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Patch suggestion MOD (aka Player1 MOD)

Version 1.32 is OUT!
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Changes in ver 1.32

Panzer Tanks get Wheeled ability.
I don't know why I missed that, since I gave that ability to other motorized units long ago.

Ironclads get cost of 100, in order to make them more distinctive from Frigates. Also Frigates become more popular because of realtively cheap cost.

Military Academy small wonder doesn't need anymore a "victorious army" as prequisite. This is done in order to make building of armies a better option.

It would not be unbalancing since I returned old cost of 400 shiled to buiuld an army. Since army cost is as high as of one Wonder builing, making army by using leaders should still be usefull.

In Civ3, Great Wall wonder is at very low value for human player.
In order to fix that, I added an additional befenit to that great wonder.
Every city, at same continent as Great Wall, will also get free City Walls improvment.

Also, I made a small change in difficulty settings for effective number of optimal cities (used when calculating corruption). I upped number of optimal cities at lower difficulty levels, while keeping old numbers at higher levels. That way, I made game a little easier on corruption (but not too much) at lower difficulty levels.

So at Chieftain, optimal number is 150% of base number instead of 100%, at Warlord 120% instead of 95%, at Regent 100% instead of 90% and at Monarch level 90% instead of 85%. At Emperor and Deity levels optimal number is left unchanged (80% and 70% as before).
Version 1.33 is OUT!
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Changes in ver 1.33

Some playtesting showed that range of 6 for Cruise Missiles was too much.
Especialy since you can easily move them near borders by using railroads.
So their range is lowered to 4 tiles.

Jet Fighters get bombard strenght of 3, to make them more distinctive from Fighters.
Still, not to much to make them unbalanced.

Since it would lead to less powerfull F-15 & Stealth Fighter, these units also get increased bombard strenght of 5.

In order to balance out increased Stl. Fighters bombard efficiency (compared to Stl. Bombers), Stl. Bombers get reduced cost of 200 shields (was 240).

Increased cost of Spaceship Components is back!
They will be aprox. 50% more expensive compared to original prices.
This is done, in order to prolong (and make more enjoyable) space race.

New costs for SS components are 250, 500 and 1000 shields (compared to old costs of 160, 320 and 640 shields).
Cool. Didn't Soren say that the AI was "supposed" to be more aggresive to build the SS parts in 1.29?

Gotta try to keep up with all these changes! You're releasing them faster than I can play!

Do you think the Great Wall has an appropriate cost if it is also improved?
Version 1.34 is OUT!
Download from top of the thread.

Changes in ver 1.34

Workers "working speed" is doubled in Communism.
This is done becasue of flavor (Communism is "woker ideology") and to make Communism more distinctive from Monarchy. Also it gives Communism one uniqe bonus in peacetime.

Cossaks get increased defense of 5 (was 4). This is done in order to make this UU more worthy. It's realy not unbalancing if you compare it to Samurai or Riders (or Legion and Hoplites). AI will know to use them in defense too (since they have both offense and defense AI flag selected).

Jaguar Warriors now upgrade to Horsemen.


Previous upgrade to Riflemen made Warrior to Swordsmen upgrade tactic impossbile for Atzecs.
On the other hand original Jaguar Warrior to Swordsmen upgrade is not good option if your civ has no Horses. Beacuse that way, when you get Iron Working, you lose your only mobile unit (Jaguar Warriors).

So Jaguar Warriors to Horsemen upgrade looks like more logical idea. If you like to use Jaguar Warriors for a longer time, you'll avoid Horseback Riding for some time and use Swordsmen and Jaguar Warriors when planning your attacks.

Because of this, Chariot is removed from Aztec unit build list, since it's actuly just more expensive and limited version of Jaguar Warrior (and they both upgrade to Horsemen).
Since Civ3 PtW is coming soon, I have some questions here.

How should Guerrila be implemented in PtW version of this MOD?

At first, I'll assume that Firaxis will make Guerrila with only offense AI flag selected.
Since, when you are lacking of resources, you could build Riflemen too (since Rifles don't upgarde to Guerrilla). And that's better option since Riflemen is cheaper and upgrades to Infantry, while Guerrila is not. Giving it defense flag would just give a lots of problems. It would be like Swordsmen with defense AI flag.

