Party at the End of the World


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
Private Party at the End of the World
Or, the Beginning of the World as We Know It 2.5


This is an NES based in the Fallout video game universe. It is restricted to only a small number of players, in order to save me time and energy. As you are probably aware, I’m busiest with the NES Capto Iugulum which is on a global scale and features a much larger and detailed history. This NES will at no time have more than seven players, and after a few turns will likely be one or two fewer as I kill them off. With fewer players comes a smaller map, consisting solely of the state of Florida. There is a private social group for the use of the players to provide orders, as well to allow them to set up their factions in privacy. This is a no-mercy NES, and if the player dies in the game, they die for reals, as far as you know. I may be inclined to add or replace players as the NES progresses, and if you’d like to join in, feel free to post, and I’ll put you on the waiting list. For the rest of you, enjoy the read, and if you’re interested, feel free to post, and if one of the chosen few chooses to drop, you may be allowed to come in and join as an existing faction.

The Story​


The Fallout world exists in an alternate timeline that split away from the history of the real world following World War II. Up until the Great War in 2077, the Fallout world was dominated by the distinctively American culture of the 1950s, though with a far more advanced technological progression. The Fallout world's setting is heavily influenced by the science fiction anthology Worlds of Tomorrow, which was released during the Golden Age of Science Fiction in the 1950s. We begin the NES in 2230, a over one hundred and fifty years after a major nuclear war. For your interest:

Timeline of Events

NOTE: Been slightly modified by myself in some minor ways to fix some things which irked me.

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1945: The Second World War comes to an end with the detonations of atomic bombs on Hiroshima, Tokyo, and Nagasaki.
1961: The United States Space Agency puts Captain Carl Bell as the first man in space.
1969: The United States is reorganized into thirteen commonwealths, each of which encompasses several states. The national flag is changed to represent this, with fourteen stars, one for each commonwealth and the final one for the federal government and nation as a whole. The United States puts the first two men on the moon.
2020: The last final mission to the moon is completed, as the US Space Agency sees its budget fatally cut.
2037: The Mr. Handy robot is the first robot created for the mass market and is wildly popular among the American people for its labor saving uses.
2042: After a massive earthquake devastates Mexico City, the US military is brought into Mexico, effectively commandeering the resources and independence of the Mexican nation.
2052: The Resource Wars begin as the European Commonwealth launches several disastrous wars into the Middle East to secure their oil sources. The United Nations collapses by the middle of the year as the United States and most other players withdraw.
2053: The "New Plague" breaks out globally, and the United States declares full quarantine of the nation, forbidding overseas travel as the borders close. At the end of the year, terrorists use nuclear weapons for the first time, destroying Tel Aviv.
2054: The Resource Wars escalate as the Europeans and Islamic countries participate in a limited nuclear exchange, further devastating the region. In response, the United States government begins sponsoring Vault-Tec in its goal to create an underground environment for the survival of the species during a nuclear war.
2059: Saber rattling begins between China and the United States, as the US refuses to share fuel resources obtained from Alaska.
2060: Fossil fuels become too scare to use in cars, and most people are forced to give up their automobiles. Some electric and fusion powered cars are manufactured, but only in limited amounts. The situation brings the US economy nearer and nearer to bankruptcy. The war between Europe and the Islamic nations comes to a close as the last drops of oil are wrung from the Middle East. Both regions immediately dissolve into feuding states locked in constant war.
2065: Power rationing in the United States begins after a nuclear meltdown nearly occurs in New York City.
2066: America's refusal to sell or share oil to fossil fuel dependant China results in the breakdown of diplomatic relations and the invasion of Alaska by the Chinese. Anchorage is overrun and most of the state is occupied by China. American scientists invent the first crude fusion cell, and begin the slow process of upgrading the United States' power supply.
2069: As fighting in Alaska continues to stalemate, Canada faces increasing pressure from the United States as American military forces simply begin taking what they need from the Canadian countryside.
2072: As Canadian outrage grows against American military and business interests, the United States disbands the Canadian government and annexes Canada into the USA.
2074: China begins deploying biological weapons both in the field and on the American home front. The United States responds with a full invasion of mainland China.
2076: Food and energy riots devastate the United States, fuelled by pictures and video of American atrocities against Canadian civilians.
2077: At long last the Chinese are pushed out of Alaska after 11 years of vicious warfare.

October 23, 2077: The nuclear missiles fly between the United States and China, exterminating much of the world's population and bringing about a new dark age in human history.

Sample Game Stats​

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Edgewood Militia: EQandCivfanatic
Leader Gorly Araynn (Lucky)
Faction Trait: Expansionist
Capital: Edgewood (Florida, Former USA; Pre-War Community)
Structures: Farming Equipment (3), Purify/Pumping Station (2), Forge, Small Reactor
Population: 793 (+8)
Total Population: 928
Slaves: 0
Education: General Education
Food: 1,534 (+910)
Water: 452 (+1,300)
Energy: 0 (+1)
Tech Parts: 197
Scrap Parts: 1,250
Ammunition: 895
Military Equipment: 215 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 125 1-H Guns, 85 2-H Guns, 13 Heavy Weapons
Robots: 1 Mr. Handy
Military Skill: 7
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New Williamsburg: +80 Food
-Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 15 1-H Guns
-Population: 135 (+1)
-Structures: None

The Rules​
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Population and Slaves

Your population is all your people that you have available to you. Typically the numbers are going to start very small, but will quickly grow throughout the course of the NES. The "civilized" zones such as your faction won't be the only survivors out there, and based on your faction traits and other stats, you'll be receiving a slow flow of immigrants and refugees from more wild territories. This will be included alongside "natural" growth as well.

