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Operating Systems


Jun 21, 2002
I was wondering what were all the different operating systems and the differences between them.:confused:
DOS: the one I grew up on. It's a no-frills attached, text only operating system. It was good for what it needed to do at the time: execute programs, manage the file system, etc.

Windows: I'm sure you've worked with this one. The operating system for the computer idiot and the hated bane of the computer nerd. Unreliable, major security issues, decent networking capability, intrusive, rude, and just a monster IMO. About the only redeeming feature is that it's the only OS that can play almost every computer game on the market.

Windows NT, 2000, XP: slightly better incarnations of Windows. More secure, more reliable, and very good networking capabilities.

Mac OS: Windows for Mac machines only really really good.

Linux/Unix: There are at least two dozen different builds of these, most available free of charge. These are insanely reliable, incredibly stable, massively good OSs. If you're runing a webserver or network server there simply is no other alternative than a *nix OS. I've only had a few months exposure to one of these OSs (Sun Microsystem's Solaris) but I loved every minute of it. It was so damn fast, and never crashed once. The networking was unbelievable and the system never got b****y like windows does. There are other people on this forum with far more experience with linux/unix who I'm sure can be a little more informative on this subject.

BeOS: The mysterious OS. I've heard of it, I've seen TV ads for it, yet I've never seen it (or even a screenshot of it). I have no idea what it can do.
NT is still not very good.

2000 is slightly better? You should praise it a bit more.

2000 is BRILLIANT. A good network manager and 2000 expert can use it to compete with the stability of linux!

It never failed for me except for once when I tried to run a very old dos game and it crashed my comp.
XP, being based on 2000, is also very good. I had Windows ME before (crappiest piece of crap M***soft has ever made) and got blue screens all the time. I can only recall one blue screen since I upgraded to XP, but I don't remember what caused it. It sure is hard to crash NT-based OSes, even if you want to, whereas 9x/ME always crashed on their own without any warning.
Lumping NT with 2000 and XP is not a good thing. NT never got past Direct X 3 I think, or maybe 5, and they are now talking about DX9 with 8.1 already out. Very major difference IMHO and for every other gamer. Add to that stability. I feel that each update to the underlying NT tech as brought increased stability. Windows 2000 was the biggest jump but XP added a lot of eye candy, which people like and it is also modifiable(sp?).

Don't forget to add MS on the front of DOS and Windows. ;)
My list of OSes:
  • MS-DOS and MS Windows 1.x - 3.X
    Windows uses the underlying DOS to run. Basically Windows is just some graphics for using the OS.
  • Windows 9x
    Includes all the different versions of Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows ME (Millenium Edition). Windows ME was originally confused with Windows 2000 because the names are similar but it is the ugly brother that is kept in a cage in compared to 2000.
  • Windows NT Workstation, NT Server, Nt other ones I can't remember
    Not good for gaming, stick to work stuff only.
  • Linux - Many, many, many different distributions
    Better for gaming but MS-Windows is better, even Linux devotees will tell you thins. Supposedly more stable than any Windows release....I disagree, I think Windows 2000 and XP are at least as good as Linux.
  • QNX
    A real time OS. Bout all I know about this.
  • Palm OS, Windows CE
    Used for Handheld computers.
  • Windows XP Embedded and Linux/Unix(stripped down versions)
    Used for items like cash registers and other like items.
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