I have some possibile solutions.

Solution close to core Civ3: Swordsmen and Longbowmen upgrade to Guerilla. Guerrila has attack of 7 (or maybe even 8), and cost of 80.
The problem with these solution it that's not enough compatibile with PS MOD itself. Original idea of getting these units upgrade to Riflemen is done in order to remove those units from build list in early Industrial age. Having Rilemen (attack of 5) and Longbowmen is same queue just doesn't feel right.

Solution close to idea of PS MOD: Guerrila has attack of 8 and cost of 80. Nothing upgardes to it, but on the other hand you get reource free unit with same offense power as Infantry, but a little lower price.
Solution looks good for me, and old Sowrd & Bow units are not hosed, since they cen be upgraded to Infantry as before in this MOD. Personnaly I would vote for this option.

Radical, but interesting solution: You get Guerrila with Nationalism. It's same as original, but with cost of 80. Riflemen get attack of 4, and offense AI flag removed. Infantry (in order to balance things) get attack lowered to 7. All old offense foot units (Sword & Bow) upgrade to Guerrilas.
This way you got early Industrail offense foot unit and anicent units get at top of their "upgarde chains". The only probelms are that Guerrilas maybe look "too modern" comapred to Riflemen (but it's probably not too much), that Guerrilas are supposed to be guerrilas, not "stormtroopers", and that whole idea looks too radical for this MOD (tech preq. change).

Good stuff, player1 fanatic!

I too, believe in basically making minimalist changes, as the "unanticipated, unintended consequences" effect can really alter what occurs due to our changes. Testing between changes is vital.

So I decided to "mine" your mod and combine things I liked in it with changes I have been leaning towards. Strictly for my own personal use- I am not a big time mod producer here on the forum or at 'Poly.

I liked practically everything I saw. I'd thought of a few of the things myself, and saw many new items that I'd not thought of.

I did have a question or two.

Re: Military Academy- HOW did you change it to NOT require a "victorous army" as a prequesite? I don't see anything in the editor where that can be changed. I would think this was hard coded my Firaxis, but if there is a way to change it- how did you do it?

2nd, on Cure for Cancer and Longevity. If I understand you correctly, and looking at the bic file itself, you have given CfCancer 3 happy faces in the city where built and 3 in every city, and the same for Longevity except its 2 not 3. In the bic, you did NOT have the property for "Continental Mood Effects" checked. The JS Bach Wonder (which you were not editing) had like Longevity, 2 happy faces in city where built and 2 in every city. IT *did* have "Continental Mood Effects" checked. This is so in your bic and in the civ3mod.bic which came in 1.29f. SO, is this a typo in your bic (patch_suggestion.bic)? DOES "Continental Mood effects" need to be checked or where you not meaning to make the 2/3 happy faces apply to every city?

Last item is the only thing where I really disagreed with any of your suggested changes. Doubling worker speed in Communism from 2X to 4X makes it faster than Democracy (rated at 3X)! Now I realise you wanted to improve Communism in non-war situations, but there is, I would wish, another way. No offense intended in this objection, just that it would seem to be a much bigger change than what would seem to be conservative.

Overall, your mod is outstanding, and I complement you on your hard work and obvious long hours fine-tuning and testing it. All of us in the Civ community are in your debt, and congradulations on winning Firaxis's approval and getting posted on their web page!

Civ on!
Originally posted by royfurr
Good stuff, player1 fanatic!


Originally posted by royfurr
Re: Military Academy- HOW did you change it to NOT require a "victorous army" as a prequesite? I don't see anything in the editor where that can be changed. I would think this was hard coded my Firaxis, but if there is a way to change it- how did you do it?

It's one of the "Small Wonder" flags in editor.
(Tip: it's last in the list)

Originally posted by royfurr
2nd, on Cure for Cancer and Longevity. If I understand you correctly, and looking at the bic file itself, you have given CfCancer 3 happy faces in the city where built and 3 in every city, and the same for Longevity except its 2 not 3. In the bic, you did NOT have the property for "Continental Mood Effects" checked. The JS Bach Wonder (which you were not editing) had like Longevity, 2 happy faces in city where built and 2 in every city. IT *did* have "Continental Mood Effects" checked. This is so in your bic and in the civ3mod.bic which came in 1.29f. SO, is this a typo in your bic (patch_suggestion.bic)? DOES "Continental Mood effects" need to be checked or where you not meaning to make the 2/3 happy faces apply to every city?