Unlike previous NESes, the Population stat isn't a representation of a larger population or a base from which to create an army. Your Population IS your army. Therefore, it is very important to keep your people happy and loyal as well as provide them with state of the art weapons and good equipment for battle. You have absolute control over your people, send them wherever you choose. They live to serve your whims and the faction as a whole. As long as they stay loyal, that is. The slave stat is entirely up to you. If you want slaves, feel free to capture some from the wasteland or other factions. Thanks to state of the art bomb collar technology, it's easier than ever to enslave people! Just place the collar around a prisoner's neck and if they try to run away... BOOM.


The Education rating of your population represents the base that your intellectuals have when it comes to scientific endeavors. This is created so that we have an accurate descriptor which can define what sort of projects your faction can create or work on. Each type has a different effect, but do not feel too bad if you are the "lowest" type as this actually means you likely have a better handle on things such as farming or fighting than more intellectual factions. Educational levels WILL NOT be changed at any point. The levels of Education are as follows:

Oral Education: This represents a culture which educates its youth through Oral Tradition and knowledge. This is the most practical of the Education levels, and if you are at this level, you will have a typically easier time at salvage and farming. Unfortunately, you're less likely to recover Tech Parts and Projects will generally be more expensive for you, while some which revolve around high technology will not be allowed altogether.

General Education: This represents an educational system moderately similar to what we have in real life. While your population is likely to be literate and have a good knowledge of history, this has very little practical application. Typically if you have a General Education you will not receive any bonuses or detractions unlike all other types.

Applied Science Education: This represents a working engineering knowledge of pre-war technology. This is the best sort of education to have for the recovery of tech parts and getting old technology working. While you will not receive any bonuses towards research or new technology, you will be superior at recovery efforts and construction.

Theoretical Science Education: This represents theories and speculation as a form of education at a higher level of learning. While this won't help with day to day matters, if you want to research NEW technology, and not just harness the new world, this is the way to go.

Supplies in Their Natural Habitats

Food and Water are the most important resources out there, period. Good food and purified water are essential to the literal survival of not just the faction, but the very species. Each person that you have in your faction will require 1 Food and 1 Water every year. If they do not receive it, they will die. This includes slaves unfortunately. Some old pre-war facilities have food or water production of their own, sometimes in large amounts. Food and water is very rarely found during scavenging, as it has either long since expired or was looted in the few weeks after the Great War itself.. Slaves will always die first when low on food or water.

Energy represents the production of electricity in your faction or other related energy. Energy is very rarely found as batteries from Urban Ruin sites. The only reliable way to accumulate energy is through your own production. Energy is also essential for activating robots to join your army.

Scrap parts represent the random detritus that is the leftovers of the modern world. This can include anything from the shells of cars, to timber, to any assorted scrap metal, wood, or other building material. They are used in construction as well as to create low technology weapons for use. This is by far the easiest thing to salvage from any ruin, and can really only NOT be found in the middle of a desert. They can also be converted into ammunition with the appropriate facilities.

Tech Parts represent any leftover bits of the old world that can be converted to more sophisticated uses in warfare and production today. Tech parts are used for pretty much everything, and are frequently hard to find. Unless you're a Technocratic society or have found a particularly wonderful place in the Wastes, you generally won't receive any per turn production of Tech Parts. The majority of the time, they will be found ONLY by scavenging amid the ruins of pre-war society.

Ammunition is required for the use of all non-melee weapons. Without it, your guns are just fairly useless clubs and you'll get torn apart by the most primitive tribes. Different types of guns expend ammunition quicker, and you lose ammunition based on how many battles you fight in a turn and how many. You can find more ammunition through scavenging or by conversion with the appropriate facility in a settlement.

Military Equipment and Skill

The United States, being the home of the gun nut, has a large amount of guns just lying around the place. Scavenging and exploring will often result in the recovery of different types of weapons. Even better, when you defeat a group of raiders or another faction's army, their weapons become your own. The list of goodies you can use to fight are in a below post. Lastly, if you don't have enough weapons for your whole population, it is assumed that they are using standard melee makeshift stuff, which is always the least effective tool.

Military Skill is the type of ability that your population has for combat. Remember, all of your population generally knows at least something about fighting and war, otherwise they'd die off. Therefore, your whole population is your army and this stat reflects what sort of experience and abilities they posses in the terms of combat. Obviously the higher the better, and the more you fight, the better you get. This is also inherently increased if you have a leader with the Fearsome trait or a faction trait of Barbaric.

Exploration and Scavenging

As frequently mentioned above a large amount of your time and energy would be best focused on sifting through the ruins of society. By sending out scouting parties you can locate promising ruins which could work well as a outpost or community. You could also find nice bits of salvage and old-war gems, including hidden special projects that you could bring to life with just enough Tech Parts and/or Energy. My recommendation is that you have at least one scouting party heading out somewhere every turn. Of course, there's always the small chance that they'll get hit by raiders or other factions, so make sure to give them some firepower to help them out. To Explore to Scavenge simply say in orders "Send __ people with ____ weapons to Explore and/or Scavenge in _____ spot.

