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Patch 1.09 released!

I also recieved a crc error from the patch I downloaded from civfanatics.

I deleted it and re-downloaded from FileFront and had no problems with the installation.
I have the problem and I've downloaded it twice. I get an error message suggesting the file is corrupted.
Same here, I saved a game at 2038 before patch. after applying the patch, load the game, it's at 202x now

ltccone said:
I've noticed something else wierd. I loaded my SP Ghandi game. The turn was from 1973. When I loaded the game and hit end turn I was in 1964.

The turn played just fine though...
Whoa! I reloaded an autosave game and went from 1620 to 1640 and then it froze. And stayed frozen. I couldn't ALT-TAB or CTRL+ALT+DEL. I couldn't even turn off my notebook. I actually had to unplug it and take out the battery. Anyone else had this problem?

Does anyone know if a windowed version is less crashy?
That happened to me to. I was playing a game and saved at 2646 when I took tokyo from Gandhi and later opened it with the patch and released Tokyo was back in Gandhi's hands and my tanks were rolling up at his civ and was 2464?:dubious:?. Except for this the patch has been perfect:).
Norlamand said:
I have the problem and I've downloaded it twice. I get an error message suggesting the file is corrupted.
I don't know if this helps, but when I was installing I had an error where it says that the Civ4.exe is corrupted, but when I said "ignore" it went on fine.
Just wanted to report my post-patch findings here. My specs are generally a 2.8G with 1G RAM and an Nvidia 256K video (FX 5600) with the 81.95 driver.

I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, then without trying the game I loaded the patch. I had some sort of problem with either the original install or the patch, I can't remember which, where it had some sort of something it couldn't find in dealing with the stuff that's created in the My Games directory, but I gave it an ignore after retrying it and it seemed to work. I suspect that the unistall didn't uninstall these directories and so it bumped into them again, but I was too much in a hurry and didn't bother reading anything. I figured I would bother to read if I had to do the process all over again. On the patch, I got the familiar 1673, or whatever code, but just plowed through that as others have, to no additional difficulty.

About the game itself. I have played the original disk on both huge and large, with almost exactly the same results, in that it would do the memory leak bit after I had got into approximately the midway point of the tech tree.

I'm about at that point in the game now, for what is about 4 hours playing, and there's not the slightest hint of the bad stuff it was doing before. Even the wonder movies are working superbly. The only thing that leaves me wondering if it will CTD again is that there was one instance where the map details disappeared for about 4 seconds. There was also another time, where the French, who I had made several contacts with earlier in the game, had a decent sized delay that had me worried. After those two glitches, you couldn't tell in the least that it affected the game, as the speed was back up to what it had normally been doing. It also used to be that saving the game took like 2.0-3.0 seconds. Now it takes like .3 second.

I'm running the game at like 1280 X 960, and other than that everything else is pretty much stock, including the autosave.

I have noticed, however, that the barb and animal ratio have been "seriously" tweaked in this game, compared to before. I probably explored at the rate I had for the unpatched version of the game which just on a wild guess means that by the time my recon gets through those units have been through like 30 battles, which of course gets a lot of promotions. In this game I had "maybe" 5 fights total and not a single promotion. I might had seen like 5 barb units the whole time, which includes some of my recon being in the booneys for extended periods. I used to could count on running into at least 5-6 animal units in the snow areas alone, but I don't think I found a single one there. Very different. Looks like I'll have to turn raging barbs on.
I got the CRC error as well with the patch downloaded from Civfanatics.com at approx 11am Thurs the 24th. I downloaded it from Filefront later on (round 11pm that night) and the files are different, and I received no CRC error with the filefront version.

Comparing c:\filefront\v109PATCHREL.exe and C:\cfc\v109PATCHREL.exe...
Compare error at OFFSET 4EE426
file1 = 1E
file2 = 1C
Compare error at OFFSET 1734687
file1 = 35
file2 = 15
Compare more files (Y/N) ? n

Only the two bytes, at least on the one I got.
Thunderfall said:
Someone emailed me saying he has trouble installing the patch downloaded from the CFC server. He said he encountred a CRC error near the end.

Anyone else has this problem or can install it w/o problem? I am pretty sure the file is not corrupted because I verifiied it after uploading.

CFC patch worked well for me.
Exempt I got that warning that my exe is not original or something like that (several people reported it in this forum).

Choosing ignore make it all ok.
I got this:

[image snipped, look above]

aol, n00b!

