Personal Mod (Conquest Victory Tweaking)


Mar 14, 2009
Eastern USA Coast
I want to tweak RevolutionDCM for my personal playing in between of playing other modpacks.
I play with only Conquest victory on. No other victory. Just my preference ;).

Anyway, I have few questions.

#1 Do Next War have python files?
I deleted the mod long time. But I notice there are few modpacks that have Next War in Modules folder. That would work if I only need XML files. However if it need Python files, I will just need to uninstall and reinstall BtS then merge in Python files myself :groan:.

#2 I want to build Spaceship without requiring Space Race victory. Give me specifics of how to enable that please.

#3 I want to play with UN and Apostolic Palace without requiring Diplomatic Victory. Plus, I want to remove votes that trigger victories for obvious reasons.

#4 Leading from #3 question: I want to eliminate voted actions from the list when they are done with. So after all the activities that can not be repeated in reality will be removed from the list. It annoy me to see, for example, the action to force Liberalism civic on all civs to left in the list after it was voted Yes successfully.
1) There are some. They are only responsible arcology buildings, vanishing resources and the barbarian nuke victory, so not really important.
Don't have them here, else i'd attach them.

2) Why that o_O? Main problem here is probably that the apollo program gets disabled when you disable the space ship victory. If you don't make that a prerequisite...

3) Just remove the options to vote for diplomatic victory (that assignment is in the buildingInfos AFAIK) and let the victory itself active.
I understand the first answer.

But I'm lost from your second and third answers.

Thanks :).

Reason (answering your vague question):
I like having a spaceship to build and launch without victory crap.
I like having Apostolic Palace and United Nations for their historical sake, again without victory crap.
In my opinion, there is only one real victory that is satisfying is Conquest because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! Every other so-called victories are only means to the final victory.
Then let's try again :D:

I like having a spaceship to build and launch without victory crap.

Make in ProjectInfos.xml the VictoryPrereq tag empty for the apollo program (and for the spaceship parts; not sure if it's set for them).
That should allow you to build all the parts, even when the victory is disabled.

I like having Apostolic Palace and United Nations for their historical sake, again without victory crap.

Let the diplomatic victory active, but go to BuildingInfos, and make for apostolic palace and the UN the DiploVoteType tag empty.
OK, that helped.

I will test these after the present game.

One more question left:
My concern is about Spaceship construction pictures and movies. How do I let these things be visible to me without Space Race victory on?

I will test these suggestions out in my next game in my personal mod. I'll get back to you with any results then.

Again thanks ;).
Looking forward to your results. Mastery victory is pretty close but I've noticed that the game doesn't end if you have just mastery and conquest on and destroy all other civs... frustrating. There's a UN option in C2C (not sure if its currently in AND but I would suspect it is) that allows APP and UN to be built without any victories being triggered there but it doesn't cover the Space Race without a victory. So I've been looking for the same as you for some time now.
I play RAND. I know what you are talking about.

Only one annoyance in that APP and UN being available is that the vote that will trigger victory is in the list right there. And another annoyance is that the successfully voted actions (in UN especially) are still available. UN should "obsolete" when all possible votes are ticked off. That is my goal at least.

By the way to have Mastery end with Conquest, it is easy.
Go to XML/GameInfo folder. Then open up Civ4VictoryInfos.xml and edit Mastery Victory there to have Conquest be 1 instead of 0.
Thanks. Yea, I got that ;).
I finally got to the point in my game where I built the first piece of the Spaceship WITHOUT space victory.

The screen for spaceship came up. I added the piece.
But the problem came up when I can not exit the screen.
So I definitely need python file to go with my personal mod of Conquest victory but with Spaceship being launched without Space Race victory being on.
Help please.
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