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Offspring thread (Tubby please post)


Minstrel Boy
Dec 29, 2002
Check Six!
...not that we need another place to SPAM... but I thought it might be nice for our expectant father (Tubby...not AK pregnant with Harriet's baby) to have a place to post an announcement...and maybe a baby pic of the soon-to-be-born "Rower the Younger".

Then we can oogle over how cute Tubby's kid is... and speculate as to how it's possible something so cute could have sprung from the loins of our beloved Tubs. :p

And if anybody else should manage to procreate before this game ends... they can spam here too! :D
No baby yet....
Still no youngin' yet.

This has to be my offspring... stubborn as can be. I told the baby (through Sherry's belly) to hurry up and come out. And no lie, the baby kicked the exact spot I was talking too. He/she is going to be the first baby that's going to sit in "time out" in the hospital. :lol:
Soooo ... what will you name the youngan?

She = Tubbatha Rowenia?
He = Tubby Rower Jr.?

boy = Ethan Michael
girl = Catherine Brooke

I think.. that those are the names. Ethan could be wrong but the rest are right.
Mahershalalhashboz (ma-HARE-shal-al-HOSH-boz) Agamemnon Rower.

Works for boy or girl.
so does Casey Jr. ;)
It's a boy and Ethan works for me. Boys need nicknames and I can't nickname the kid "C" but I can call him "E" or "E-train" or "E master flash" or "Em"..stuff like that. Plus you can't make fun of a kid named Ethan. It already sounds like either A. a football player at Climpson or B. the child prodigy who figured out how to send a rocket to the next planetary system.
Whereas, "Casey spacey" is an easy target so no Casey. :D
Hey... me and Kickbooti might come over to Chi-town and well kick booti :mad::gripe:

Bring it! I'll call in my dad! He's got the same name as me except he's a Jr. and I'm Nardo the third! said with a grey poupon accent
May I suggest Sirian's plan of naming children?

Spoiler names :
Chris, Ivan, Vince, and Four :D

Too bad you already missed with your first one ;)
I'm with Tubby. Aside from everyone and their cousin having a dog named Casey, it is a fine name.

And be careful, I was in Chi-town this weekend and did some butt-kicking.

You may have seen it, Whomp; it was on the Ryan, I hear they are trying to clean it up now...
I'm not impatient for the blessed event or anything. I'm just sayin...


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As a representative from the female perspective, KB, offhand I'd say...

Admiral Kutzov said:
tubs, please have mrs rower get with the program. we're idiots and can't spam for weeks....

Re read that post AdmK!!!!

Remember Whomper's spam fest?
still no news. Hey kickbooti... get that thing cranked up.... We'll come visit.
Tubby Rower said:
Hey kickbooti... get that thing cranked up.... We'll come visit.
Oh, you MEN!!! I had induced labor with both of my children, but not THAT way. Yikes!!! :dubious:
We need a see-gar smiley. Where's Mistfit or Tubby?

@Tubby: If you really want to impress me, put some diapers on the PMP smiley, and stick a cigar in its mouth.
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