The Condor said:
What do I do?

first: panic!
(forget the towel)

The Condor said:
Is it bad?

I'm afraid it's almost beyond remedy ...

The Condor said:
How do I fix it?

deinstall aol

Seriously, if it worked before, don't fix it, if the patch works now, it's not that important that the installer is buggy by itself. That's a new low, btw, that not even the patches and their installers are bugfree. I can already see myself switch to consoles with a keyboard and mouse addon in a year or two. Consoles are something I've frown upon ever since, but PC games are less and less giving me any choice. :-(

Console system is good for bad games.
They have less bugs overall.

Console system is bad for good games.
Even console games have some bugs (minor most often), and they would never get patched.
Compared to good PC games, which have dozen of patches fixing even such minor things.
Especially for strategy games where balance tweaks or gameplay fixes are essential for good gameplay.
My experiences with the patch. I downloaded it through the update function of civ4 and it installed fine. I then tried to run the game and it completely locked up on me, claiming it couldn't find all kinds of functions in setupapi.dll.

I then 'panicked' ;) reinstalled directx9c just to be sure (the day before I had just upgraded to the latest nvidia drivers, which ran fine for me with the unpatched civ4 version), emptied my temp folder (as it also contained a copy of setupapi.dll), rebooted a couple of time and started civ4 with the shift key pressed in (I believe I read somewhere that this would empty the cache).

Low and behold, I don't have to reinstall civ4 after all, the patch now seems to work. At least, it didn't give me any problems yesterday during a couple of hours playing on a saved prepatched game, large, epic, around 1800 at 1280x1024 resolution.

I run the european version of civ4, no mods, 1GB RAM, GeForce6600GT, Asus A8V motherboard with an AMD processor
I downloaded the patch from the Civfanatics site, got the 'Your Civ.exe is not compatible' or some such error, but ignored it and carried on.

I haven't noticed any difference in performance, maybe slightly quicker, but now saved game load times are two or three times longer, and Wonder movies which used to work perfectly in 1.00 have stuttering sound and video. :(

But just having the city advisor screen showing how many turns left to produce things is probably worth the sacrifice on its own! :)

And did I read correctly that's there's a European patch? Maybe that's why I was incompatible...

P4 2.2GHz, 1.25Gb RAM, nVidia 6800GT.
I got the patch from the CFC site and got the "CRC" error. Just pressed ignore and let it finish.

My Black Terrain has been fixed. :D There are stil some minor problems with some of the animations. And its gets slow at the later stages post 1900AD. Movies does not work had to disabled it. :( But i think my specs are a bit low. HP Laptop nx9010 P4 3.06 356mb Ram ATI Radeon IGP 340M.

Also on the city screen the incorrect number of hammers is shown for my Cities and the spaceship images doesn't show on the victory screen. Funny though is that after i've won the images would show. :confused:
Resumée after patching :

Game performance improved a lot, especially when zooming out to world view.
(Win XP, 2,3 GHZ Athlon XP, 1,5 gig RAM at 266hz, Geforce 6600, Soundblaster Live! Value)

But : Movies stutter a lot, before patching there were nearly running smoothly.

For i gladly exchange the movie quality for improved game performance i am quiet happy with this patch and recommend it to everyone.
Asclei said:
From what I've read so far in this thread, the patch seems to be an utter failure. Does anybody's patch actually work??

Yes, for me it works better now. Let me see if in the future there wil not e further probems But the bigest issue, which was the black terrain for me, was solved. The rest seems to be ok, so far...
GrendelS said:
I can already see myself switch to consoles with a keyboard and mouse addon in a year or two. Consoles are something I've frown upon ever since, but PC games are less and less giving me any choice. :-(

Have you ever played Morrowind on the Xbox? Their initial release had a bug where when you entered a town (forgot the name its been a while) near the starting location, the game would crash. You needed to wait until you learned to teleport before you could enter the town. Half of the missions you were on, you couldnt do until way later on. This is only one example that i have experienced First hand (at a friends house, i dont own no stinking xbox). Sidenote, Morrowind on xbox looked Horrible compared to my PC edition.

Yes, firaxis sucks. They should have quality coding like Microsoft. Because as we all know, Microsoft doesnt have patches. (do you smell the sarcasm?)

You guys keep complaining about this game. Well then do yourself a favor, Dont buy games when they first come out. Wait half a year. Then get it. Youll have a lot less stress and a lot less to complain about.
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