Outposts and Expansion

In this NES there is no "blobbing" across the map like giant amoebas. Instead, the civilizations of the post-apocalyptic future begin by uniting a variety of small towns and outposts. They usually begin as fortified positions or tribal communities but ultimately evolve into a part of a much larger nation. You can create outposts in one of two ways. If you know, based on independent research (i.e. Google Maps) that there's something worth claiming near your current position, go for it. You could also send out exploratory parties, and I will mention places of interest that you could colonize. Ultimately you will have to send part of your population to establish the new base, and hopefully they will reach their objective. There's always the chance they will be hit by raiders on the way, so once again, make sure they have weapons. Remember, it's not a proper settlement if there's no one living there. There are several "standard" types of places you can discover that are detailed here. These do not include some of the places which qualify as starting zones, as they typically must be conquered, not colonized. Building a Settlement from scratch requires 2,500 Scrap Parts and 100 Population, as listed further below. Any other are able to be claimed without such demands, but are far less likely to produce food and water.

Urban Ruin: This is the most common type of outpost or settlement that you can establish. These typically are buildings, small towns, or landmarks leftover by the old world which are intact enough to be fortified and turned into outposts. When establishing a base in a urban ruin, you are likely to find tech parts, and this is the only way you're likely to discover the rarest of pre-war artifacts as well as plenty of standard ammunition and regular weapons.

Military Base: This is a particularly uncommon type of outpost or settlement you can discover and claim. These are particularly nice because frequently they have large amounts of ammunition, and occasionally even ammunition-producing machines. They can also have decent stockpiles of food and water within them, sometimes even limited production facilities of their own. One or two military bases may even have fun treasures hidden within them.

Settlement: Whenever you're in a particularly barren region, there's always the option to simply just create a settlement out of spare parts in the area. While this may be useful to help monitor your territory or encourage trade, typically settlements have little or no resources of their own. If they're created in some of the very scarce fertile lands they can become profitable farming communities.

Cave System: Outside of the cities, there are occasionally cave systems in the mountains and other isolated regions. These are frequently a good source of water, and perhaps other resources as well from failed post-war attempts at survival. They are also hard to find and therefore rarely come under attack by raiders, making them easy to defend and man.


There's two types of projects here. The standard kind, where you approach me about something you'd like to try, and I'll give you the price in tech parts/energy, and the moderator kind. The latter is highly sophisticated pieces of equipment that I've got charted around North America, much of it which could greatly aid your faction's development. Projects typically cost a combination of Tech Parts and Energy, but sometimes may require one or the other. I'll let you know when the price is secured. All projects WILL be tied to different outposts, and if you lose the outpost where a project is located, you lose the project to whoever claimed your site.

Warfare in Post-Apocalyptia

As I've already mentioned, there are no standing armies or militias. Every person in your faction knows how to fight and thanks to the leftovers of modern technology, only a small number of people actually need to stay home and farm or maintain things. In order to fight, simply state the number of people you want to send into battle, what weapons you want them to carry, and where you want them to go. Typically war is fought as a series of firefights, not sustained fronts or warfare. Each battle will expend ammunition, so be careful of your stockpiles before you go out on campaign. If you run out of ammo, it is quite likely things will end poorly for you. Another important tip, NEVER send ALL of your people out to battle. You WILL lose your home base while everyone's gone. Always keep a garrison at your outposts if you want to keep them. When planning battles, feel free to be as detailed as you'd like. Whatever makes you enjoy the NES more!

A final tip. Even if there are no other factions near you, be ready for war. You never know if raiders or wasteland monstrosities will come pouring out of the Wastes to kill you in your own house. On that note, any fights a group of yours may have with raiders counts as a battle for ammunition purposes. Remember, only the guns with the group caught in battle will expend ammunition.

Trade and Diplomacy in the Wasteland

I'm assuming that no factions have communications with each other at the beginning. Contact will be mentioned in the thread, and I'd like to state that considering the state of the USA, there's a good chance of isolation for a few turns. Fear not, I'm going to happily provide those isolated with issues and conundrums of their own to ponder over and address in their orders. Diplomacy as a whole, when you do locate other factions, is an informal affair and based around pacts between people, not nations. Declarations of war are unneeded in most circumstances, just attack if you're going to attack. Treaties in general are typically out of character at the current time, though as nations develop, perhaps they will be of use. There's no global community to impress, just yourself and other survivors.

The World of Fallout Florida​

The outbreak of war with China led to a significant drop in the importance of Florida to the United States’ government. Most military forces moved to the west coast, and with the Baby Boomer generation beginning to fade, the civilian population soon followed. As a state which relied heavily on tourism, nuclear, pandemic, and war scares began to cripple the state, leaving it with a declining infrastructure and severe economic troubles. As international travel was brought to a halt, many hotels and theme parks shut down, unable to maintain a solid business. Therefore, when the war began, Florida was not a priority target for Chinese missiles and attacks. Though large urban centers and military bases were hit, much of the state was spared from direct nuclear attack. Unfortunately the chaos that followed did more damage and harm than any nuclear weapons could. After all, war, war never changes.

