Pagan Religions(Congo)

johny smith

Mar 10, 2007

A creator spirit is thought to be sovereign of the spirit world, but this god is rarely the direct cause of events. In many Congolese languages, the name of the creator god derives from the word father or maker. Some groups regard the creator as being omnipresent, whilst others believe the god lives in the sky. For most believers in indigenous religions, contact with the creator god is made via ancestor spirits. A smaller number of groups believe that individuals can have direct contact.


Cagn (also known as /Kaggen, is the supreme god of the Bushmen of southern Africa. He is the first being and the creator of the world. He is a trickster god who can shapeshift, most often into the praying mantis.

This, the chief Ganda name for God, means 'creator'. Similar forms are widely used among other Bantu peoples as a secondary God-name, e.g. Matunda among Kimbu, Nyamwezi and Sukuma in Tanzania. Unlike some African God-names, whose meaning is lost or is strongly symbolical, Katonda has a high theological sense and goes with an absence of anthropomorphic myth. It represents one basic theme of Bantu theology, as Iruva with its sun symbolism represents another.

Unkulunkulu was the creator god of the Zulu. Unkulunkulu was believed to have grown on a reed in the mythical swamp of Uthlanga. Unkulunkulu is a mythic figure among the Zulu people, a large ethnic group in South Africa. Properly speaking, uNkulunkulu, a name meaning "the old, old one," is not a deity (the Zulu had a weakly developed pantheon) but is rather the "first man."
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