• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Pie's Ancient Europe

Congratulations Pie and team! I look forward to playing it :)
Thank you very much, Xyth!

I'm so happy you released this new version ! it's an happy day
I try now and i'll rate it soon after few days. I love you Pie_at :clap:

I love you too ;) and all(!) PAE and CIV fans, because without you, PAE wouldn't have grown to such an exciting mod!
Done with the french texts !

TXT_KEY_CONCEPT_LOYAL_PEDIA deserves some clarifications.

"n is reduced by 1 if the winner is charismatic and the loser not and if the enemy has the promotion "Fights on his own"
Is it
if(winner is charismatic AND loser not charismatic AND losing units fights on his own) ...
if((winner is charismatic AND loser not charismatic) OR losing units fights on his own) ...

From the examples it is the second case and you implemented something like base n = 5, -1 if loser fights on his own, -1 if winner charismatic, -3 if warlord ... This doesn't show exactly like this in the pedia, which is quite confusing.

If that helps, it works like this (at least when I rewrote this concept):

      if pWinner.isHasPromotion(iPromoLeader): iRandMax = 2 #50%
      elif pWinner.isHasPromotion(iPromoLeadership): iRandMax = 3 #33%
      elif pWinner.isHasPromotion(iPromoLoyal): iRandMax = 4 #25%
      else: iRandMax = 5 #20%
      if gc.getPlayer(pWinner.getOwner()).hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString("TRAIT_CHARISMATIC")) and not gc.getPlayer(pLoser.getOwner()).hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString("TRAIT_CHARISMATIC")): iRandMax -= 1
      if pLoser.isHasPromotion(iPromoMercenary) and not pLoser.isHasPromotion(iPromoLoyal): iRandMax -= 1

      if iRandMax > 1: iRand = self.myRandom(iRandMax, None)
      else: iRand = 0

So it's an OR but if both conditions are met, n is reduced by 2 altogether. I made this clear by using the word "jeweils" in German but obviously left out this essential word in the translation. Either way, you're right, it can be misunderstood easily. What about this one?

n is reduced by 1 if
[ICON_BULLET] the winner is charismatic and the loser is not (if both are charismatic, chances are the same as usual)
[ICON_BULLET] the enemy has the promotion "Fights on his own" (and not the promotion Allegiance)
Thus, n is reduced by 2 if both conditions are met.

Apart from that, it should work just as it's described in the pedia.
Guys, be prepared to get your mind blown away - in a good way!!! Pie did it again... PAE V has again groundbreaking new features and mechanics that will rob you of all your free time. Be prepared to loose job, wife and mistress - and still play happily ever after... :lol:

So, wait, just one more turn,



i'll start playing tonight

and yes i'll loose the job and the wife...but the mistress plays Civ 4 :p
It's done.

Go to the first post and decide from which server (civforum.de or atomicgamers.com) you want to download the most exciting game during Ancient times....

Over one year of developement from IV to V. All together 4 years.




I almost lost my wife due to modding and researching.... :D

mapview? what do you mean? an overview of maps?
Maps are the same, but with the big difference of included Starting Position Script from The_J, where you can choose CIV and leader you want and start on the correct position. the same for the number of opponents you choose.

2 advanced scenarios are added: Greco-Persian Wars and Limes Germanicus

no the separate world builder...used by some for PAE4

search this thread for mapview 2.09 or so


and yes more cards please

good mod just downloaded PAEV final and will play tonight

and yes more cards please...

i know they take time :)

italy and greece...for a roman civil war ceasar vs pompey

coast of france and most of england for a hadrians wall

france and germany and some more east ... for a hun invasion
This version was first necessary for scenarios because of the 150 leaders. Now it's time to make some....

mapview: I'll have a look again. perhaps it's already on my list... don't know
edit: oh, yes! I can remember. don't know if it's updated. mapview is another matter.
has anyone really completed the holy mountain quest????

i never can...i always reach the tech that expires the quest...before i can reach it...

well once it was right next to me but...really
A bit slow in map creation, and gave me a Python exception to start off:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PAE_Creation", line 3276, in assignStartingPlots
File "PAE_Creation", line 2193, in assignStartingPlots
File "PAE_Creation", line 2216, in getStartPlotInRegion
ValueError: best plot in region is null

(I am Gorgo the Spartan, mistress of many rocks. I'll see how it goes.)
Hello. Great mod. I like the new mechanism espcially the food ressources spreading (even if it is a bit complicated for me. It should be automatised or make simplier).

Thanks you for your colossal work Pie !

I would like to play multiplayer. Someone ?
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