The geography of Florida is as diverse as it is unique. In the south, the Everglades has overrun the ruins of Miami, and much of the southern part of the peninsula has been claimed by the swamps. These swamps are deep and mysterious, few enter them and fewer leave, especially in the vine-choked ruins of the great city of Miami. Miami itself consists of half-sunken skyscrapers and derelict vessels, as well as hordes of various creatures and monsters looking to feast. Along the western coast of the peninsula lie a number of sparse and disparate coastal communities, most long abandoned by their residents. Tampa was badly hit by nuclear weapons during the war and traditionally has been avoided by scavengers due to high radioactivity. On the eastern coast from the edge of the swamps to Jacksonville is an unending row of hotels and beach towns, stretching as far as the eye can see. These tilted hotels are without number, standing as if tombstones to the people who once lived in them, a modern Easter Island, facing toward the sea. In the center of the state is the metropolis of Orlando, the most populous city in Florida at the time of the war. Hit hard by nuclear weapons, it is full of ruins, and the skies remain choked with dust and radiation. In the south the old amusement parks crumble, though some remain hauntingly active, as some old rides still, just barely, function, without any riders or operators. Throughout northern Florida and southern Georgia, the numerous small towns and cities remain mostly abandoned, lost during the chaos after the war. Some treasures may remain, as scavengers from more organized communities look for ways to prolong their existence.
Weapons of the Wasteland​

These are the various weapons which can be salvaged or built by the factions of the Wasteland, including you. Some can only be scavenged, so keep this in mind when you're drooling over the possibilities. Robots can only be built (so far) using Tech Parts, as you will not find usable robots for your purposes in the wastes, though you may find hostile ones.

Standard Weapons

Low Tech Melee: These are purpose built melee weapons such as swords and the like. Significantly better than improvised arms that people use by default. You can create these by spending 5 Scrap Parts for 1 Low-Tech Melee Weapon if you have a forge. Obviously, Melee weapons do not expend ammunition in battle.

High Tech Melee: These are pre-war military hand to hand combat devices, such as "Power Fists" and more civilian items like chainsaws. These are great for stealthy operations and combat against those who do not have guns. These can only be salvaged. Like Low Tech Melee, these devices do not expend ammunition in battle.

One-Hand (1-H) Guns. These are projectile 1 hand weapons such as pistols, submachine guns, and revolvers. For the sake of simplicity I'm including shotguns in this category as well. Simply put, these are the best weapons for combat in close quarters, urban regions. They are fairly common throughout civilian ruins. They expend 1 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.

Two-Hand (2-H) Guns: These are projectile rifles, hunting or otherwise. Best for open base defense and in-the-field combat, as well as being nearly as good as 1-H Guns in close combat. They are somewhat common among civilian ruins. They expend 2 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.

Heavy Weapons: These are missile launchers, grenade launchers, and other explosive devices. They are good in any circumstance when you're not trying to be subtle about your capabilities. At first, they can only be salvaged from prewar military installations and a select few civilian installations. They expend 5 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.

Laser Weapons: These were fairly standard issue for the United States military at the time of the Great War. They come and all shapes and sizes, and are generally known for packing a much bigger punch than projectile weapons. They are typically only found among Army or National Guard bases. They expend 3 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.

Rare Weapons

Howitzer: These are modern artillery pieces in their purest form. One of the few pieces of military equipment pre-war not based on electronics, except for guidance, these artillery devices can be found at scattered bases across the wasteland. However, without the attached vehicles, they can be very difficult to move, so are best in a defensive position. They expend 50 Ammunition each per battle fought.

Plasma Weapons: These had just been issued to the military prior to the Great War, and are known for the extreme firepower, being able to punch through almost any type of armor, reducing their victims to a green goo. They are difficult to find and can only be located from ruins of large military bases. They expend 4 Ammunition each per battle fought.

Power Armor: Power Armor was the next generation military combat armor issued prior to the war, and most military bases had a stockpile of them at some point, though they were soon shipped out to Alaska or China for active combat. Soldiers wearing these are essentially invulnerable to most types of attack. Think of them as one-man tanks, vulnerable only to several explosive attacks. Can be built only by people with the designs. Cost is 50 Scrap Parts and 1 Tech Part per suit.

Fat Man/Mini-Nuke: The Fat Man is one of the biggest guns out there. Essentially this gun propels a small nuclear device out of a launcher, smashing apart medium-sized groups of enemies, as well as pretty much any vehicle or hapless fool in power armor. Unlike other guns they use Mini-Nukes as ammunition. Unlike other guns, they will ONLY be used in battle if you specifically say so, due to the rarity of both the gun and the ammo. Both the Fat Man and Mini-Nukes can only be found through lucky salvage.


Mr. Handy: These were developed for the civilian market as the first personal robot, particularly for cooking and repair work around the house. They still can help maintain fortifications and so forth, but you'll likely find them best for close-combat, as they possess a small flamethrower as well as numerous melee weapons. They can also be used for basic salvaging and construction. When salvaging they can only return Scrap Parts. Fortunately, they're VERY good at it. These can be created for 1 Energy and 3 Tech Parts.

Protectron: These are common pre-war security robots, generally used by civilian companies and police forces. They possess a laser weapon as well as limited disabling close-combat devices. These can be created for 1 Energy and 5 Tech Parts.

Mr. Gutsy: This was the military model of Mr. Handy, capable of constructing field fortifications, as well as possessing a military grade flamethrower and laser or plasma weapons. These can be created for 3 Energy and 10 Tech parts.

Sentry Bots: These are very rare and uncommon pre-war advanced security and military robots. Unlike the Mr. Gutsy, these have no "peaceful" functions. They are armed with a gatling laser, missiles, and a flamethrower, all of which are constructed and supplied by internal programming. If you encounter these, be prepared to die or run away. These cannot be built.


Raft: This uncontrollable floating device is simply a means of carrying people or items behind a different, slow-moving boat. Used best with canoes. Trade over water is not viable for a turn without rafts to go with your canoes. These can be built for 50 Scrap Parts.

