Patching from v3.03 to v3.19 civ4 BtS?


May 2, 2012
Calamba City, Philippines
Sorry for my noob question. I just got v3.03 of BtS and wanted to patch the latest version.

Is it possible to patch directly to v3.19 from v3.03 and skipping v3.13 and v3.17?

If this is possible, is there any difference between patching from v3.17 and from v3.03?

Thanks for the help in advance! :)
Never tested this myself, but I'd say the 3.19 should include and properly replace all the changed / required files. I've never seen any hints that 3.19 needed any other patches as mandatory requirement...
I've patched from the original version to 3.19 in one go plenty of times. I'm sure you'll be fine. :)
alright! thanks for the replies. I got follow up question:

When I install Civilization 4: Colonization, is it required to have v3.19 of BtS? or it can be installed even with only v3.03?

Is there any difference between the two? thanks for the help!
No, the Colonization is a totally different game, that has nothing to do with any of the Civ IV variants and versions - apart from using the same engine. Gameplay and especially the way to win Colonization ist completely different to the standard Civilization IV game. However there's a patch for Civ IV Colonization as well and it's always recommended to play each of the games with the newest patch installed...
Ok thanks a lot sir gps. I got totally hook up in this game. I just started playing last week. I think I really have to understand how to play it well to enjoy it more. Although it's been really difficult for me. hahaha! It's really too complicated I think. I don't know where to start. But it's really a good game.

Thanks for the reply sir! I'll just ask again if I got stocked at something.
You're welcome! Well, I guess you have interesting times ahead. And don't let yourself discourage by the complexity. If you're totally new to this series I recommend starting with Vanilla Civ IV, easy settings plus small map and few opponents. Don't worry about details, just try to get a feeling for what's going on. The details will come with time and experience. I've been casaually playing Civ ever since the first DOS version came out way back in '91 - and I am still learning new things in each game I play...
Ok thanks a lot sir gps. I got totally hook up in this game. I just started playing last week. I think I really have to understand how to play it well to enjoy it more. Although it's been really difficult for me. hahaha! It's really too complicated I think. I don't know where to start. But it's really a good game.

Thanks for the reply sir! I'll just ask again if I got stocked at something.

There are all sorts of ways to approach the game. I've been playing it for years but have only just moved from Noble to Prince difficulty. It's like a whole new game.

CivFanatics is a superb community. You'll learn alot from the people here, and have a great time in the process. ;)
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