Orthanc's Creation Thread


I got animation working again for POV Ray, but at some point, I really don't know how, I lost the file for Arsenal.

I spent the last few days using various deleted file recovery software to try and get it back, at this point I've decided it'll just be better to remake it.

I'm glad to say this is the only time this has happened, but it just really shouldn't have happened. The files dissappeared after I had BACKED THEM UP, they vanished from both locations, Vista...

So give me a few more days to remodel, and expect the new version to look different, but probably for the better. I do have an older version of the file that was sitting around, it doesn't have very much but at least I don't have to totally start from scratch.
either vista suck that much or arsenal is cursed as I said before! You better be carefull so you wount have any more acidents in your shipyard
You people could put a little effort into a T-shirt design like what Orthanc is..............

Sorry to hear about the Vista woes. I really am torn about eventually upgrading to Vista. Of course Windows 7 may be even worse since it will require all new programs.
I really am torn about eventually upgrading to Vista. Of course Windows 7 may be even worse since it will require all new programs.

Personally, I'm sticking with XP for as long as humanly possible.
so would I be but I wouldnt get full potentional of my new computer that is next to me and lacks to wents and vistas.(yes I forgot to order 2 back wents laugh at me)
Personally, I'm sticking with XP for as long as humanly possible.

I'm sad to say it, I was optimistic about Vista and for people who just do office work or only play games they won't have any issues, but the security features seriously interferes with the animation process, which involves creating multiple files and moving them about quite often.

For anyone planning to use POV Ray to make animations, I sadly have to recommend sticking to XP. I'll tough it out now anyways though, come this far already after all.
Personally, I'm sticking with XP for as long as humanly possible.
So am I it runs very stable and is faster than Vista.
so would I be but I wouldnt get full potentional of my new computer that is next to me and lacks to wents and vistas.(yes I forgot to order 2 back wents laugh at me)
With the exception of a few graphics programs that are written to actually use 64 bit you do not get the full potential anyway. Also there is XP 64 bit and I am sure that with the number of drivers updated for 64 bit Vista there is allot of crossover.

The problem with Windows 7 as I see it are:
It will be an entirely new operating system.......that means it will most likely be buggier than any preceding version of Windows because they are starting over from scratch. Also because it will be an entirely new operating system you can forget about all the programs you currently own unless they mange to make some kind of backward compatibility. For me that would be extremely expensive just replacing Creative Suite 3 alone is not cheap.
They aren't starting from scratch are they? I thought they were starting from a Vista base and building from there? Also, it's meant to be fairly backwards-compatable with your Vista gear, or so I read. It's meant to be more "user-centric" too. Either way, I'll have to wait and see. :D
Like I said it is my understanding it will be entirely new. That does not mean it will be I am just going on what I have managed to dig up on the new OS. If it is based upon Vista however then you will most likely have the same problems Vista has. So is it really a step forward. What upsets me is Microsoft's plans to stop supporting XP.
Oh dear God when is that scheduled to happen??

That's probably the apocalypse the Mayan's predicted, so that''d be 2012.

There will be no fire raining from the sky, floods, or wars, just support for XP being dropped entirely.


(I honestly have no idea, hoping for NEVER)
Yes we are getting off topic, the re-make of Arsenal is progressing smoothly and is 'working' better than the old version already. By working better, I mean that the model is easier to work with and more accurate. I'll put up a preview of the new model sometime today.

Stormrage, your image brings A New Hope, yes just like Luke did in Star Wars before it was all shattered by the prequels (I personally don't mind the prequels too much, but the general opinion seems to be quite bad).

Also, Stormy gets 10,000 points for quoting Yahtzee in his sig, especially since it's the line about the gun that shoots Velociraptors. As epic as that gun is, I always find I can one-up it, how about a gun that shoots lightsabre-chainsaws?

Too bad about the original...oh well, the new one's going to be better.

As for the shirts...count me out for at least another two weeks, things are about to get crazy, moving into a dorm and doing college band camp will probably sap all of my time. Although I did quit my job to move...

I like the original Orthanc pic, reminds me of when I first started reading LOTR, which was quite a long time ago...

May I query as to what attack anims are going to be in the new Arsenal?
Animation question was answered back here:

Attack A: Torps
Attack B: Mutliple missiles
Attack C: One big missile (ie: an SLBM)
Missiles will launch from hatches that'll open up on the 'spine' near the bow (the bow of this, thing, is the pointy part, yes it floats but other than that one can barely call this thing a boat:crazyeye:). Arsenal would be able to take on any single vessel, but to quote Revolver Ocelot, alone against much more than that and it's just an enormous coffin. It's really just a submersible aircraft carrier, except instead of jets it launches Rays (already got that unit done!:D) to deal with threats.

Still Arsenal's entire purpose was to house the AI GW, but I haven't a clue how one might reflect that in Civ, meh.

Don't worry too much about the shirts, it'd be awesome if they get made regardless of when. I will say I adore Orthanc's design from the movies, (an image of it is buried somewhere in this thread as well) but if you were to say, take the line-art of just Orthanc from the picture above, that'd be cool too.

Oh, and except for re-making the missile hatches, the new model is complete:
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