Pause MP game with turn timer?


Dec 21, 2008
Idstein, Germany

so far all good in the Civ5 multiplayer world. Just one question: we usually play with turn timer to discourage micro-gaming :)

Is it possible to pause the game somehow? (i.e. to go get a beer)
Unfortunately not, but you can just save the game and reload it when all are back.

Wait until a player quits and then the AI taking its turn should allow you enough time to visit your neighbour's bathroom and still have time for a cup of tea, should you desire either.
Well... in the mid-game the timer is long enough for "quick business".

Last time I just made sure that all my production/research/policies were managed for the next 5 turns and simply let the game run without me present.

Of course, this makes you a prime target for invasion :king:

The save/load option seems best for now.
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