Pie's Ancient Europe

Illyrian can be interesting, especially if they are given pirates to wreck havoc the seas :) What are the civs that are already set for this map?

There is really nothing set. This is only one possibility that tries to make use of mostly civs that are already part of PAEII, like putting Gaul twice as two tribes with only different leaders and flags:

outline of civs distribution on map

I know there's one Illyrian ship UU out there;), maybe we can convince Pie to let them in?
Btw, Athens, Sparta and Thebes will make a crowded greek, won't they? The place would need to be enlarged a little, I think. How about Lydia in west Asia Minor?

Also, in PAE II's map, as well as this one for PAE III, asia minor is connected to europe via byzantine. I think it'll be more interesting if the land connector is removed. That way, expansion, sooner or later will have to be done with sea, which will require build up of fleets to dominate the sea.
Btw, Athens, Sparta and Thebes will make a crowded greek, won't they? The place would need to be enlarged a little, I think.

Exactly. I didn't include Thebes on that map in my modmod version because of that reason. I doubt that the Athenians, Thebes and Spartans would settle the islands more than they did before, when they're sqeezed together like that. Apparently, the KI doesn't like settling islands much, no matter what ressources you put on them. Maybe the Greeks and Phoenicians should get a production bonus like with the Maoi statues wonder. Then, they would possibly show their "natural" behaviour more likely, without being Python forced to do so.

How about Lydia in west Asia Minor?

Can you do it, do you have the time to do it really quickly? Because Pie is getting towards finishing #III, I can smell that. But Lydia makes sense, of course.

Also, in PAE II's map, as well as this one for PAE III, asia minor is connected to europe via byzantine. I think it'll be more interesting if the land connector is removed. That way, expansion, sooner or later will have to be done with sea, which will require build up of fleets to dominate the sea.

Why not? Let's do that for a change. We can still change back later to land connection later. But you would need a huge fleet to block a land invasion via Hellespontos/Dardanelles, because they can load in a coastal city in one turn and unload across the seas on the next turn without the risk of being sunk when loaded.
Exactly. I didn't include Thebes on that map in my modmod version because of that reason. I doubt that the Athenians, Thebes and Spartans would settle the islands more than they did before, when they're sqeezed together like that. Apparently, the KI doesn't like settling islands much, no matter what ressources you put on them. Maybe the Greeks and Phoenicians should get a production bonus like with the Maoi statues wonder. Then, they would possibly show their "natural" behaviour more likely, without being Python forced to do so.

Do you know if Pie utilizes (or use similar code/mod) BBAI? That supposedly gives AI better edge, including naval warfare. In PAEII, I've never had naval invasion from any of the AI. Even the barbarian Sea People never drop by to say hi to me.

Can you do it, do you have the time to do it really quickly? Because Pie is getting towards finishing #III, I can smell that. But Lydia makes sense, of course.

Do you mean make the civ? I've never made a civ before, but TAM mod has Lydia civ, which I can collect all the needed info, I guess. What are needed to make a civ?

Why not? Let's do that for a change. We can still change back later to land connection later. But you would need a huge fleet to block a land invasion via Hellespontos/Dardanelles, because they can load in a coastal city in one turn and unload across the seas on the next turn without the risk of being sunk when loaded.

That's the challenge, which is to dominate the sea in every crucial/strategic location :) It took Rome a war with Carthage to realize that massive fleet is a requirement for total domination of the Mediterranean sea (of course the pirates always around to bite their sore collective arses).
;) I would be careful to seperate minor asia from europe. think of Alex!
The sea people was a wrong UNITAI given. This should be better in PAE III, but thanks for the idea to use stg about the Better AI ! I'll have a look.....
that's true, but in CIV with or without BBAI, he will expand to west when there is an easier way to do so. I am really sure!

About BBAI: I can't put it in there. It is SDK programmed and MAC Users would not be able to play with this dll ;)
True, in some of my game, Alex managed to get some foothold in Asia Minor, until he clashed with the Hittites. Sometimes he goes north, which is in direct competition with the Dacians.

That's too bad that AI's behavior can only be changed in the dll, which BBAI is doing.
Can't some of the effects of the SDK based AI-improvement be imitated by Python?

You can always testplay, how Alex behaves, if there's an Istanbul Strait water tile between Europe and Asia, on the existing maps, too, just change it in the WorldBuilder.

It could be menacing, though, if you're empire stretches on both sides and you have to embark each of your units regularly, when you send them to war.
PAE III is at hard work.... soon and there will be all units reskinned and lots of new units will come. At the moment PAE III will have more units than standard CIV BTS. Crazy, but true. Every special unit of ancient times - really special units!!! - comparalbe with the modern special forces - will appear in this version. units you've probably never heard before but they existed!

Eg: In CIV V there will exist a unit called Companion cavalry. This unit has arrived PAE III ;). Not only the cavaly, but also the foot companion ( = Pezhetairoi)! AND REALLY MANY MORE! Every CIV will have at least one and up to 4 special units! It's amazing.
Eg: Romans: That's easy: Quinquereme, Legionary, Praetorian and of course: the Praetorian guard (the blue ones) !

With the province-feature you'll be able to build auxiliar troops (infantry and mounted) in province headquarters.

PAE III will be much better than the versions before....
The units are skinned and finished. All the pedia entries will be time consuming ;)

Matriachy will be changed: the first one (via tech) will found it and all the others, who reaches the tech, will get a matriachat unit to spread this cult into the cities. for lots of civs, this unit will get the name of the original matriachat god in history.

The same with the cult of heroes.

I updated some things for the user interface:
The domestic advisor now lists the growing and not-growing cities (manual growth-stop) with colors.
The tech tree and its era specific techs will have different colors... hm... this was an open wish I fulfilled for myself. ;)

Now I am working on a feature, that brings nature to life...
thx papa1!

Now, it's time to introduce you in the feature, that brings nature to life:

Natural disasters

I will implement disasters of nature WITH effects (!) taken from gods of old mod but with many more other things like different aftereffects.


There will be 4 different severities (6-9). 6 and 7 have a small surrounding area (1 plot surrounding = 9 plots affected) and cause less damage. 8 got a radius of 2 plots and 9 (catastrophal) 3 plots. there is a difference if a city or units are positionated in the epicenter. and additional there's a difference if your units are in a city or on land.

Aftereffects of an earthquake are:
-) extensive fire (conflagration) on all surrounding plots
-) if there is an earthquake with magnitude of 9:
--) when the plot is a peak -> volcano !
--) when the plot is in the sea near a coast -> what do you think? ;) .. a flood (tsunami)


There will be two different severities.
Severity 1: (also if an earthquake of sev. 8 is the trigger) 1 surrounding plot is harmed
Severity 2: (also if earthquake of 9) 2 surroundings
Aftereffects will be: conflagration AND acid rain !

There is a special kind of volcano eruption included: the explosion. peaks of islands can explode and turn to sea plots. such volcanoes and severity 2 volcanoes have an elliptical spread of acid rain up to 20 plots ! and of course conflagration in the near surroundings

It will be amazing.... I promise.

List of disasters that will be implemented:
-) Volcano
-) Earthquake
-) Tsunami
-) Tornado
-) Comet
-) Meteorites
-) Locust infestation
-) Sandstorm (already in)
-) Seastorm (at sea)
-) Conflagration
-) Acid rain
-) Thunder-storm
-) Pestilence

This will be a big new feature of PAE III !! I hope you'll like it...
Test phase of PAE III has begun..... forget PAE II and all previous versions. PAE III rocks!

@ono-neko: do you want to get through all english info texts, when ready ? then I will put you to the BETA-Tester list... do you?
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