Obama's chances of third term reduced!

They're less than 0% now?
Yeah, I thought his chance of a third term was already zero. His chance of a third term back in 2008 was already zero too.
I can't stop facepalming at the lack of understanding of the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution.

Spoiler :
Of course, I'm referring to the amendment that placed in a two term limit for presidents.
Well, if he can do an executive order to override the 2nd amendment, doing an executive order to give him a 3rd term seems easy after that. I mean, if he takes your guns, who's going to stop him?

Right? Right?
Newt Gingrich warned us about the third Obama term. I started a thread on it. Not so smug now are you?
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
There are a handful of presidents who served slightly more than 2 terms right? During ww2 one of them did something like 4. I would say that the chances are (or were, lol) above 0%
There are a handful of presidents who served slightly more than 2 terms right? During ww2 one of them did something like 4. I would say that the chances are (or were, lol) above 0%

Only one. FDR. He served three terms +1 year, was elected to 4 terms. After which term limit amendment was passed.
There are a handful of presidents who served slightly more than 2 terms right? During ww2 one of them did something like 4. I would say that the chances are (or were, lol) above 0%

FDR is the only president to have served more than 2 terms. Prior to FDR it was an understanding among politicians that you don't serve more than 2 terms as Washington famously refused to stand again after his second term. Some presidents tried to weasel around this precedent, notably Teddy Roosevelt who justified standing for a 3rd term by running on a 3rd party ticket.

After FDR's death a constitutional amendment was passed formally restricting maximum time in office to two terms. So the chances of Obama getting a 3rd term are nil.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."

And a Monarchy is bad because?
Even the "Obama phone lady" comes off being more rational, emotionally balanced, and far less paranoid than Alex Jones.
I'd put the chances of a third term for Obama at around 15%, plus, the chances of some sort of global head honchoship for him at around 20%.
So who else thinks Mr. Cooper is crazy?

It was the liberal FDR who found justification to ignore tradition relative to standing for a third term.

We hear on a daily basis liberal demands to scrap the constitution, demands for Obama to defy the Constitution and or Congress. We have unsustainable debt and the big banks are out of control. Another serious recession is quite possible. Any number of scenarios can be presented in which Obama might not fade away.

There is certainly a non zero chance that a hidden socialist cabal within the vast Federal structure used brain control on the Sandy Hook shooter, or that the self same cabal could be planning to frame a right wing group by detonating a nuclear device in a US city in say, 2015. Giving Obama excuse to declare martial law and suspend elections.

The issue isn't if the socialists are going to try and seize the country. Its only a question of when and how?
It was the liberal FDR who found justification to ignore tradition relative to standing for a third term.

Well there was that whole Second World War thing. I would imagine that would count as a national emergency of sorts. Not to mention, as Fallen Angel Lord says below, the amendment didn't even exist at the time.

There is certainly a non zero chance that a hidden socialist cabal within the vast Federal structure used brain control on the Sandy Hook shooter, or that the self same cabal could be planning to frame a right wing group by detonating a nuclear device in a US city in say, 2015. Giving Obama excuse to declare martial law and suspend elections.

Holy crap, MisterCooper, where do you get these mad paranoid fantasies? It's one thing to be afraid of Obama getting a third term but this?

Jesus Christ in heaven. It's just like the Bush years where liberals were ranting that Bush would set himself up as dictator for life by abolishing the 22nd amendment or that he's really the anti-Christ...
seek a psychiatrist (not for OP, but of other posts in this thread i.e. sandy hook)

or stop your double log-in fiftychat mafia.
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