It's same as Hanging Gardens (also has no such flag).
So it applies to ALL cities.
Basicly it's "global thing", not local (continental) "cultural thing" as JS Bach Wonder.

Originally posted by royfurr
Last item is the only thing where I really disagreed with any of your suggested changes. Doubling worker speed in Communism from 2X to 4X makes it faster than Democracy (rated at 3X)! Now I realise you wanted to improve Communism in non-war situations, but there is, I would wish, another way. No offense intended in this objection, just that it would seem to be a much bigger change than what would seem to be conservative.

I wanted to give Communism a more FLAVOR.
Basicly to be more then different corruption, pop-rush Monarchy.
It's supposed to be pretty unique because of it's ecomonic system.

Stilll, I didn't wanted to add many changes like more free units, since that would make it too much different from core and for human player (bascily it would make Monarchy inferior choice).

So I decided to do just one small change.
Incresed speed of Workers.

Basicly, in Communism (in theory) common workers were more motivated for public works becuase of ideology, higher equality bewteen poor people (no private property), etc... (I won't go into details here).

Having that speed better then in Democracy gives an intereting "kick".

And it reflects heavy industralization of Communism states.
(states which were before that pretty Industry poor)

Of course all that was not cost effective (that's why they don't have trade bonus).


At the end it all comes to 2 things: Flavor and small balance tweak.

It's not big balance tweak (personnaly I don't think it would make any big change in strategy), but it's good for flavor.
HiYa player1 fanatic!

Thanks for taking the time to reply!

STUPID ME! *HOW* DID I MISS THAT LAST ENTRY FOR "REQUIRES A VICTORIOUS ARMY"? I must have looked at that list a half dozen times! I kept getting pulled over to the lists on the far left, that show tech and resource requirements. oh well! Thanks for the confirmation. I liked that change and will use it in my personal mod (which will have MANY of your items in it, some I had thought of on my own, some I "steal" from you! Thanks!). So without your reply I would not have gotten it to work, so again, thanks!

Ah, so. I like your way of explaining this, it makes it obvious- the best type of explanation. "Global effects" rather than "continental effects". So, DON"T check that ("continental mood effects") and you get the 3 or 2 happy faces from Cure for Cancer and Longevity in EVERY city in your empire worldwide, rather than JUST in every city on the continent where built (plus another 2 or 3 in the city where built). COOL!

On to Communism. As I said earlier, no insults intended here. (Regarding the "Workers Paradise", I understand the theory- I took a course in college not unlike RAH's "History of Moral Philosophy".) (!!). But comes to mind the old tale told by Russians that under communism, they (meaning the govt.) "pretended to pay us, so we pretended to work". Absenteism, alcholosim, etc. were serious problems in the "modern" soviet economy (I'd say post 1970's??) No doubt that during the Great Patriotic War the workers certainly DID work VERY hard indeed, perhaps on the order of 3X (ie as hard as democracy workers). But faster? Well, maybe in heart at least, but in productivity, I am not so sure. SO, back to your goal- adding flavor to communism. Not a bad goal. Just, how? Well, I'd say enhanced WLTKD is a possibility? (IE, easier to get WLTKD.) But that kind of stuff is I think hard coded. We have only a pretty limited selection of possible changes by govt, in the Goverment tab. How about this instead. Change the number of "free" units (non manintenance cost required) from 2 per town to 3 or 4 per town- leave city at 4 and metropolis at 8. OR, set that at 3 per town, and increase the draft rate to 3 from 2, OR, with the one extra non-billed unit (in towns only), allow one extra Military Police (5 instead of 4). Or one of each, one more MP, one more draft, and one more free units (towns only). This would need to be tested. Could be over abused by the ai and result in drafting to death??

Well again I want to say, keep up the good work and congratulations on getting your MOD posted officially by Firaxis! I am looking foward to your future posts on your mod, both here and at 'Poly. GOOD LUCK!
VERSION 1.35 is OUT!