Canoe: These ancient boats are going to require at least 5 people each to move them swiftly along. They of course have no fighting capacity, but can be used in conjunction with rafts to move supplies around on rivers or lakes.
Oral Education: 50 Scrap Parts
General Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Applied Science Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Theoretical Science Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts

Small Boat: These are modern powered vessels that can carry a good deal of cargo and can move on larger rivers, assuming no significant debris. They can be armed if you choose to arm them with whatever weapons you have in your arsenal. Consider these to be approximately the same size as a very large yacht or small warship.
Oral Education: 6,000 Scrap Parts, 70 Tech Parts, 1 Reactor
General Education: 5,000 Scrap Parts, 60 Tech Parts, 1 Reactor
Applied Science Education: 5,000 Scrap Parts, 50 Tech Parts, 1 Reactor
Theoretical Science Education: 5,000 Scrap Parts, 40 Tech Parts, 1 Reactor

Important Structures

The following are key structures which are used to expand the capabilities of your faction, in order to secure your safety and prosperity. All buildings are listed in the settlement's stats in which they are built. This by no means an all inclusive list, and feel free to think of anything else that may have been missed here. Another note is that farms are not included here (beyond hydroponics), and this is because I'm assuming that there be some sort of farms anyways. Please read the descriptions thoroughly as some structures require a geographic trait. Furthermore, as it is clarified here, your educational level makes a difference on the prices for various things. A detailed summary of this is above under the Education rules.

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New Town: This is the construction of a new settlement, as discussed above in the ruleset. It costs 5,000 Scrap Parts and at least a contribution of 50 Population to build a new settlement in the open. Vaults and cave systems are of course exceptions to the rule, as they are already partially fortified for your settling pleasure.

School: The construction of a school provides a place for the young to be educated and old ways of life to be slowly restored. The construction of a school immediately establishes a system of General Education for your people, allowing the creation of written records and the end of Oral Education. Build this to establish a higher level of learning.
Oral Education: 1,000 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts

Institute: The construction of an institute allows the development of even higher levels of learning and research. Building one allows you to choose between adopting Applied Science Education or Theoretical Science Education, with all the benefits that one or the other entails. Requires the presence of a School in whatever community it is to be constructed within.
General Education: 2,000 Scrap Parts, 50 Tech Parts

Forge: This simple technology is still essential, allowing for the working of scrap metal into low-tech melee weapons, such as swords and other medieval style weaponry. It's cheap, but important to the development of an army which does not need to rely on ammunition.
Oral Education: 500 Scrap Parts
General Education: 400 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Applied Science Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Theoretical Science Education: 400 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part

Hydroponics Farm: This allows for farming without fertile lands, and can even be done to a limited degree indoors. Essentially what this will do is convert some of your water production at an outpost into food production. Needless to say, you must have some form of water production in your stats to build one of these.
Oral Education: 100 Scrap Parts, 4 Tech Parts
General Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Theoretical Science Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts

Radio Tower: This structure allows for broadcasting into the wasteland, music or otherwise.
Oral Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 15 Tech Parts
General Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 8 Tech Parts

Water Purifier: This structure helps purify water found in the wasteland, not from a lake or river. This means irradiated bottled water mostly, but could also be sewage or otherwise. Also includes acting as a purification cistern for rainwater.
Oral Education: 100 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
General Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 3 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 3 Tech Parts

Water Pumping Station: This structure takes water from a clean lake or river and pumps it out in large amounts for consumption. Be warned, eventually it is possible to pump a lake dry. Only viable at a body of water with clean, fresh water.
Oral Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 3 Tech Parts
General Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 3 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 4 Tech Parts

Water Pumping and Purifying Station: This structure combines the above two, but is what you build when dealing with irradiated bodies of water. As with regular pumping stations, it is possible to pump a lake dry.
Oral Education: 400 Scrap Parts, 6 Tech Parts
General Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 8 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 6 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 7 Tech parts

Farming Equipment: This is essentially reapers and harvesters and the like, ye olde style, not mechanical. Assuming your area is suitable for farming in the first place, this will improve the output you provide.
Oral Education: 50 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
General Education: 100 Scrap Parts, 4 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 100 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 100 Scrap Parts, 4 Tech Parts

Recycling Facility: This allows you to break down guns and tech parts into Scrap Parts for further use. All guns create 10 Scrap Parts when broken down, all tech parts create 50 Scrap Parts when broken down by this facility. The reverse does not apply here.
Oral Education: 400 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
General Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 300 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Theoretical Science Education: 200 Scrap Parts, 4 Tech Parts

Energy Reactor: This is a basic nuclear reactor that can be constructed with a significant background in education or the ability to learn it from other sources. These will produce 1-2 Energy per turn for your faction and can be used to power various large vehicles as well. Consider these as small scale engines, not a behemoth to power half the east coast. Energy reactors are requisites for some larger pieces of useful tech. They can count as a cost when used as an engine for a larger device. Cannot be built if you have an Oral Education background.
Oral Education: NA
General Education: 4,000 Scrap Parts, 60 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 3,000 Scrap Parts, 50 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 2,000 Scrap Parts, 40 Tech Parts

Ammunition Converter: This facility allows you to grind down Scrap Parts in order to convert it to Ammunition for usage on the battlefield at a one for one ratio.
Oral Education: 500 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
General Education: 1,000 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Applied Science Education: 500 Scrap Parts, 3 Tech Parts
Theoretical Science Education: 1,500 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
The Conch Thallasocracy of the Keys: Grandkhan
Leader: High Doge-President Santiago Ruiz (Charismatic)
Faction Trait: Expansionist
Capital: Dog Key, Florida (Pre-War Community)
Structures: None
Population: 1,000
Slaves: 0
Education: Oral Education
Food: 1,000 (+500)
Water: 1,000 (+500)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 10
Scrap Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,100
Military Equipment: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 10 Heavy Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3

