Patched, but weird result


Sep 3, 2003
Hi guys,

I got the Beta patch yesterday, but have had a few weird things happen.

In the start menu, it says Build barricade, instead of Start new game, also number 2 and three in the list are different.

Is this normal????

Perhaps you should de- and then re-install it
Originally posted by McPolle
Hi guys,

I got the Beta patch yesterday, but have had a few weird things happen.

In the start menu, it says Build barricade, instead of Start new game, also number 2 and three in the list are different.

Is this normal????


lol, build barricade? I'm sorry, that's just too funny. :lol: Yes, uninstall it, and make sure you manually go into the directory and delete the patch files and whatever else is left before you reinstall.
Make sure that Civ3 is patched to 1.29f, and PtW (if you have it) is patched to 1.27f
Where do you find these updates, if anyone could point me in the right direction, so as that I can save the page.

Also bit of a bummer if I need to re-instal, I have just started a game where I am for once doing really well.

Originally posted by McPolle
I have just started a game where I am for once doing really well.
My advice - play yer game and enjoy, you can always patch later! :p

I've read that loading and trying to play old games from before a patch doesn't always work so well.
Maybe he said YUMBO! while installing and then got this result...
The magic random result when yelling YUMBO!

I patched it as well, seems fine..maybe yah got the wrong patch?

the US patch can't go with any other game..such as French

UK patch can't go on the u need the right patch.
Originally posted by tomart109
My advice - play yer game and enjoy, you can always patch later! :p

I've read that loading and trying to play old games from before a patch doesn't always work so well.

Yeah, I tried that and it didn't work too well. In certain circumstances, the game would crash back to the desktop.:(
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