Changes in ver 1.35

After some playtesting I moved back Steal Tech spy mission cost to original full value. It must have been something with 1.29f Civ3 patch. Since buying techs looks a little bit more expensive, and thus makes stealing tech in modern and industrial area way to cheap (in cases when 1-3 civs have needed tech). This should fix that.

It seems that there was a bug in AI, which made AI controlled player to use Paratroopers as main offense force instead of Tanks, if you increase Paratrooper's operational range value to anything higher them 6 (confirmed by Firaxis AI guys).

Until Civ3:ptW comes out I'll reduce Paratroopers op. range back to 6. Same will be done to Helicopters in order to make them balanced with Paratroopers (so they'll both have same op. range value of 6).
There is one idea that poped in my head, but I don't know is it good, nor should it be added in this MOD. So I need some comments.

It's about Cannons.

First let's compare Strenght of bombarding units.

Artillery (Bomb. 12, ROF 2, cost 80)
vs Cannons (Bomb. 8, ROF 1, cost 40):

Against defense target of 6,
Cannon takes out 0.57 HPs
Artillery takes out 1.33 HPs

Against defense target of 4,
Cannon takes out 0.67 HPs
Artillery takes out 1.5 HPs

Against defense target of 10,
Cannon takes out 0.44 HPs
Artillery takes out 1.09 HPs

Catapults (Bomb. 4, ROF 1, cost 20)
vs Cannons (Bomb. 8, ROF 1, cost 40):

Against defense target of 4,
Catapult takes out 0.5 HPs
Cannon takes out 0.67 HPs

Against defense target of 3,
Catapult takes out 0.57 HPs
Cannon takes out 0.73 HPs

Against defense target of 6,
Catapult takes out 0.4 HPs
Cannon takes out 0.57 HPs


So, at the end, Cannon is more then twice weaker then Artillery (thanks to lower ROF), plus has lower range.

Also, Cannon is NOT twice better then Catapults. Two Catapults do more HP damage then one Cannon.


Thus, I propose to decrease cost of Cannons to 30 shields (from 40 shields).

What do you think?

Would that be OK?
Version 1.36 is OUT!

Changes in ver 1.36

Operational range for Helicopters and Paratroopers is changed back to 8 again. But in order to fix Paratrooper/Tank problem I did one different thing. I added operational range of 8 to Tank, Panzer, Modern Armor and Mech. Infantry. Since they have no airdrop option, it won't matter in gameplay at all, but it would trick AI to see them as more worthy because of "higher" operational range.

Normally, Cruise Missiles can be loaded into transports directly, but not from city since they have no active "load flag". I fixed that bug and added load flag when needed. Also, I added them airlift option, in order to make them transportable through air (if you already can by Transports why not through air too).

Cannons get reduced cost of 30 shields. This is done because their firepower is on average weaker then firepower of two catapults. This should make them more worthy (if you build them in increased numbers).
Here are the plans for PtW version of the MOD.

Since I don't have PtW yet, some thing would be maybe done differently.

In order to make Guerrila in line with other units from this MOD, it will get attack of 7, and lower price of 80. Old units still upgrade to Riflemen, but benefit of Guerrila is to get attack of 7, when you don't have Rubber.

I realy have problem with Berserk attack of 6. These guys with big axes have as high attack as Gun-Armed Cavalry. So I'll reduce their attack to 5, but give then price of 50 shields. It's still a powerfull unit that can take out Pikemen or Musketmen.

Since in PtW, Stl. Fighter gets op. range of 8 (was 6), and Stl. Bomber gets op. range of 12 (was 8), that will be implemented in this MOD too. But also, I'll increase Bombers op. range to 8 (was 6), othervise Bombers would have TWICE lower range then Stl. Bombers, and that's way too much.

Non-PtW version will keep old op. range values, since Stl. Bomber still needs higher range then Bomber (8vs6).

Any other suggestions?

By the way, 1.29f patch Bowmen had defense AI flag selected (offense too), while PtW Bowmen has not (according to one thread about BIC chnages).
Does defense AI flag for Bowmen work well for you (is Babylon competetive), or we should remove it too (in both versions of MOD).
Some other non-PtW related changes I am planning.

