-phile thread

What countryophile are you?

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Hmm, okay. I'm American, so no picking that. My parents are Chinese people from Taiwan, so no Sinophile for me (I don't even like China atm--though I will admit their history is pretty fascinating, I don't like their culture very much. Ignorant American? Maybe.)

-Anglophile. I like English things! I don't agree with everything they have going on there, but it's pretty neat. The BBC, the NHS, a Parliament? Plus everything is cooler in a British accent.

-Francophile. Yeah, French people are rude. But I took four years of high school French, and although I hardly learned any French I did learn about some of the neat things that go on in France. Plus, I mean, everybody makes fun of them but they're like scrappy underdogs. That's tenacity!

I guess those are the only ones that really stand out. It's not like I don't like other cultures, etc., it's just that I haven't had the time yet to learn or really appreciate them yet. :)
Hmm, okay. I'm American, so no picking that.

I think you're almost the first American not to do that...

I picked Germany, Russia, Greece, Italy and Russia. I would also have picked England, but I knew that would be number one anyway(and they deserve it).
except from raping and killing natives

Most of that was done by the British and Spanish. Sure we have our crimes post independence, but don't pretend the UK doesn't have the a lot of blood on their hands.
I picked Hermany. Always wanted to go there... Plus the language sounds like your clearing your throat!
I'm just a Europhile in general, but particularly an Anglophile. My friends tease me a lot because I tend to do things "the British way".
Deutschland über alles.

Probably due to studying German for over ten years. One day I'll take a ship to Travemünde and bike south until I see the Alps, and I'll cross them to see Wien. Maybe I can then start dreaming about the UK.
Deutschland über alles.

Probably due to studying German for over ten years. One day I'll take a ship to Travemünde and bike south until I see the Alps, and I'll cross them to see Wien. Maybe I can then start dreaming about the UK.

If you're going the UK by bike, you should consider this:
I am kind of a Hispanophile because I like the architecture in Spain and the cities there. Also Germany, even though I never really met a German person, I like the people there and the mentality.
Our culture is mostly English with some American thrown in and some things unique to us, so I would classify our culture as being very similar to being Anglophile.

Decreasingly so, however. Thankfully.
I spent some time in the Netherlands, so I have to consider myself a Holland-O-Phile. I enjoyed myself there and liked the Dutch that I met.

I've also always liked Turkey. Turkish is really cool, though I've never had the time to sit down and learn it in detail. Every once in a while I get a few lessons into a book I bought and then have to stop for some reason or another. I want to go to Istanbul.

India is cool, too. I love the aesthetic of Colonialism and the Raj (while still recognizing that its reality was quite awful), and spent a long time a few years ago reading everything I could about the Great Game. I want to visit Shimla and sip tea in the colonial summer capital. (And see the mountains! And try not to contract Delhi Belly while enjoying what I consider the best food in the world.)

And I'm interested in Iran. I just find it interesting.

Korea-phile. Not a whole lot, but more videogame based (Starcraft). But some.
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