• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Pie's Ancient Europe

I would like to play multiplayer. Someone ?
Sure, lad, as I said above, me with my friends, we'll definitely try out this new version, so you can just join us for some hardcore hotseat gaming marathon on some weekend.
I'm living on the same continent, so just hop on a plane or start to hitchhike, it's only like four countries east-north from your place and give me a call once you're here at our capital (check PM for phone number).

And no, I'm not going to play it online, hotseat's much more fun, when you can see all the pain of defeat in your competitor's eyes and laugh straight in his face :mischief: Beating a Frenchman would be even more fun, haven't heard French swearing for a while :p

Oh, and take some French baguettes with you, it's a cheap food and quite fancy melee weapon :lol:

Ok. I will try to find an online game. And not in marathon, too slow at my taste, but quick speed surely.
What about PBEMs? It is a little slower than marathon but we still can chose quick speed :)

P.S. Interesting: atomic gamer server is slower than the one in Germany...
So V is currently just in Beta form? Would singleplayer (and even multiplayer) be more recommended in IV? (unless your absolutely bored with IV I suppose)

One thing about V I like is that u have a Punic Wars scenario? Seems like there will be more scenarios in V than IV, which is always interesting ... I really enjoyed IV's Diadochi wars scenario.
So V is currently just in Beta form? Would singleplayer (and even multiplayer) be more recommended in IV? (unless your absolutely bored with IV I suppose)

One thing about V I like is that u have a Punic Wars scenario? Seems like there will be more scenarios in V than IV, which is always interesting ... I really enjoyed IV's Diadochi wars scenario.

Hi Tasunke... glad you made it over here :cool: PAE V is official now, no beta anymore. So SP or MP, PAE V is ok with both of them. One of the very new scenarios is the Limes Germanicus (iirc) and it even is occ kompatibel. The scenarios are so much fun!!! Why don't you make one? You have so much experience in modding, no? You could make one with a mystical background... Minotaurus, Zyklops, the Argonauts... I will get stoned in the german forum for bringing this up :eek:
Hey, seems like a great mod. I'd like to play multiplayer as well but I live in the middle east. How do people play multiplayer with this mod?
I think for playing we just need to install the mod and connect us on direct IP with or without hamachi program. All of this is easy to done.

If you want to play with me send me a PM I'll send you my Skype. :)
Added the number of events and quests in BTS and PAE into the table of the first post.
So ya this is a great update...hunting was MUCH easier....
With bombard on my hunters, taking out the first elephant was easy enough, but after that the group became unstoppable. They rampaged the countryside gathering promotion after promotion. A 6/1 defending=beastmode.:trouble::popcorn:
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Here is that same group..a little bit later..
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Everybody can tame Elephants? How accurate is that for Egyptian civilization? :dunno:
Everybody can tame Elephants? How accurate is that for Egyptian civilization? :dunno:

Apparently Ptolemy IV Philopator used them in the Battle of Gaza..
Spoiler :

After all though it is a game..I also don't think that said elephants would get promotions..especially +80% to escape a lost battle:lol:, :rolleyes: regardless of who 'Trained' them.


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Defeated War Elephant damaging his own people is a very cool idea! Was it present in Beta? Also do you happen to know why Sails of Persian ships do not have their "greenish" color?
Unpromoted hunters have strange undocumented 50%+50% combat advantage against animals, so :strength: 2 Hunter kills :strength: 4 Lion half of the times. Is this intentional?

Also what happened to combat logs? They appear abbreviated with no detailed hit points story...

Finally are there any naked Amazons in civ 4 units collections? Those in game are not very sexy :lol: and do not even make female sounds :)

Narrator rocks! I almost flinched when I discovered plow! How did you recruit him?
Those animals are no animals, they are melee. that's why it looks strange. yes, I could remove the animal bonus for the hunters to avoid misunderstanding.

Combat logs: ok, will check that.

naked amazons? not only amazones fought naked :D

Narrator: Yes, I asked kindly and he suprised me with a yes. :thumbsup:
Remove them. It's for gameplay. otherwise you wouldm't remove them, when it goes automatically.

thanks Boggy for translating!

