Phi - Always War Archipelago


Fast 'n Bulbous
Feb 19, 2005
Play Order:

Ozymandiaston: Darius of Holy Roman Empire (GMT 0)
Ruff Hi: Catherine of the Vikings (GMT-5)
Semental: Shaka of the Portuguese (GMT-6)
Dogboy: Hannibal of the Malinese (GMT-6)
Chasbolt: Huayna Capac of the Maya (GMT-4)

..Game full..

Chasbolt replaced Deztro 1240bc

One tribe each - unrestricted leaders
Tech trading/brokering: off
Large map
Speed: Normal
Barbs: Raging
Events: On
Huts: On

Advanced Start:
- (non religious tech purchases permitted)
- 440 gold >> appears as 418 gold in game
AI: 5
Archipelago - Archipelago
gees - these games are full even before I hear about them. Wait - you have me on the list of players :woohoo:

normal speed pls
goodie huts ??
normal speed..
Huts: with it, it's more luck than strategy so i vote against them
Speed: Normal (but at least 1 turn per day please ;))
Sorry, it wll probably be the weekend now before this starts....

but it can't start at all until everyone either chooses their leader and tribe, or opts for random...

Everything is now resolved and voted upon - except if there is further input on the ai number front.

I lost huge so I'm grumpy.....although feeling frightfully democratic...... (not sure if this translates across the ponds)
And we're off....

I took Ruff's push back to the extent we have 5 AI instead of 7 or 10.

Options I set at kickoff, having not previously thought about them:

Aggressive AI (they tend not to be around for long anyway..)
Turn sent.
I decided on my Civ because, according to the leader picker i used on told me that the Holkan (4/1/35) would have 50% advantage against melee units. This leader picker seems to be incorrent; just like the spearman (5/1/35) it has 100% advantage against mounted units, but nothing against melee :-(
Well, at least it's immune to first strikes and can be build without copper...
I picked my civ for several reasons. As soon as we all agreed that we could buy non-religious techs at start-up I could buy Hunting and Archery and get Skirmishers right away. This should prevent any of my cities from being captured right away. Even though this is a water map there is always a slight chance another civ (human or AI) will be with me and I don't want to lose a city right away.

Before we started the game I what I wanted to do on my first turn. What I actually is not the same. Right before we started Ozy said he downgraded the AI from 10 to 7, which means there is a smaller chance somebody will be on my island with me. And when I started the game and saw ice and tundra I figured I better go risky if I want to have any chance of winning. So my opening move was very different that what I had planned, and it is/was very risky. I just hope it pays off. Looking at the F9 key I see some people went conservative.
We actually ended up with 5 ai. 7 was my idea of an average after the votes, before Ruff pushed back.

After the minimal experience of 4-4-war I decided I was quite prepared to risk being wiped out in the early stages in return for greater chance in the middle stages of the game.

I never played HRE before, only encountered Landsknecht, so I thought they might be fun.

I took quite a risk starting the way I did, but looks like I shall survive.

I can see other accessible land across some water, so have to hope it is more welcoming than the land outside my now expanded borders.
I meant the reduction of AI down to 5, I just mistyped. That's why I went with a risky opening move. I felt going conservative was the real risky move.
Here the same; i started my cities without protection whatsovever. Only a worker with a rake as civilian militia :). So for no bad barbs sigted <crosses fingers>
3680bc sent
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