Pie's Ancient Europe

Cool, that you are working on a dll for PAE! Looking forward to the result.
Have you had a look at the worker loop problem? Seems that workers (and maybe still trade wagons) are taking most of the turn time...

i loaded the save, i took so long to load...wow...
but i decided to go straight to merging kmod.
which contains numerus issues fixed by the bbai team kmod , f1rpo and others.
with a proper dll, i can do some debugging as well.

but ill need pie's help to implement the kmod new xml tags here and there and all the python work he did over to bug mod.
its a start...
this wonderful mod , deserves to be optimized and stabilized.
There is already a Github project, where Ramk and I started a couple of years ago to implement PAE stuff in the SDK. It's mostly immature, but you could start a new branch for the Kmod integration. Then we merge what's useful of the 2016 code and drop the rest.

I should also be able to help with the BUG python integration, although Pie is much more acquainted with the GUI stuff.

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I would say you make a new branch, because that will be fresh and likely much cleaner than our old stuff. When the kmod merge is finished, we can still move to actually implementing PAE specialties.
The work back then was based on PAE V, so much of it will be outdated anyway.
keldath, you are a gift from the (Roman) gods (which are the pantheon of the best civ in pie's mod).

Trying out your patch on the XXXL map, I don't see too much difference yet... though I haven't unlocked diplomacy with other civs, and don't really interact with them.
But: by turn 114, the Dacii and Aquitani have both been destroyed by barbarians! I guess raging barbarians is serious now.

still some work to be done on the older maps: mini and small crash with c++ errors

I'll be testing later turns with this bash command, run from the Logs folder:

<tail -f MPLog.txt | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: "), $0; fflush(); }' | tee stamped.txt>

which produces a timestamped ("stamped.txt") version of the MPLog, to see what difference the patch makes in later AI turn times
Hi evrybody!

coming back to PAEm playing Europe XXXL 52civs map as Egypt. It's great, but I see many civs don't have acess to Copper / Tin and so Bronze. Is it wanted? Being stuck with Axewarrior and Spearman until Iron Age is pretty boring.
playing Europe XXXL 52civs map as Egypt. It's great, but I see many civs don't have acess to Copper / Tin and so Bronze. Is it wanted? Being stuck with Axewarrior and Spearman until Iron Age is pretty boring.
Yes. The XXXL map is intended to have rare recources... besides that, Egypt really didn't have Copper in the early history. They actually used golden handcuffs for their slaves due to lack of harder materials ;)

But the other Nations have the same (but different) problems, so don't worry. Especially with Lower Egypt you will rock the world anyway...

I'm creating a personal custom map based on Eurasia, with more Civs. I changed some plots (OK) and some initial starting position of civs (lower egypt, etruscan). But everytime i start a new game somehow the warrios reverts to the original starting positions instead of the new one.
How do I solve this? Same if I want to add new civs with new fixed starting position


  • Eurasia_43civ.CivBeyondSwordWBSave
    1.2 MB · Views: 40
You mean the PAE_Eurasia?

On maps where you can choose your Leader, the Civs are defined in a different file than the WBSave. For PAE_Eurasia it's the "StartingPoint_Eurasia.xml"
Found here: ...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\PieAncientEuropeVI\Assets\XML\Misc
Yes, if you want to have STarting Points. If you don't want them, edit your WBSave with a text editor, go to x=0,y=0 and delete the line with ScriptData=xy
I just made Companion Dog a Warlord (it seemed so weird, that's why did it) and now it is unable to attack cities. Is this how it is supposed to work?

they can't capture cities and they can't kill units (only hurt them), their damage limit is 40%.
they can't capture cities and they can't kill units (only hurt them), their damage limit is 40%.
You are right. Sorry for the confusion.

Great work. I've never played a mod so immersive as this one. It really feels great!
A little stupid question about chariots transporting units.

What strategies can be developed around this? I can't think of a situation where I need this. Thanks.
1) to go faster with foot troops: move with loaded chariot -> unload spearman -> move along.
2) to go faster with land units that only have 1 movement (strong armored units)

but in gameplay, it is not really necessary to use this feature. I just show the historical fact, that chariots also get used to transport units.
1) to go faster with foot troops: move with loaded chariot -> unload spearman -> move along.
2) to go faster with land units that only have 1 movement (strong armored units)

but in gameplay, it is not really necessary to use this feature. I just show the historical fact, that chariots also get used to transport units.
Thank you. I actually just discovered that the chariots after the first type have 1+ movement.
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