Updates for the final PAE V version:

-) XML: New CIV: Britons
-) Python: Mistake with the AI production found
-) XML: Help texts for Civics with Python effects (e.g. Tyranny)
-) XML: Truffle event does not trigger on peaks any more
-) XML: Trading post, archive und slave market +25% gold
-) XML: Market +50% Gold
-) Python: No extra gold for loyalty und "Fights on his own" promotion
-) Python: City status after events: adapted
-) XML: The wonder The Walls of Babylon does not go obsolete any more
-) XML: New tech: Recurve bow
-) XML: Update for archers
-) XML: Costs for cults halved
-) XML: Improved yield for cults
-) XML: Jewish and Christian Shrine: +1 global happiness
-) XML: Jewish synagoge and christian church +2 happiness
-) XML: New resource: Walrus Ivory
-) XML: New animal: Mountain goat
-) Python + XML: Small elephant feature
-) Python + XML: New improved horse spreading
-) XML: More different pirate ships
-) Python + XML: New pirate feature
-) Python: Grasshoppers do not eat quarries any more (Boggy)
-) Python: Slaves used as palace staff (+1 culture) can die (Boggy)
-) XML: Formations expanded for axe and sword
-) Python: Commissioned mercenaries get Combat1+2
-) XML: No limit for national wonders per city any more
-) Python: Amphibious-promotion fix by Dertuek
-) XML: Wrong path for bible video (Flunky)
-) XML: Great leader update: completely individual leaders (Thorgal)
-) XML: Immortals: cheaper than usual skirmishers
-) XML: Tech tree restructured
-) XML: Civs and leaders sorted (selection screen)
-) XML: New city statuses: Settlement - Village (3) - City (6) - Provincial city(10) - Metropolis(18)
-) XML: Ships cheaper
-) XML + Python: Dog spreading slightly changed
-) XML: Some espionage mission require a certain tech (visible in the tech screen)
-) XML: New open sea feature: Flotsam
-) Python: When a city renegades, it is also possible to enslave half the population
-) Python and XML: Veteran/reservist feature
-- Veteran units can be settled as reservists (specialist) in cities
-- These can be recruited at any time
-- AI only settles veterans in peacetime
-- AI recruits reservists when their city is besieged
-) XML: New national wonder: League of towns (+1 happiness in every city)
-- Different leagues for many civs available (Twelve Cities, Peloponnesian League, Diadochi,...)
-) XML: Jäger: +50% againts melee (animals) + NoBadGoodies from tribal villages
-) XML: Monolith does not go obsolete until Construction
-) XML: Tech tree: Priest/religion techs restructured
-) Python: Chance of rank receiving in combat improved: previously 50-40-30-20-10-10, now 50-40-30-30-20-20
-) XML: Merchant/caravan/merchantmen cheaper
-) XML: City lists of all civs reworked (from Rual! Thanks!)
-) XML: Free military units 1 per 2 Pop (previously 1:4, BTS also uses 1:2)
-) XML: Civ-specific wonders: Britons Stonehenge, Dacians Fortress of Sarmizegetusa
-) XML: Stone circle (special building) added (Celts, Gauls, Britons, Dacians)
-) XML: National wonder for Babylon: Code of Hammurabi
-) XML: Own national epic for Assyria, Sumeria and Babylon
-) XML: New territorial mercenary: Sons of Mars (Sicily cause of gameplay)
-) XML: Companion Dog, War Dog and Ballista only defensive
-) Python: Volcanos, Meteorites and Comets destroy cultivatable resources (radius of 1 or 2 depending on the strength)
-) Python: If a general dies in combat, the units in the stack get the "Fights on his own" promotions (number reduces per still living general: 0=>100%, 1=>50%, 2=>33%,..)
-) Python: If there is a general in the stack, a winning unit can lose the "Fights on his own" promotion (20% chance)
-) Python: Drawing map feature:
-- Several maps which show certain plots can be commissioned
-) Python: Oracles can predict natural catastrophes one round before
-- Great Oracle: Chance 100%
-- Small Oracle: Chance 50%
-) XML: Axeman update
-- 3 levels: Axewarrior (ST 3) - Battle axe warrior (ST 5) - Axeman (ST 8)
-- New Germanic unit: Berserker (ST 12)
-) XML + Python: Chariot update
-- New unit War Chariot (ST 8) for every civ, not buildable
-- Seasoned (COMBAT3) chariots can be upgraded to War Chariots
-- New Chariot unit for Egypt: Heavity Chariot
-) XML: Papyrus export post separte build which produces +1 paper (instead of a national wonder)
-) Explorers can only be seen by other explorers and animals. They are able to investigate cities and can see hidden units (e.g. pirates when standing near the coast) apart from spies.
-) XML: Citizens consume 3 food instead of 2
-) Python: Merchants and Merchantmen automized
-) Completely in German, English and Spanish, the most important parts also in French and partly in Italian

