OptNES: Blueprint Humanity [Map Creation Thread]


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
I speak to those that exist before, I speak to those who stand around. I dance across the floor above, the ceiling that you know. across the sky I wheel and turn, like a porpoise set afire, but en the end I know no good yet do no harm, until I come all crashing down.

What am I?

OOC: been meaning to join this. just forgot. I'll toss my hat in after the update if you'll let me. I wonder if anyone will get my riddle? which will dictate the style of play I am planing to go for.

If you'll let me join this turn. Land tile in K4, with a large lake shaped like a hand with fingers and thumbs spread.

Sure, and I'll accept the order as well, it's no trouble at all. :) Anyone can join at any time, just in case there are people out there thinking otherwise.

And I'm pretty sure you're a comet.

Orders for update two are now locked, but I may not get the actual update done for a couple of hours.


Sep 25, 2005
Tucson AZ USA
.. strangely that appears to be correct. but not the answer I was going for. that's what I get for thinking up up a riddle on the fly. hmm.. just a second, and I'll think up another one.


Sep 25, 2005
Tucson AZ USA
fire reigns across the sky, the water burns and then we die. to bless the heavens yet curse the stars, I seek the light that burns us all. I melt the earth, yet do no harm, but life dose seek me or it dose fall. all shall stand against me in the end, but never ever, shall it win.

What am I?

OOC: hopefully, this one won't have a second answer.


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
Spoiler Map @ Update 2 :

Update 2
Before the Storm

A vast world took shape by the will of the gods, and yet here, in these particular lands, their touch was noted the most. Wondrous sights, sanctuaries of the gods, burst into life, most notably Siri's Isle in the far northwest and her lake further to the east. It was here, in the waters of the lake and on the isle, that people would later flock to, for the reputed healing waters and climes granted by Siri herself.

Plenty was seen elsewhere, as well, with the building of a great field of vines near the seas of the west under the eye and hand of the god of the vine, Chakra. Huge cliffs erupted from the sea, a spectacular sight for the few local fishermen and a somewhat frightening experience for the nesting seabirds. From that day, it is reputed, not a single seabird has nested in the vicinity; not that it mattered, since the plentiful soil of the area became its lifeblood. So can the gods interfere in the lives of humans.

To the far east, more ominous signs arose. A nameless god brought into existence a lake in the shape of a great hand, with the spread digits that constituted a bad luck sign for the locals.

Further west, X'ryk'zyx, the god of insanity, joined the gods of the deeps and went about his ways. Coasts sprung up out of nowhere, by chance creating a large bay that soon filled with plentiful sealife. Islands in the north formed the shape of a huge monster, and the locals of the time feared that the next to appear would be enshrouded in flesh.

The locals of the area are reputed to have fled, across the western seas, to find new lands there as well. New coasts sprung out of the seas, and they made their home there, forced to be content with an unsettled home. Some wondered, though, how long the lands would continue to change.


The Lion
Aug 16, 2009
Sorry for forgetting orders :\

anyway, before I forget again.

put an Archipelago of islands in I3


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
No problem :) I'm not too worried if people miss orders since I hope to get an update out about every 4 days and I realise not everyone will be able to get orders in before the update time. That being said, D do like people who check if their orders aren't conflicting with other people's.

Which reminds me, if someone's put solid land in a tile, no lakes in that tile please. I only spotted it when I was doing the update, but Erez's orders were on top of the solid land that METY put in the same tile - can't be changed but I'd prefer to avoid anything similar happening in future.

To that end, there is a list of tiles each person has *used* next to their name on the front page. It'd be great if people checked that before posting orders if you can spare the time. :)

I3 is a case in point, I forgot to put a green dot there but theDright made that solid land last update. That one's kinda my fault though. :)


Jul 30, 2009
F8 / Chakra (Eltain) - In the very northeast corner, the coast between G8 and F7 is completed. On the western border of the tile, the coast from the north should continue down south, with islets between the two coasts. Think Carribean isles jumping from Florida to Yucatan and Venezuela?

Question, can we play multiple gods? Just to expand the pantheon. (Not playing another player's god, though.)