Femacamp: ChiefDesigner
Leader: Harmony Michaels (Charismatic)
Faction Trait: Tech Savvy
Capital: Tyndall AFB, Panama City (Pre-War Community)
Structures: None
Population: 1,000
Slaves: 0
Education: Oral Education
Food: 1,500 (+500)
Water: 1,500 (+500)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 35 (+1)
Scrap Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Military Equipment: 75 1-H Guns, 25 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3

The Gladesmen: Nailix
Leader: Jacob "The Croc" Reyes (Scavenger)
Faction Trait: Barbaric
Capital: Lane Cove, Everglades (Tribal Settlement)
Structures: None
Population: 1,350
Slaves: 0
Education: Oral Education
Food: 3,000 (+1,000)
Water: 3,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 10
Scrap Parts: 500
Ammunition: 250
Military Equipment: 750 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 25 1-H Guns, 25 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5

Holy Order of Adam and Eve: Lord of Elves
Leader: High Priest Michael Colfax (Charismatic)
Faction Trait: Religious
Capital: Millennia Mall, Orlando (Urban Ruin)
Structures: None
Population: 750
Slaves: 0
Education: Oral Education
Food: 2,500 (+500)
Water: 2,500 (+500)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 5
Scrap Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,000
Military Equipment: 100 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 4

The Jags: Bestshot9
Leader: President Peter Mitchell (Enigmatic)
Faction Trait: Tech Savvy
Capital: University of South Alabama, Mobile (Pre-war Community)
Structures: None
Population: 750
Slaves: 0
Education: Oral Education
Food: 1,000 (+500)
Water: 1,000 (+500)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 35 (+1)
Scrap Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Military Equipment: 75 1-H Guns, 25 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons, 20 Power Armor Suits
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3

Nasa: Thomas.berubeg
Leader: Commander Charles Griffiths (Lucky)
Faction Trait: Tech Savvy
Capital: Cape Canaveral Bunker, Florida (Bunker)
Structures: None
Population: 500
Slaves: 0
Education: General Education
Food: 1,900 (+0)
Water: 1,900 (+0)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 38 (+1)
Scrap Parts: 0
Ammunition: 3,400
Military Equipment: 60 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 500 Laser Weapons, 60 Power Armor Suits
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5
Orbital Bombardment Systems: 0/500 Scrap Parts, 0/40 Tech Parts, 0/1 Energy Reactor

Vault 66: Quisani
Leader: Spencer Lee (Enigmatic)
Faction Trait: Industrious
Capital: Vault 66, Haines Creek, Florida (Vault)
Structures: None
Population: 500
Slaves: 0
Education: General Education
Food: 1,500 (+1,000)
Water: 1,500 (+1,000)
Energy: 0 (+0)
Tech Parts: 20
Scrap Parts: 2,500
Ammunition: 700
Military Equipment: 100 1-H Guns, 30 Plasma Weapons
Robots: 10 Mr. Handys
Military Skill: 0
Update 0: 2230​

Faction Reports​

The Conch Thallasocracy of the Keys
When the nukes fell, Duck Key was spared a direct hit thanks to its remote location and tiny size. With no support coming from the mainland or Key West, and Florida's descent into barbarism, the people of the island were forced to fend for themselves. They established a life more complex than much of the wasteland, creating a small, local democracy on the island of Duck Key and avoiding barbarians and raiders due to their isolation - who would brave the travels of the ocean, or even the increasingly shaky Overseas Highway (by this point the only link to the mainland) for a village of fishermen, after all? Living off fish, seafood, and whatever crops they could grow in the areas of demolished houses, the people of the Republic of the Keys lived a comfortable and quiet life - at least, as quiet and comfortable as one could have in post-nuclear America.

This all changed two years ago, when rumors of the rebirth of civilization began to travel down to Duck Key. With the promises of civilization tantalizingly close, the community was split on how to respond to it. Would it be a threat? Would it be friendly? Would they rebuild the Empire of Yuusar together, something few wished for - after all, what did the Empire ever do for the Keys? That was when Santiago Ruiz rose to the fore. He painted a glorious new age of rejuvenation for Florida, where the city-states of the Peninsula would grow and prosper. What would support them in this would be trade - a trade facilitated by the unique placement of the Keys. From there, Duck Key and its inevitable future colonies would grow rich. The Keys would become a thalassocracy, in the vein of Old Venice before them. Encouraged and buoyed by Ruiz's vision, the people of Duck Key elected him to become the first Doge-President for Life of the Thalassocracy of the Keys. They chose, as their standard and banner, the Conch Shell flag of Old Yuusar, bearing the Conch that was apparently worshipped by the original community of the Keys - as far as the few relics of Old Yuusar that could be recovered could show. Now, Ruiz has a herculean task ahead of him - not only must he build the Thalassocracy's new fleet, from scratch but he must find these new civilizations as well.

Spoiler :

High Doge-President’s Challenge: Several ancient yachts rest under the control of some of the wealthiest citizens of the Keys. These yachts are currently in use as the homes of these people and their families, but could be the foundation of a fleet, should they be deemed seaworthy. Unfortunately, even just inspecting these craft, much less adapting them for overseas sailing, could be viewed as an insult by the other leaders of the community. How should we proceed?

The fortified town of Femacamp is renowned for its hospitality. Originally a relocation camp hosting the families of active service personnel, the population swelled once the bombs dropped. Despite some hardships over following years and the chaos that followed the war, there has always been a community on this site. Even though it has changed management from time to time, the current management is quite popular among the residents. Nobody is turned away from Femacamp.