Privateer movment increase to 4 (was 3). I doubt that it would be unbalanced since although Frigate is more expesive it has both higher defense and BOMBARDMENT ability.

Submarine will upgrade to Nuc. Submarine, and Nuc. Submarine will have price reduced to 120 (in fact it was original price in Civ3 v1.07f).

AEGIS Cruiser changes: It is Cruiser not Destoyer so it has higher attack of 14 (already done in v1.0 of MOD). Also it is AEGIS, so it must have good air defense. To reflect that, I decided to give them defense of 12 (same as Batteship, but it's cheaper, so better for pure defense missions).

Probably removing defense AI flag from Bowmen (as it is done in PtW). Since they get upgraded to Longbowmen (which has only defense of 1).

Any suggestions or comments?
Version 1.38 is OUT:

Comments to changes in v1.38

Jaguar Warriors get their old upgrade to Swordsmen restored. Since after patch 1.29f, you can still build unique units even after they should normally become obsolete. As byproduct of this, Aztecs can build Chariots again too (just if they wanna upgrade them to Horsemen).

Man-O-War gets defense of 3. They should be better then Frigate. But, with original stats, enemy could just bombard them and then sink with his own ships, making them in no way better them Frigate in defense. This should fix that. English UU was a little bit weak anyway.

Battleship gets higher cost of 240 shields. This is mostly done in order to balance out their good ROF, and price compared to Destroyer.

Bombers get their range increased to 8. Large bombers usually have extra fuel tanks, which give them higher operational range. Also it should make modern ships an easier target (it would be a little more difficult to get out of their operational range in one turn). Should be not too much unbalancing since bombers have no lethal bombard turned on. Also lowers the need of relocating Bombers every time you conquer enemy border city.

Number of extra happy faces gained with Longevity wonder is reduced to 1. Original change (2 happy faces) made that wonder just to much happiness oriented and made their primary role look a little bit unimportant. With this change, you should build Longevity if you really need it for growth, not just to take out unhappiness.

PtW version will come soon too.
Version 1.39 is out!

With just one minor change.

Comments to changes in v1.39

Explorers defense changed back to 0. This is done mainly because I think that previous change was unnecessary. Since, for their cost of just 20 shields, they do scout and pillage missions 6 tiles deep in enemy territory. Making them have defense of 1 (and thus ability to retreat) would just make them too much powerful.
HiYa player1!!

I see in an earlier version of the MOD that you gave Cruise Missiles a range of 6, but somewhere between then and now, in your newest 1.39 version they have a range of 4. I looked through your comments to see if there was a reason but I didn't see one stated.

I am wondering, did you see a problem with the range 6? I am working my personal mod, I had planned to use a 6 for CM and slightly longer for Bombers and Stealth planes. And thnking of a longer (say 8 or 9) range for Tactical Nukes, which IRL are intermediate range missles, usually.

See problems with the cruse missle range and felt you needed to reduce it back to 4 (but not the original 2)?

Thanks for your comments. GREAT MOD!!

PS if if matters I am still in BaseCiv3, not PTW.
Version 1.4 is OUT!

Comments to changes in v1.4

Cossaks get AI defense flag removed, since I've seen Russians using Cossaks instead Infantry to defend cities. And that's not good.

Frigate gets attack of 3, while Man-O-War gets attack of 4, but with original defense of 2. My reasoning was, that historicly, main difference between Ironclads and sailing ships was in ARMOR, and NOT in weapons. These changes reflect that. Ironclad has not much better offense, but has pretty good defense. With new stats Man-O-War becomes pretty interesting vessel. Has attack power of Ironclad (cannon heavy ship), while on the other hand is pretty vulnerable against Ironclads (and even Frigates).

These changes made Ironclad not so much powerful as before so price is reduced to 90 (but not back to original 80, since that would ALWAYS make them better choice then Frigate).

Caravels get back defense of 2 (to be protected from Galleys). Plus, since Privateer is based on smaller ships like Caravel, I've added defense of 2 to Privateers (they should not be more vulnerable then Caravel), but gave them original cost of 60 shields.
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