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
Sure. You still only get one order per update, though. :)


Sep 25, 2005
Tucson AZ USA
Befor I seek my flesh, My world forged so from me, I speak to those that tread upon it, and so stand before me. I speak my truth upon you, so that you may know of me.
I stand between all. Between the void that stands in the heavens and chaos of the earths core. between the paths of life and death. between the line of what is and what is not.

I bring you thought's beyond your own, that shifts you into X'ryk'zyx or Malar's grip.
I bring you the heart that helps you chose. to stand under Takarzi, or rally to Aramsaran call.
I balance the soul, of purity and corruption, and insure that Sirin and Siri have equal grips upon you, before you chose.
I stand along the eternal path. From your birth I walk with you, watch you as you stumble through Lorr's and Chakra's grasp, and into Verteig's grip I escort you.
Between Ignacius, Hugura and Atyen I sleep. my form ever shifting. my creators, my parents. even now they shape me, molding me along with the others into what I am.
they give me birth, they give me life, they give me form. they will guide me to what I will and must be. but forever more I will have a choice.

I am the primordial chaos they have shaped me from.
I am the essence of choice, of freewill given flesh.
I am what they have blessed my surface with, the teaming life that flourishes.

My name is Optnes, goddess of chaos, life, and freewill. I greet you my parents. Please don't kill off MY humans, or I'll gut you with a Narnian space whale.

or a stick. or the cute little puppy in that village over there. PUPPY!!

now that was I saying? I forget. ah well. OH SHINY glowing orb thingy in the sky! ooh.. I could stare at it for days...

F2: water tile, three roughly eye shaped Islands, each with a lake in the center where the pupil would be. (volcanic islands, inactive, craters at top filled with water to make small lakes)

OOC: meet Optnes the planet. possibly. currently a trickster-goddess merged with a GAIA like entity. though if that's disallowed, she just currently acting like she is the planet on a whim, and/or because it's fun to scare the other gods. core attributes is life and freewill, the chaos is more of a result of the first two, though she adds it on to her list of domains because she likes it.
dose not belong to any house, though if she must be tied to a house, it's likely the house of the deeps.
because thinks X'ryk'zyx is a cute puppy for some strange reason. and wants to pet him and hug him and make him her own.


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
*claps* Quite the introduction. Just for the record, you're all allowed to RP, it just isn't strictly necessary. That said, it would help me a lot with the updates, especially writing of the above quality. :goodjob:


Lord of Random
May 16, 2002
Lod, Israel
F6. Coasts. And a land bridge between the large land in the east and the island forming in the west. Kind of like the isthmus in Greece.


Wandering the World
Aug 21, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Thomas.berubeg- Siri

(anywhere you need it)

A coastline: Miles of flat, sandy beaches, miles and miles long. High tide rising travels these flat miles in a few hours, and, at high tide, most of the hex is under water. (Think Mont Saint-Michelle)


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
Hmm... I think that fits well in I8, and I have something quite specific in mind.


Dec 10, 2011
n7 solid land

OOC: Malar has created land so far so that their are more places for worshippers of him to live. More areas of knowledge on land than on sea.


Total Freakin Besties
Dec 2, 2007
I care not for this realm. As my brethren fight over this realm, none contest me over the realm of the dead. While others seek dominance of the land of the living, I hold the land beyond the living, unchallenged by all.

As it should be.

While none can dethrone me, there are those that oppose me, judging me to be a wicked deity. I've come to expect such naivety from them. I keep to my own affairs, leaving their realm in their hands. Apart from a few words engineered to start a war or two, I don't see how I'm any more "wicked" than the rest of them. Indeed, more will die in Aramsaran's name than in mine in the eras to come.

Let the Gods fight over the lands. I care not for who wins. Be it for virtue or domination, as men die, they will come to me. For I am the outcome. I am the end. I am Verteig, lord of the dead.

Place a small rocky continuation of the coastline at M7, curving south as it travels east. When men take to the seas, the rocks will surely claim souls for my realm.


Jul 3, 2010
The Church
Joining as Dirgel, God of Mutualism, Commensalism, & Parasitism.

Tile K9- Coastline extends from the west of the tile at a shallow southward angle until about 2/3 of the way across the tile, at which point it takes a sharp southward turn.


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
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