Spoiler :

Overseer’s Challenge: The location of our settlement is well-known among the people of the Florida Wasteland. Due to this, a disreputable marketplace has setup not far away, selling and bartering chems and slaves to all. Some of our people wish to close this place down, but it could bring in lucrative new merchandise and items to our community. How should we proceed?

The Gladesmen
The Gladesmen was originally a small group of nomads who fought with other nomads early after the war ended. It never truly grew very large with the constant fighting in the Everglades, until Jacob Rayes came to power and defeated the two mutant crocs. After that day the rest of the nomads in the area flocked to form the large tribe that changed its original name to the Gladesmen. Jacob Rayes got the title, "The Croc", when he was gathering men to his cause and tribe. When he went to try and sway a large group of swamp dwellers the crazed leader of the group unleashed two massive crocodiles on Jacob who killed the the two reptiles and slew the leader. With such a show of strength the tribe immediately joined Rayes and many more swamp men have flocked to Jacob and his tribe.

Spoiler :

The Croc’s Challenge: People have begun disappearing in the swamps to our south. The disappearances have been attributed to monsters of great size and strength, far beyond that which we have ever known. Some of our people have called for us to flee the swamp lands before we are destroyed. Others believe that the unknown menace can be fought, and defeated. How do we proceed?

Holy Order of Adam and Eve
The High Priest Michael Colfax is the son of the Prophet Jacob Colfax, who came to the forsaken land of Orlando many years ago and discovered the great Temple of Adam and Eve and its Sacred Texts, Visions and Holy Testimonies. From the basis of the divine texts and testimonies he wrote the great Book of Holy Truth, a catalog of the combined knowledge and teachings of the texts and became the Prophet of Adam and Eve. Performing miracles throughout the land and gaining many followers, as well as a harem of nubile concubines, the Prophet Colfax established himself and his followers in the Temple and fathered many sons before ascending to heaven. The Prophet foretold that the chosen amongst his progeny would make himself known to the world by his works, and so his son Michael Colfax, Who Is Like God, rose to power amongst the faithful by virtue of his vision, strength and Great and Unmatched Humility. The High Priest Colfax has galvanized the faithful, produced many new musings upon the Sacred Texts and Visions, and brought a new era of vitality to the Holy Order unseen since the death of his father. A brutal power struggle between the High Priest Colfax and his brothers has produced an efficient, top-down leadership system of clerics, militants and ordinary faithful.

The Holy Order of Adam and Eve was founded by the Prophet Jacob Colfax who came to Orlando from the great and ancient land of Newark, New Jersey. Fleeing persecution and violence, the Prophet made a great journey across the land to the Temple of Adam and Eve where he was endowed with a vision by the Holy Duality (Adam and Eve) on the nature of life and the universe. Empowered by the gods, the Prophet translated the Holy Visions, Sacred Texts and Holy Employee's Manual, producing the Faith of Adam and Eve as we know it today. Gathering many followers, entranced by the Prophet's miracles and vision, the Prophet established himself in the Temple of Adam and Eve and restored it to its fullness. The Prophet Jacob Colfax had, before his death, many concubines with which he produced many sons. The favorite among them emerged to be the erstwhile Michael Colfax, who bloodily established himself as High Priest over the faithful some eighteen years after his father's death. Since then the Order has strived to more faithfully and loyally follow the principles of its late Prophet, and the Holy Duality, sure in its knowledge that as the Holy Parable of Bra Size DD34 said, "What is best in life is to drive your enemies before you and hear the lamentations of their women."

Spoiler :

High Priest’s Challenge: Some of the lesser members of the order have come before the High Priest asking the following question: “What role do women play in the higher order? Can they truly be as reasoned as men or do they simply serve their purpose as concubines and wives?” How do we respond to this question?

The Jags
The Jags, named after the pre-war inhabitants of the school, were founded by the descendents of the Mitchell Family, a prominent business family in Mobile before the war, who also contributed large sums of money to the University of South Alabama. The Mitchells are the hereditary rulers and owner of the Office of the President, which, in the tradition of the Old World South Alabama presidents, is a position which is served until the acting president no longer feels he is capable of serving any longer, at which point he passes it to his heir. The current inhabitants have done their best to learn from those who came before, harnessing the tomes of knowledge they left behind in the various classrooms and libraries throughout campus. They have also come to revere "South Paw", whom they view as the most important Jag who ever lived. South Paw, as far as the survivors can tell, was a very important anthropomorphic Jaguar who rallied the old students to cheer on, and lead, their soldiers who fought it out in the trenches of the old world football death matches. They now have a cult established, which worships the Jaguar statue in front of the Mitchell Center and campus bell tower, which they not only use to call people to prayer, but as a look out position and warning system of incoming raiders and monsters.

Peter Mitchell is the current leader of "The Jags", a group of survivors living in the dorms and other buildings around the old University of South Alabama campus in Mobile, AL. He inherited his position from his father, President Albert Mitchell, III when he became too old to lead and passed the office to his son. The Mitchell line claims to have founded the University of South Alabama, and as such they have the most right to run the community there today. Peter Mitchell is a strong proponent of education and exploration, encouraging his people to explore and read and contribute to the academia, much like his father, and his father's father. As such, nearly all members of The Jags are taught to read, to take advantage of the fountain of knowledge located in books all across the community, with a big focus on engineering and medicine, two things the school was known for by the local pre-war community.

