Openings in Leet pitboss 3.


Jul 4, 2006
Murray, Utah
You get 2 leader from either Rome or China.
Did you find anyone? How far along is the game? (I did not see a thread for it,but not sure what I am looking for...nor did I look too hard :)).

Opps, found it. Is it a restart? I am a little leary of taking over a known position, but I can live with it, I suppose.....
It is way toward the start.
Should I send you the info.
Sure, send the info....I am guessing that Romans work better for me than the a PM, and I will send my email back to you, as well.
Willing to play contingent upon someone joining deleatur's pittboss game. PM me the login info if you can help us out.

Sorry position filled.
However have some send me the info and I will fill the needed position for you.
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