought against Undead together with other Central-North orcish tribes. Bloodoak clan manpower suffered heavily in the battles against undead. Bloodoak Clan lost one village to undead and now controls 3 villages:
Tagar, Farg and Sumbuja. Their Clan prays to Raj-tol The Windmaker and sends out missionaries to spread faith to everyone, including goblins.

The Empire
Settled most Coastal areas around Baimora. Was declared war by The Horde when they demanded more land and taxes from original inhabitants. Claim that they fight with Enemy that is far stronger than anyone has ever seen. Claim That they stopped The Sickness, however surviving shamans doupt that "little plague that never reached Baimora" was The Sickenss. Mass killed all Shamans of allied tribes with excuse of attracting "The Enemy". Has been unable to contact North Baimora settlements (due large undead fleet) and has withrdrawn most expert warriors to mainland, after learning that Orcs were weakened by The Undead.

Leviyman of The Empire 500 years ago.

The Undead
Created by human Necromancer Knossos, they slowly gained in numbers. They then allied with Gnolls and Goblins and wiped out most settlements in inland of North Baimora. Severely weakened The Horde and The Tauren Alliance manpower.

As many undead maintain their personality, natural leaders continue to be leaders even when among undead. That is reason why there are still some groups of undead, who are lead by Riders (undead knights) or necromancers(undead magicans. These Undead are rather weak and unable to create large forces fast (like Knossos could), but can create 20-60 followers per year.

Knossos lair was 3 weeks worth of traveling time towards West of 'Gor
Spoiler :

Undead often remember what they were in the past life and use these skills to serve their dark masters or themselves.

The Tauren Alliance

Alliance what now controls about 5 villages on North-East coast and 5 Village on South-East coast. Is hostile or Neutral towards Orcs. Manpower was weakened with fighting against undead in the North and fighting with some unknown race.

Spoiler :

Tauren are said to like cold

The New Illorian Empire

Its capital is said to be Furtown Village, while New Calise was "capital" of The Empire 10 years ago. Has The Empire changed it's name and leadership or is this Illorian Empire rebel faction? (Read "The Empire" for more info).

Spoiler :
So many questions, so few answers.


New Illorian Empire troops are camped (According to Chill Bill) just behind Forest of Voices.

As you can probably tell you are on Central-North area of Baimora. Around village of Gor' are no settlements, but that's pound to change soon as nature cannot stand empty spots!


I HOPE YOUR BIO "IS NOT YOUR ORDERS" as I want everyone to clearly state out your actions example:

Action 1: Help woodcutters
Action 2: Help miners and attempt to learn mining:
Follower Action: Let them help me.

For private orders feel free to PM me using following template:
Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Player name: Northen Wolf
Character name: YOUR MODERATOR
Professions: NONE

Position in clan:
Military: None
Farmers: None
Hunters: None
Craftsmen: None
Shamans: None
Builders: None

Followers: none
Gold: 0
Property: none
Equipment: none
Resources: none
Followers: 0
Knowledge: -
Fame: Not known
Respect: Not respected
Training: pitiful weakling, uneducated

Spoiler for Bio:

All your bases are belong to Serbia.

YOU are limited ONLY TWO ACTIVITIES per turn + 1 follower action (if you have any followers)

1) Gather hunters to hunt in southern woods
Do propaganda, saying that just you are correct to lead hunting party into Southern woods. If anyone else says otherwise or says they are correct ones challenge them to match of coin flipping.

2) Hunt in southern woods for food
Be careful about wild animals – try to find animal nests or drinking places first then ambush these animals.

Follower action: I want my followers to help out builders

Expressing support or distrust towards certain player can increase or decrease their position in the clan. You cannot express yourself support, only to your fellow immortals.

1) Support playerX to go hunt Northern woods
2) Support player Y opinon that we should send military party to scout up the river.

Here goes anything you wish
Attempt to gain villagers support by actively participating in gatherings, summits and negotigations.

Also, you need at least 'basic herb knowledge' before you can think of trying to mix plants together or boil them.

To: All

First page is updated now, please point out any mistakes.

Get your orders in: By Thursday.

NB! If you choose to attack Illorian troops, it'll take one action and if you fail, you may die.

The Horde, The Tauren Alliance, The Empire use different currency - once you get your first trade caravan you'll start earning gold and can start up businesses but will be revealed to the rest of the world!
Which Thursday? I was waiting for the update.5, but it's friday here already.

Ugag's Orders (quick&dirty, busy day at work)

Action 1: If the clan agrees, Ugag bring war to Illorian camp. Lead orc warband in battle, promise best spoils to orc with most kills, no spoils to orc who turn and run. Follow Mr. Bill's instructions to get to the camp; make strategy once I see the layout. Try to take them by surprise, and try to secure their weapon cache early if possible. Orcs should only stop to better arm themselves - there will be plenty of pillaging after pinkies are dead.

If Ugag survive, use second action to move pile of worthless rocks. If Ugag dead, request that pile remain as memorial to mighty Ugag.

Followers fight alongside Ugag, bring much glory and many skulls for Ugag's clansmeet.

EDIT: If clan does not attack humans, Ugag train more with spear.
Ok. Action: Help collect stuff from woods, try and learn and identify different herbs...
Giggle. Farmville. Giggle.

1. Go to "secret" fishing spot again, heading an expedition, trying to gain respect among the fisherman, and the others along the trip. Make sure to have guards.
2. Train with warriors. Try and raise respect.