Spoiler :

President’s Challenge: The military-grade power armored suits recently acquired by you could allow us great power and opportunity throughout the Florida Wasteland. However, the individuals who use them would inevitably be militarily superior to those who don’t. How do we best distribute these suits among our warriors?

Cape Canaveral was a significant hub of activity in the last days of the war, being heavily guarded against Chinese infiltrators and Saboteurs. It was from the Launch Facility that most of the United States’ Spy Satellites and Orbital Weapons platforms were assembled and sent into space to fight against the Red Threat. Barely a year before the end of the war, Space Command at Houston was moved to Cape Canaveral, to ensure ease of communication and efficiency, increasing the effectiveness of NASA tenfold. The fall of the bombs in no way changed the purpose of NASA. Assuming that the United States government would restructure itself and make contact, the Scientists, Soldiers, and Officials swore to fight on. For years, they maintained the Satellite network as best they could, wasting valuable resources to launch Rocket after Rocket to keep the American Orbital Presence intact. Eventually the consoles and equipment of Nasa failed, disconnecting them from the network they had tried so hard to maintain. As food started to grow scarce and the parts to maintain the space assets grew even scarcer, NASA was forced to face the truth they had ignored for so long. They were on their own. Nasa turned to deal with its own needs, to protect itself against the growing threat of raiders and radiation altered monsters. However, the Dream of Space was one that would never leave the Heart and Dreams of the people of Nasa.

Spoiler :

Commander’s Challenge: Despite the loss of most of our equipment after years of attempting to maintain orbital satellites, we have rediscovered a console that would allow us to connect to an orbital bombardment platform. Unfortunately, quite a few repairs would be needed to reactivate the device. Similarly, a dedicated Energy Reactor would be required to bring these weapons back into use for our efforts. On the other hand, if reactivated, the orbital bombardment platform would give us immense firepower to use on any of our enemies. The cost required for activation has been included in our faction’s stats.

Vault 66
Overseer Jack Turgidson knew it was coming. The P.R.C. had been pushed off the continent, but he knew they were going to strike any day. Turgidson lived in the vault long before the time came, so that he would be ready. When the news reports began, he knew the outcome long before the anyone else realized what would happen. He also knew it was going to happen right before the doors shut. Hah! He'd show those gooks who was smarter. He'd rig the door to close a few hours earlier. That way, at least some citizens of the Gulf Commonwealth would survive. Better some than none. The fact Vault-Tec agreed with his request was just icing on the cake. Until that day when the South would rise again, the Gulf Commonwealth would sleep underneath the land. After the vault closed, the Gulf Commonwealth underwent a brief period of instability, as those who made it at first rioted at Overseer Turgidson's actions. Eventually, the occupants of the vault adjusted, Overseer Turgidson retained his rigid control over the vault. Though his reign was moderately oppressive, Turgidson prepared his citizens for the coming return and triumph of the Gulf Commonwealth, which would be at the center of a glorious new state.

Spoiler :

Overseer’s Challenge: The world outside is a scary place and many people out there would love to be welcomed into our vault. Fortunately, thanks to the concealments in place from before the war, no one really knows we are here. Some people think we should welcome outsiders to live off our ample supplies, other believe we should chase them away. Which option should we support when handling travelers and would-be immigrants?

World Map

Map to be added at later moment. For time being, get your bearings from Google Maps.
The Holy Order of Adam and Eve has arrived. Peace and medium sized men's S&M suits be with you.
Why is this being played in public if you already filled all the spots without sign ups?
I would have loved to join this, too late though :(
I wasn't going to put it in public. Unfortunately, social group posts don't allow big enough posts to contain a whole update, so here we are.
From my understanding, EQ is doing this at the prompting request of some of those who are playing. I've been asking him for several months if he was wanting to continue the previous version of BOTWAWKI, and I was pleased when he finally agreed to host a smaller scale event.
The Conch Thallasocracy of the Keys is here to bring wealth and overly long names to Florida!
Vault 66 is here will ensure that the Gulf Commonwealth regains it's former glory.
Spoiler :

Pat had been wandering. He been driven from his home, and he was making his way to a place he heard about in whispers in other settlements: Vault 66. For years he'd tracked down rumors and tales, and finally he had tracked down the one person who could tell him where it was. He cut his way across the field to a small structure which stood in the middle. A tollbooth. The irony was lost on Pat. Humor wasn't his thing. In the booth sat a old Indian man dressed in a wrinkled and worn suit.

"Hello? Are you Rajiv? Can you tell me where Vault 66 is?" The man was motionless for a moment and then looked at Pat.

"Do you have the shark tooth form?" Pat stared at the man. Too late, he was crazy.

"E-excuse me? What did you just say?"

"Do you have the chartreuse form? Chartreuse. form. Do you have it." The man was a bit ornery, but Pat had dealt with worse.

"Chartruce form? Can't say that I do."

"No form, no directions." Pat's face lit up just then. So the old man did know where it was!

"Where do I get me one of these chartreuse forms?"

"Pick 'N Save, Aisle 14, 2nd shelf. Come back when you have it, but not on Tuesday. I hate the Tuesdays."

- An excerpt from the Vaultionian Epic, Bureaucracy
Here is some recently found footage of the great Southpaw from when he walked the Earth:

Spoiler :

The only logical conclusion, from watching the above video, is that not only was our prophet a great, noble battlefield leader, but he also valued education, could cure the sick, and was humble and mingled and played with the masses. All of these traits made him beloved by all, as is evident by the way his people flock to be around him.
If I may answer for EQ, the NES is definitely similar to his other falloutNES's, but the rule set has been tweaked a bit to improve the game.
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