Peaceful strategy for instant clearing out alien wild areas

Oct 25, 2014
I am sure the experts already know this strategy but it is one of my favs that I use in almost every game.

1) Get Purity level 1 for the explorers immune to alien attack bonus
2) Build ultrasonic fence and pick the 3 hex range option.
3) Send a colonist stacked with an explorer unit deep into alien territory. The aliens will leave your colonist alone since it is stacked with an explorer, no matter how close you get to a nest thanks to purity 1.
4) Settle your outpost at the desired location. Keep your explorer on top of the outpost.
5) As soon as the outpost becomes a city, rush buy an ultrasonic fence.

All aliens instantly get expelled 3 hexes away!!!!

And afterwards, you can just walk your explorer right into any nests that are within the 3 hex range with complete impunity.
You can clear aliens with just Purity 1 explorers. Just park him on an adjacent tile and wait for a turn where the aliens leave the nest unguarded. Their AI is programmed to mill about the nest, so once it is gone they tend to dissipate and/or congregate around a different nest further away.

That way you don't need to waste the fence quest on hex range. TR immunity is far more important.
You can clear aliens with just Purity 1 explorers. Just park him on an adjacent tile and wait for a turn where the aliens leave the nest unguarded. Their AI is programmed to mill about the nest, so once it is gone they tend to dissipate and/or congregate around a different nest further away.

That way you don't need to waste the fence quest on hex range. TR immunity is far more important.

True but the aliens could mill around and annoy your city or worker when you are trying to improve tiles. My strategy permanently clears out a large area around your city once and for all.
I'm going to keep this in mind the next time I get an alien-heavy start. What's the quickest way to Purity 1?
True but the aliens could mill around and annoy your city or worker when you are trying to improve tiles. My strategy permanently clears out a large area around your city once and for all.

3-hex clearance will very rarely make a difference, you should have plenty of tiles to improve in the 1- and 2-ring. Honestly there's no problem in skipping the Fences entirely. I can't remember ever having a worker killed in the 1-ring, and it happens very rarely in the 2-. By the time you have a 3-ring tile the aliens will have wandered off or you will have killed them.

Meanwhile almost every game involves sending caravans off into the wilderness to bring back beakers and culture. I think most people rightfully just build a fence relatively early on in the capital to get "Reverse the Polarity." Then sell it and never build any more fences.
This might well change if they ever fix it so Aliens can actually go hostile. And I've had a worker slammed often enough in the 2nd tile on Alien-heavy starts that fences help immensely.
I prefer to kill the aliens with city fire to get some science (putting 3 virtues into might). I build only 1 fence for the trade route protection.
I'm going to keep this in mind the next time I get an alien-heavy start. What's the quickest way to Purity 1?

In the tech web, I believe the quickest way to purity 1 is to research genetics then genetic mapping. Of course, if you find a progenitor ruin nearby, you may get lucky and pop a free affinity level.
Yes, stacked colonist + explorer works well. You actually don't need anything else to clean things off - city will start "working" on the aliens, just snipe the nest with the colonist.

You don't have to secure outpost, as far as I know. You can go for the nest as soon as you plant it.

Ultrasonic fence is total trash and is only needed to get the quest for immune trade routes.
What's wrong with just killing the aliens? What's the use for the peaceful strategy?
Ultrasonic fences have their uses when it comes to seaborne aliens. In a number of games I've had a ridiculous amount of sea dragons and krakens off my coasts - all with no nest to spawn them. Thankfully building the fence on the coastal city seemed to stop the insane amount of spawns and let me get the paper-mache navy started.
What's wrong with just killing the aliens? What's the use for the peaceful strategy?

there's nothing wrong with it, other than committing resources to your military that you otherwise wouldn't need to. Explorers are a lot cheaper to build and provide more economic benefit than soldiers.
This is why the Fence should be

Effect: Aliens will not attack your city

Aliens will not attack this city's workable tiles (not everything in range 3 just the culture/bought tiles
Aliens will not attack this city's trade units (not all of them, but from this city only)

Make it a real choice
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