User issues (thx to all PAE fans who are helping finding bugs):

-) Python fix: bright armor upgrade adds gold
-) Python fix: Unit damage after commendation keeps the same
-) XML fix: Attempt: no cost by cultivation
-) XML fix: Locus infestation not on forests and other terrain features
-) XML fix: Every Spear-Bearer (e.g. Hoplits) 25% againts axes
-) XML fix: Navigation promotion: +2 movement points
-) Python fix: Barbarian cities will not be renamed if the city name already exists
-) XML: Cottages not available until Colonization
-) XML: Assyria can build libraries
-) XML + Python: Assyria and Hebrews can commend veteran Shield bearers to Syrian Guard
-) XML: Promo- und Civicshilfstexte hinzugefügt
-) Python: Strategy texts for projects added (pedia)
-) Python: Plague: Slaves which are settled in cities can die
-) Python: No deforestation when building druids and brahmans
-) XML: early Jewish Temple added
-) Python: AI Stack supply and rebellion: +10 more units allowed, chance halved
-) Python: Stack supply: 20 free units do not need to be supplied
-) Python: Stack supply in cites: Supply wagon helps out
-) PYthon: Suppliers in cities: Size of recharge equal to the city's food production
-) XML: Siege units can be used to accelerate the city's production (just like horses)
-) Python: No deforestation in hostile terrain if units are standing on the plot
-) Python: static vars: Hired mercenaries are becoming more expensive per buy within one turn (resetted after every turn!)
-) Python: static vars: Very low chance for another promotion in combat if one has already achieved one in the same turn
-) XML: Civic Colonization retrieves +50% food from trade routes
-) XML: Event/Quest: Tower Shield for Spear-Bearers and Swordmen
-) Python: Domestic Advisor screen: Settled slaves = Slaves + Gladiators
-) Python: Coast exposure from Cartography: TERRAIN_COAST instead of isCoastalLand (land plots)
-) XML: Civics: Cottage growth changed
-) XML: CIV colors finally reworked
-) XML: MAX_EXPERIENCE_AFTER_UPGRADE = 999 (previously 20)
-) XML: UNIT_PRODUCTION_DECAY_PERCENT = 50 (previously 98)
-) XML: Territorial mercenary units: no limit of 5 any more but +50% production cost per units
-) XML: Promos: Tactics only with leadership (promotion). Generals and units can achieve leadership
-) XML: Promos: Elite units can get the drill promotions
-) XML: Mint Press also buildable with Bronze. Additional commerce bonus with bronze, silver and gold
-) Python: Commendation from Hastati to Celeres only for Etruscans
-) Python: Hero promotion remains when creating a general with a legendary unit
-) XML: Tech Nationalism renamed to Imperialism
-) Python: Veteran, Elite, Legendary damage through combat: 20-40-60
-) XML: Falxman gets +25% against swordmen
-) Python: Hero promotion will only be given to those who are weaker than their animal opponents (Urus)
-) Python: Number bug for commissioned elite mercenaries solved
-) Python: City revolt after conquering can again be reduced by moving units in to city (minimum 2 turns)
-) Python: Unit formations are not possible in cities any more
-) XML: Buildings which need several cities (e.g. Ancient Observatory) reduced (for OCC)
-) XML: Unique Building 10 added: Colonia, Apoikia, Phoenician Colony
-) XML: Alternative Europe map (EuropaMedium) + Barb maps put back in
-) Python + XML: Cultivation of bonus resources feature
-) XML: Oracle of Delphi: No free tech but +10% reasearch in every city
-) Python: Food storage is halved after building supply units and big ships (instead of being reduced to 0)
-) Python: If there are several generals in a stack, only the right one will get the hero promotion
-) Python: City status buildings are not destroyed by natural catastrophes any more
-) Python + XML: New formation: Fortress garrison: -1 movement, +10% strength
-) Python: New dynamic scoreboard (from Platyping, slightly changed by me)
-) Python: Tech diffusion through combat (only with hostile units which need a tech one does not already own)
-) Some new events from Thorgal
Please avoid playing maps with starting Barbarian cities. They have a bad turn time! till 2-5 mins.
reason: all horses seek a city without stables all the time. I will try to solve that with a patch version. I saw some minor things, which I will also change. And: French and Italian translation will also be new imported then! So keep on translating!
New Hellenic scenario: I have an invisible ship, blocking trade but can't be seen by my own ships. I think I hit every tile looking for it.

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