Peace Treaty Tribute


Sep 18, 2011
I recently started playing CiV again, and became embroiled in a war with Alexander (surprise!). Due to poor planning on his part, Alexander's troops were slaughtered, and I was poised to take Sparta.

At this point, Alexander offered peace - as the price, he offered all of his gold, luxuries and strategic resources. I accepted this deal (notably absent were his cities, all of which he kept).

Fast forward about 1500 years: my friend Ramses asks if I will join his war with Alex, and I accept - we beat him up for a while, but he refused to offer anything in exchange for peace - not even 1 gold.

After making peace with Alexander, Ramses decided to declare war on me (probably because he is a jerk). This proved a foolish mistake, as my forces quickly crushed him. Like Alexander, he refused to offer anything for peace - even when he was reduced to a single city.

This activity of the AI is very confusing. I can understand that if Alex offers up a huge tribute for peace, and is then attacked immediately after the treaty expires, he would be hesitant to do so again. But 1500 years is plenty of time for perfectly legitimate new grievances to arise.

Why doesn't this AI behavior have an expiration? When I can't get anything for peace, I feel almost forced to take cities to gain some benefit from the war.
I think this started around the last major patch. JeanBaptiste identified this issue in a thread back in late January.

Basically, if you declare war on any civ you've ever had a peace treaty with, no civilization will ever pay tribute to you again. It's very harsh and I can't imagine that was the intended design. It seems like a bug to me.
Just look at Hitler - how many treaties did he violate before the rest of the world finally wised up and started to refuse anything he offered them? During the early war, he (Hitler) wanted England to be his buddy, but the English repeatedly told him to drop dead. US and Russia weren't even in the war yet, England was getting blitzed, but they refused to give him any concessions. Not even 1GP...
Just look at Hitler - how many treaties did he violate before the rest of the world finally wised up and started to refuse anything he offered them? During the early war, he (Hitler) wanted England to be his buddy, but the English repeatedly told him to drop dead. US and Russia weren't even in the war yet, England was getting blitzed, but they refused to give him any concessions. Not even 1GP...

Yes, and that makes sense - Hitler just violated a ton of treaties. The situation I describe is more like Merkel wanting to ally with England, but the British keep saying "yeah... Hitler kept betraying people..."

Or, in a more extreme example, France hating Italy now due to Caesar's conquest of Gaul.
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