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Retired Moderator
Jan 5, 2006
Maybe it's time to make peace with Bismarck. He is willing to give us Compass, some cash and his worldmap. We could really use compass, so I guess the deal is quite good. And we'll have 10 turns to move and heal our troops if we want to attack them again. Alternatively, we could now focus on Rome again, they've planted an irritating city near Pisae. I would like to have at least a short period of peace though, to help solve the war weariness problems that have been popping up around the empire.

So, what are your thoughts?
It's a good deal. I'd say take it.
I'm agreed with peace on the condition that we use the warfree time to construct units hat have a chance against Longbowman.
If just a temporary peace, nothing against.

And, as warwearness from different enemies do not add up, go immediately
against Romans, if we can.

Best regards,
Hasn't Provo made a poll about this question?

I'm for temporary peace, it gives the units at Stuttgart the chance to look for the barbtown.
It should be Dutchfire's job to handle this poll. Foreign affairs are currently assigned to the Chieftain, not the Warlord. Of course any citizen has the right to do it.
A poll has been posted about this issue
I am happy to see that the polls are handled fast and expedient in my absence, with 2 day polls and very short discussions, then again; we have been discussing the needs for fast polls and good progress; and now it is done. By the way; keyboards in France are very awkward so I cannot think clearly.
We should go for the deal :).
This deal, which I long anticipated, was along with the shortening of our borders and the weakening of Germany, the very key argument for bringing the war to Essen, even Dusseldorf.
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