Paleoanthropology news: early human quite apelike


May 14, 2003
Man's earliest direct ancestors looked more apelike than previously believed
First humans retained surprisingly apelike features, NYU study reveals

Modern mans earliest known close ancestor was significantly more apelike than previously believed, a New York University College of Dentistry professor has found.

A computer-generated reconstruction by Dr. Timothy Bromage, a paleoanthropologist and Adjunct Professor of Biomaterials and of Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology, shows a 1.9 million-year-old skull belonging to Homo rudolfensis, the earliest member of the human genus, with a surprisingly small brain and distinctly protruding jaw, features commonly associated with more apelike members of the hominid family living as much as three million years ago.

Dr. Bromages findings call into question the extent to which H. rudolfensis differed from earlier, more apelike hominid species. Specifically, he is the first scientist to produce a reconstruction of the skull that questions renowned paleontologist and archeologist Richard Leakeys depiction of modern man"s earliest direct ancestor as having a vertical facial profile and a relatively large brain – an interpretation widely accepted until now.

Dr. Bromages reconstruction also suggests that humans developed a larger brain and more vertical face with a less pronounced jaw and smaller teeth at least 300,000 years later than commonly believed, perhaps as recently as 1.6 million to one million years ago, when two later species, H. ergaster and H. erectus, lived. Dr. Bromage presented his findings today at the annual scientific session of the International Association for Dental Research in New Orleans.

The fragmented skull Dr. Bromage reconstructed was originally discovered in Kenya in 1972 by Dr. Leakey, who reassembled it by hand and dated it at nearly three million years of age, an estimate revised to 1.9 million years by scientists who later discovered problems with the dating.

"Dr. Leakey produced a biased reconstruction based on erroneous preconceived expectations of early human appearance that violated principles of craniofacial development," said Dr. Bromage, whose reconstruction, by contrast, shows a sharply protruding jaw and a brain less than half the size of a modern human"s. These characteristics make the 1.9 million-year-old early human skull more like those of two archaic, apelike hominids, Australopithecus and early Paranthropus, living at least three million and 2.5 million years ago, respectively.

Dr. Bromage developed his reconstruction according to biological principles holding that the eyes, ears, and mouth must be in precise relationship to one another in all mammals.

"Because he did not employ such principles, Dr. Leakey produced a reconstruction that could not have existed in real life," Dr. Bromage concluded.

Well, surprise surprise: anthropologists, especially those who did not have the chance to obtain all the training that today is easily available, do screw up some points. :lol:

OTOH: this is not a big surprise for me: the development of jaw musculature, brain size and shape and resulting pressure distributions in the skull would suggest a slower shape than rpeviously assumed (pers. comm. U. Witzel - a guy who does Finite Elemement Synthesis Analysis of skulls and did include early humans).
Why do they speak of "human's earliest ancestors"? We go back all the way to the earliest life 3.5 billion years ago like everyone. If they mean our last common ancestors with the chimps, well of course they were "apelike".
You didn't provide a link. Bad form. Especially on April 1st.
Why do they speak of "human's earliest ancestors"? We go back all the way to the earliest life 3.5 billion years ago like everyone. If they mean our last common ancestors with the chimps, well of course they were "apelike".

Quite right - but what do you expect of journalists and paleoanthropologists?

You didn't provide a link. Bad form. Especially on April 1st.

Sorry! Link added!:blush: :blush: :blush:
"Early human quite apelike" is semantically about the same as "1970s Volvo quite carlike". We resembles apes because we are apes, and so were our ancestors a couple of million years ago.
"Early human quite apelike" is semantically about the same as "1970s Volvo quite carlike". We resembles apes because we are apes, and so were our ancestors a couple of million years ago.

This sort of pedantry is uncalled for. If one's saying that something "looks like" some group of organisms one's ipso facto refering to a typological, not a cladistic, concept of the group.
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