Follower Orders:
1. Mine
full orders in e-mail but orders vis-a-vis humans to ambush here:

lead the expedition to the human camp if we decide to go and have significant numbers (or if its a vote, if the vote succeeds). Hopefully we take all warrriors, hunters and some commoners with us. Arm myself and my followers with bows and arrows. Move quietly through the forest as a scout and hope to catch the enemy position as best as we can. Primary focus is to move ahead of our mass of warriors and find the enemy scout(s) and kill him (them) (using bows and arrows from myself and my followrs) quietly before he(they) can report a mass of warriors falling on their camp.
Once thats done (if i am still alive), if Orcs can see in the dark? If so, set up to ambush them at night time; if not, set up to ambush them right as the sun is about to come up (attacking from the east so we have the sun to our back and they have the sun in their eyes). As the warriors rush in to mellee, take up a position on the flank and starting firing arrows into the mass of enemy that isn't in melee with our wariors. If they are all in melee, flank further and fire low into the small of their backs. If they break and run, track them and lead our warriors through the woods to kill them all.
To the Immortals and Shamans of Our Village,

There is no worse action then for some of our soldiers to wander off into the woods after the humans who have tried to ‘jam us up’ while others ignore the crisis. In this case our inability to act in a coordinate manner will end in failure for our expedition and we will have additionally brought their wrath down upon us.

Instead, let us resolve to make a decision to either act as one united tribe or to not act, but also as one united tribe.

I propose that we vote on whether we wish to punish the humans for their hubris and greed or not. But if the vote to act carries the day, then all immortals, warriors, hunters and commoners must act in a united fashion to end this threat. Alternatively, if we vote to ignore the humans or attempt to trade with them, then all of us together must accept that decision and none of us are to draw their hostility upon our village.

To ignore the will of this vote will bring the severest of punishments; banishment.

So I suggest. I leave it to the overseers and shamans to make the decision.

If, we are to take a vote, I would vote to punish these soft-skinned soldiers with the egos of giants and the brains of ants.

Chill. Bill.
Which Thursday? I was waiting for the update.5, but it's friday here already.
I'm in Eurozone - Estonia (gmt+3)

You got two actions that you can use every turn and extra action for all followers, unless it's stated otherwise (for an example vert/Gorrik will skip an action this turn.) Also next time please bold or press enter when writing actions - makes it easier for me to find them when updating.

badunoff said:
Might be a stupid question: Are orders for this tur for spring or still winter?
Seasons go spring-summer-autumn-winter-Spring. It's update 5, so spring:)

It is highly likely many of the warriors and commoners would just storm human camp as soon as they are near enough.
I don't have any followers do I?
I don't have any followers do I?

No, your stats are on the first page. You can get followers by directly recruiting or rolling good rolls while doing other things. Bad rolls can do opposite. However you have only one action for all followers - you cannot say that half will work of fields and other half will follow me. They will all work on fields or they all will follow you.
Ah, was confused why you suggested I give my followers orders...
Action 1: Practice bow & arrow. Seek appropriate tutor if available and offer to help to curry favor etc.

Action 2: Help build some small sleeping houses
Action 1: Practice Herbal Lore. Seek appropriate tutor if available and offer to help to curry favor etc.

Action 2: Find some impressionable youths. Do some silly but not deadly things. Try and impress them with stories etc. Try and make them followers.
Action 1: Plant the flax seeds.
Action 2: Promise the craftsmen a gift of 3 quarters of the autumn flax crop (for paper, dyes, fabric, ect.). Ask them to fix my sword after this, but don't insist to storngly and not at all violently.

occ: does action 2 count as two actions? Both parts are small and closely related.
1. Finish learning advanced fighting and after that learn basic axe use
2. Assist the Sacred Wind missionaries in building their habitat. Learn about their religion and other knowledge they may possess.

Follower Orders
1. Train to become a ranger (or hunter if he can't be a ranger)
My decision's already been made. We shall attack.

OOC: Actions:

1. Try to Learn the wisdom of the shamans by asking them politely for it.

2. Finish learning basic craftsmanship. Do all sorts of practice using that leather armor I found and more.

3. 2 of my followers will continue to learn craftsmanship.
Ugag to Warriors:

These pinkies want us to give them our food and our furs. What they give us in return? Nothing! What they ask for next, our women? Our sons? Ourselves? We orcs know that only weaklings give tribute without fight, and only fools cower in fear from unknown enemy. We do not know our enemy, and some of us may not come home from battle. But after today, the pinkies will know who we are. After today, the pinkies will build high walls and double town guard. After today, pinkies will tell little pinkie children "That is why you don't try to bully an orc." They will know Gor, and they will tremble!

My bretheren! You have worked hard, sweated long. You swing at target, wrestle with sparring partner, and shoot at hay bale. We call ourselves warriors, but that not war. Today we trade practice dummy for pinky flesh. Today we wet our swords on the flesh of our enemies. Today we take up mantle of true orchood. Today we make war!
Ugag to Warriors:

These pinkies want us to give them our food and our furs. What they give us in return? Nothing! What they ask for next, our women? Our sons? Ourselves? We orcs know that only weaklings give tribute without fight, and only fools cower in fear from unknown enemy. We do not know our enemy, and some of us may not come home from battle. But after today, the pinkies will know who we are. After today, the pinkies will build high walls and double town guard. After today, pinkies will tell little pinkie children "That is why you don't try to bully an orc." They will know Gor, and they will tremble!

My bretheren! You have worked hard, sweated long. You swing at target, wrestle with sparring partner, and shoot at hay bale. We call ourselves warriors, but that not war. Today we trade practice dummy for pinky flesh. Today we wet our swords on the flesh of our enemies. Today we take up mantle of true orchood. Today we make war!
A lone orc from Cult of Fog, points out that these humans in return are offering that tax caravan/trade caravan will buy rest of the supplies we don't need and probably sell us supplies we could use.
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